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Center for Turisme, Innovation og Kultur Institut for Virksomhedsledelse og Økonomi Econometrics and Economic History Postaddresse: Alsion 2 6400 Sønderborg Danmark E-mail: Telefon: 65501229 CV Education: 1996: Ph.D. in economics (special fields: econometrics and trade). 1988: M.Sc. in economics (special fields: econometrics and stabilization policy). Employment: Since 2015: Associate professor at the SDU, Department of Business and Economics, Campus Sønderborg and Odense 2010-2015: Associate professor at the SDU, Department of Border Region Studies, Campus Sønderborg. 2005-2010: Associate professor at the SDU, Department of Environmental and Business Economics, Campus Esbjerg. 2001-2004: Associate professor at the SDU Department of Marketing, Campus Sønderborg. 1997-2001: Associate professor at the Danish Institute of Border Region Studies. 1993-1996: Assistant professor at the Danish Institute of Border Region Studies. 1991-2009: External lecturer at the 'Aarhus School of Business. 1988-1991: Research fellow at the Department of Economics, University of Aarhus. See homepage in English for information regarding: Research interests Current research activities Teaching portfolio Full list of publications Ansættelse Lektor Center for Turisme, Innovation og Kultur Syddansk Universitet 1 jan. 1998 present Lektor Institut for Virksomhedsledelse og Økonomi Syddansk Universitet 1 jan. 2016 present

Lektor Econometrics and Economic History Syddansk Universitet 1 jan. 1998 present Publikationer Undersøgelse af karakterer i matematik og mikroøkonomi på HA/BA-uddannelserne ved Syddansk Universitet Sørensen, N. K., 28 jan. 2019, Symposium i anvendt statistik 2019. Linde, P. (red.). Københavns Universitet, s. 207 13 s. Determinants of regional change and income - Macro implications of innovation capabilities on regional performance in a European Perspective Sørensen, N. K. & Cornett, A. P., 31 dec. 2018, Diversity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship - Regionsl, Urban, National and International Perspectives: Uddevalla Symposium 2018. Bernhard, I. (red.). University West, s. 163-184 10. (Reports University West; Nr. 5, Bind 2018). Statistics in the border region: Compendium to statistics I and II BA-INT Sørensen, N. K., 25 sep. 2017, 225 s. Regional Development and the Role of Innovation Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 23 jan. 2017, Symposium i anvendt statistik: 23.-24. januar 2017. Linde, P. (red.). Danmarks Statistik, s. 38-49 11 s. 7 Cross-border innovation cooperation: Partner selection, national borders and knowledge bases Hjaltadóttir, R. E., Makkonen, T. & Sørensen, N. K., 2017, Geographies of Growth : Innovations, Networks and Collaborations. Karlsson, C., Andersson, M. & Bjerke, L. (red.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 330-353 (New Horizons in Regional Science). Location, change and income: The changing regional balance in Denmark endogenous and exogenous drivers Sørensen, N. K. & Cornett, A. P., 2017, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Industrial Dynamics in Internationalized Regional Economics. Bernhard, I. (red.). University West / School of Business, Economics and IT: University West, s. 219-238 20 s. 14 Gyngerne og karrusellen: Sønderjyllands økonomi i næsten 5 årtier Sørensen, N. K., 14 dec. 2016, I : Pluk fra Forskningen i Soenderjylland. December 2016, s. 11-14 Innovation, Income and Regional Development: An assessment of the importance of differences in regional potentials Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2016, I : ERSA conference papers. 20 s., ersa16p97. UgetStatz + Advanced Tools Statistics: Notes to an "econometrics light" course for BA Sørensen, N. K., 27 aug. 2015, 117 s. Arbejdskraftens vandringer i Danmark - regionale forskelle set i lyset af den seneste recession Sørensen, N. K., Naz, A. & Mitze, T. F., 31 mar. 2015, I : PLUK. 1, s. 18-22 5 s. Trapped in the middle? Long and short run trends for intermediate city regions in Europe Cornett, A. P., Naveed, A. & Sørensen, N. K., 2015, Regional Development in an International Context. Regional, National, Cross Border and International Factors of Growth and Development: Proceedings of the 18th Uddevalla Symposium 11-13 June 2015 in Sønderborg, Reports 2015:2. Bernhard, I. (red.). Trollhättan: University West, s. 195-215 (Reports; Nr. 2, Bind 2015). Determinants of Convergence and Disparities in Europe: Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and the Processes of Clustering Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2015, Handbook of Research on Global Competitive Advantage through Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Farinha, L. M. C., Ferreira, J. J. M., Smith, H. L. & Bagchi-Sen, S. (red.). IGI global, s. 28-45 (Handbook of Research on Global Competitive Advantage through Innovation and Entrepreneurship ).

Cross-border Innovation Cooperation: National Borders and Knowledge Bases Hjaltadóttir, R. E., Makkonen, T. & Sørensen, N. K., 29 okt. 2014. 1 s. Cross-border innovation cooperation: Firm-level evidence on the influence of national borders and knowledge bases Hjaltadóttir, R. E., Makkonen, T. & Sørensen, N. K., 2014, Geography of Growth - The Frequency, Nature and Consequences of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Regions of Varying Density: Revised papers presented at the 17th Uddevalla Symposium 2014, 12-14 June, Uddevalla Sweden. Bernhard, I. (red.). University West, s. 419-435 16 s. (Research reports; Nr. 2, Bind 2014). Er småt virkelig godt? Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2014, CESFO Årsrapport 2014: Center for Entrepreneurskab og Småvirksomhedsforskning. Freytag, P. V., Klyver, K. & Nielsen, S. L. (red.). Syddansk Universitet. Institut for Entreprenørskab og Relationsledelse, s. 45-51 (CESFO Årsrapport; Nr. XXVII). Regional GDP Convergence in the European Regions in the light of the Economic Recession Sørensen, N. K. & Cornett, A. P., 2014, Symposium i anvendt statistik. Linde, P. (red.). København, s. 111-117 Statistics Tables Sørensen, N. K., 2014, Institut for Grænseregionsforskning Syddansk Universitet. 14 s. Development, growth and decline in Europe: New patterns of economic convergence and divergence? Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 27 aug. 2013, Paper for the session ' Regional strategies and policies, 53th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, "European Integration: Mediterranean and the World economy" Palermo, Italy, August 27-31: ERSA - proceedings of 53th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Palermo Italy. European Regional Science Association, 27 s. Statistik i grænseregionen: Kompendium til statistik I og II, BA int. Flensborg Sørensen, N. K., 2013, Institut for Grænseregionsforskning Syddansk Universitet. 172 s. Turisme-lokalisme i Dubrovnik-Neretva Andersen, D. J. & Sørensen, N. K., 2013, I : PLUK. Februar, s. 15-19 5 s. Determinants of Convergence and Disparities in Europe: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and the Processes of Clustering: Paper for the special session ' SS- Knowledge, Innovation and regional Growth, 52th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, "Regions in Motion Breaking the Path" Bratislava, Slovakia August 21 25 Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., aug. 2012, ERSA - proceedings of 52th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Bratislava Slovakia. Bratislava Slovakia, 23 s. Udkantsdanmark rammes hårdest af vindmøllebranchens effektivisering Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 12 jan. 2012, I : Ingenioeren. Innovation og regional udvikling - mørke perspektiver for udkantsområder eller? Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2012, I : PLUK. 2012, 1, s. 1-5 Vindenergi og regional udvikling i forandring Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2012, I : PLUK. Maj 2012, s. 10-14 Innovation and Regional Disparities - a Survey of Regional Growth Drivers and Economic Performance Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 28 sep. 2011, Innovation, Technology and Knowledge. Karlsson, C., Johansson, B. & Stough, R. R. (red.). Routledge, s. 81-108 28 s. Regional Impacts of Economic Transition: From Manufacturing to Service Knowledge Development: Long Term Trends and Recent Danish Experiences in the Wind Energy Industry

Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 25 aug. 2011, Conference Proceedings of ERSA 2011. Regional Economic Aspects of the Danish Windmill Cluster: The Case of the Emerging Off Shore Wind Energy Cluster on the West Coast of Jutland Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2011, Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Technology and Transformation of Regions. Trollhättan, Sweden: University West, s. 167-182 16 s. (Research Reports 2011:05). Vindenergisektoren i et regionalt erhvervsudviklingsperspektiv: klyngeudvikling og branchetransformation Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2011, CESFO Årsrapport 2011: Center for Entrepreneuørskab og Småvirksomhedsforskning. Freytag, P. V., Jensen, K. W. & Klyver, K. (red.). s. 79-84 Budgethotel har gode muligheder i Herning Sørensen, N. K., 23 sep. 2010, I : Herning Folkeblad. s. 3 1 s. European Economic Convergence in a Cross Regional Cluster Perspective Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2010, Symposium i anvendt statistik 2010, 25-27 januar 2010, Københavns Universitet & Danmarks Statistik, København. Linde, P. (red.). København: Danmarks Statistik, s. 91-103 13 s. Klynger og innovation i et europæisk perspektiv Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2010, CESFO Årsrapport 2010. Freytag, P. V., Wickstrøm Jensen, K., Klyver, K. & Balslev Munksgaard, K. (red.). Kolding: Center for Entrepreneørskab og Småvirksomhedsforskning, Syddansk Universitet, s. 25-30 6 s. (Årsrappport 2010). Regional Divergence versus European Convergence with Special Emphasis on the Northern Hemisphere Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2010, I : Public Administration & Regional Studies. 2, 6, s. 7-36 The Emergence of New Regional Convergence Clubs in a Nordic and Baltic Perspective Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2010, ERSA - proceedings of 50th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Sustainable Regional Growth and Development in the Creative Knowledge Economy,: Sustainable Regional Growth and Development in the Creative Knowledge Economy,. Jönköping, Sweden: European Reginal Science Association, 22 s. The Significance of the Shoulder Season of Hotel Nights: Evidence from Denmark Sørensen, N. K., 2010. Changing Seasonality and the Role of the Shoulder Season - Evidence from Denamrk Sørensen, N. K., 2009, Proceedings. Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research, 11 s. Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Regional Disparities - a Survey of Regional Growth Drivers and Economic Performance Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2009, The Geography of Innovation and Entrepreneurship : Revised papers presented at the 12th Uddevalla Symposium 2009, June 11-13- Politecnico di Bari, Italy,. Bernhard, I. (red.). University West Trollhättan, Sweden: University West, Bind Reseach reports 2009:02. s. 337-357 21 s. Reconsidering Convergence in European Economic Growth - the Emergence of New Clusters across Nations Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2009, ERSA - proceedings of 49th Congress of the European Regional Science Association: Territorial Cohesion of Europe and Integrative Planning. European Regional Science Association Regional Divergence versus European Convergence in the Baltic Region Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2009, Symposium i anvendt statistik: 26-27 januar 2009, IER Syddansk Universitet & Danmarks Statistik, Kolding.. Linde, P. (red.). Kolding: Danmarks Statistik International vs. Intra-national Convergence in Europe - an Assessment of Causes and Evidence Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2008, I : Investigaciones Regionales. 13, s. 35-56 22 s.

Interregional and intra-industry trade in the Baltic Sea Region: Rapport for Vision and Strategy 2010 around the Baltic, Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2008, Copenhagen: VASAB, Long Term Perspective for the Baltic Sea Region WORKING GROUP 1,. 23 s. Regional Divergence versus European Convergence with Special Emphasis on the Northern Hemisphere Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2008, CD-rom proceedings of 48th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Culture, Cohesion and Competitiveness: Regional Perspectives, Liverpool, UK, August 27-30, 2008.. European Regional Science Association, 23 s. International vs. Intra-national Convergence in Europe - an Assessment of Causes and Evidence: Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2007, CD-rom proceedings of 47th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Paris/Cergy-Pontoise, France 2007. 19 s. Regional Restructuring - Creating New Advantages or Reinforcing Old Disadvantages - A Critical Assessment of Development Policy Impacts of the Regional and Municipality Reform in Denmark Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2007, Iréne Johansson (ed.), Institutions for Knowledge Generation and Knowledge Flowa - BuildingInnovative Capabilities for Regions,: Papers presented at the 10 th Uddevalla Symposium, 14-16 June, 2007, Uddevalla Sweden. Johansson, I. (red.). Trollhättan: Raster förlag, Bind Research reports 2007:04. s. 347-365 19 s. (Research reports, Bind 2007:04). Regional vækst Danmark i et europæisk perspektiv med fokus på Region Syddanmark Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2007, Center for Småvirksomhedsforskning Årsrappport 2007. Kolding: Center for Småvirksomhedsforskning, Syddansk Universitet, s. 65-71 7 s. The Costs of a Persistent Pollutant in an Optimally Regulated Fishery Kronbak, L. G. & Sørensen, N. K., 2007. Sjælland bliver på smalkost for Jyder. Levestandarden bliver for lav i København Sørensen, N. K., 19 maj 2006, I : Jydske Vestkysten. s. - Regional Development and the Threat from Changes in the International Production System Some Danish Evidence Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2006, Innovations and Entrepreneurship in Functional Regions. Johansson, I. (red.). Papers presented at the 8th Uddevalla Symposium and the 8th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, 15-17 September, s. 321-340 (Research reports; Nr. 2006:01). Regional Development and the Treat from Changes in the International Production System - some Danish Evidence Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2006, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Functional Regions. Johansen, I. (red.). Trollhättan: University of Trollhättan, s. 321-341 Regional Growth Policy in Denmark - an Acessment of the Role of the Role of Innovation as an Instrument in Regional Policy Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2006, Procedings from ERSA 2006. s. - Regional policy for innovation, knowledge transfer and growth - Conceptual remarks and empirical results from three European countries Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2006, Annual Meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association (SRSA). s. - Review of Pubic Investment and Regional Economic Development Sørensen, N. K., 2006, I : Economic Systems Research. 18, s. 429-433 Review of Pubilc Investment and Regional Economic Development by D. Felsenstein Economic Systems Research, Vol. 18, 429-433. 2006. Routledge Press. Sørensen, N. K., 2006, I : Review of Public Investment and Regional Economic Development by D. Felsenstein et al.. 18, s. 429-432 4 s.

Modeling the Innovative Behavior of Firms within the Manufacturing Sector in a Border Regional Perspective Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2005. Regional Development: A Survey of Innovation and Clusters in Western Denmark Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2005, Industrial Clusters and Inter-Firm Networks. Karlsson, C., Johansson, B. & Stough, R. (red.). Cheltenham, UK Northhampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 475-498 Systems of Innovation and Linkages in an International Perspective: A Comparative Analysis of Northern Germany and Western Denmark Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2005, Regions in Competition and Co-operation. Johansson, I. (red.). Udevalla: University of Trollhättan, s. 229-251 (Research Reports; Nr. 01). Systems of Innovation and Linkages in an Interregional Perspective: A Comparative Analysis of Northern Germany and Western Denmark Cornett, A. P. & Sørensen, N. K., 2005, Uddevalla Symposium 2004: Regions in Competition and Co-operation Revised Papers. Johansson, I. (red.). University of Trollhättan/Uddevalla, s. 229-250 (Research reports; Nr. 01). Clusters and Innovation as an Instrument in Regional Development Policy Sørensen, N. K. & Cornett, A. P., 2004, Entrepreneurship, Spatial Industrial Cluster and Inter-firm Networks. Johansson, I. (red.). University of Trollhättan/Uddevalla, s. 365-381 (Research Reports; Nr. 04, Bind 01). Model Selection, Forecasting and Monthly Seasonality of Hotel Nights in Denmark. Paper prepared for workshop on Entrepreneurship, networks and innovation Sørensen, N. K., 2004, Proceedings of 44rd European Congress of the Regional Science Association(CD-rom). Modelling and Seasonal Forecasting of Monthly Hotel Nights in Denmark Sørensen, N. K., 2003, Symposium for Anvendt Statistik. Niels Kærgaard, N. R. (red.). KVL forlag, s. 33-48 Ø-Kommuner: Undersøgelse af Læsø, Samsø og Ærø Sørensen, N. K., Andersen, A. K. & m.fl., 2003, AKF forlag. Modelling and Seasonal Forecasting of Monthly Hotel Nights in Denmark YYYY No org found YYY Sørensen, N. K., 2002, Congress Proceedings CD-ROM, ERSA. Modelling the Seasonality of Hotel Nights in Denmark by County and Nationality Sørensen, N. K., 2001, Seasonality in Tourism. Red. Baum, T.. L. S. (red.). Amsterdam: Pergamon Press, s. Kap. 5: 75-88 Aktiviteter Symposium i anvendt statistik 2019 (Foredragsholder) 28 jan. 2019 30 jan. 2019 Fup og fakta om statistik: Brobygning på Tønder Gymnasium (Foredragsholder) 19 nov. 2018 21st Uddevalla Symposium 2018. Diversity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship - Regional, Urban, National and International Perspectieves (Taler) 14 jun. 2018 16 jun. 2018

Fup og fakta om statistik: Brobygning på Mulernes Legatskole i Odense (Foredragsholder) 24 apr. 2018 A Primer on the Bitcoin (Foredragsholder) 10 apr. 2018 Øst og Vesteuropæisk samfundsøkonomi i bevægelse: Brobygning på Det Blå Gymnasium Sønderborg (Foredragsholder) 2 nov. 2017 57th Congress of the European Regional Science Association in Groningen, Netherlands: Social Progress for Resilient Regions (Taler) 29 aug. 2017 1 sep. 2017 20th Anniversary Uddevalla Symposium: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Industrial Dynamics in Internationalized Regional Economies (Taler) 15 jun. 2017 17 jun. 2017 Fup og Fakta om statistik: Brobygning på Rybners Gymnasium i Esbjerg (Foredragsholder) 6 mar. 2017 Øst og Vesteuropæisk Samfundsøkonomi i Bevægelse: Brobygning på Skive Handelsgymnasium (Foredragsholder) 31 jan. 2017 Symposium i anvendt statistik 2017 (Taler) 23 jan. 2017 24 jan. 2017 University of Flensburg (Ekstern organisation) (Formand) 20 dec. 2016 Fup og fakta om statistik: Brobygning på Aarhus Katedralskole (Foredragsholder) 15 dec. 2016 Øst og Vesteuropæisk samfundsøkonomi i bevægelse: Brobygning på det Blå Gymnasium i Sønderborg (Foredragsholder) 1 dec. 2016 Fup og fakta on statistik: Brobygning på Erhvervsakademiet Lillebælt i Odense (Foredragsholder) 7 nov. 2016 Fup og fakta om statistik: Brobygning for HMF - Handelsskolernes Matematiklærerforening årsmøde på Business College Syd Mommark (Foredragsholder) 7 okt. 2016

Øst- og Vesteuropæisk samfundsøkonomi i bevægelse: Brobygning på Tietgen Handelsgymnasium, Odense (Foredragsholder) 3 okt. 2016 56th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (Taler) 23 aug. 2016 26 aug. 2016 Tanker, sandhed og adfærd: Brobygning på Det Blå Gymnasium, Sønderborg (Foredragsholder) 26 apr. 2016 Fup og fakta om statistik: Brobygning på Rødkilde gymnasium Vejle (Foredragsholder) 15 jan. 2016 Øst og Vesteuropæisk samfundsøkonomi i bevægelse: Brobygning på Skive Handelsgymnasium (Foredragsholder) 6 jan. 2016 Doctoral Seminar of Syddansk Universitet Sønderborg and Christian Albrechts Universität Kiel (Deltager) 10 dec. 2015 12 dec. 2015 Udfordringer og muligheder i yderområderne (Deltager) 19 aug. 2015 18th Udevalla Symposium (Taler) 11 jun. 2015 13 jun. 2015 Arbejdskraftens vandringer i Danmark - regionale forskelle set i lyset af den seneste recession (Foredragsholder) 24 apr. 2015 Er Småt virkelig godt? (Foredragsholder) 20 jan. 2015 Fup og fakta om statistik: Brobygning på Aabenra Statsskole (Foredragsholder) 14 jan. 2015 Øst og Vest Europæisk samfundsøkonomi i bevægelse (Foredragsholder) 12 nov. 2014 Fup og fakta om statistik: Brobygning på Skt. Knuds Gymnasium (Foredragsholder) 24 okt. 2014

Regionalforskerseminar (Taler) 21 aug. 2014 Symposium i anvendt statsitik (Taler) 27 jan. 2014 29 jan. 2014 The Nordic Model (Taler) 7 jun. 2013 9 jun. 2013 Dansk Økonometrisk Selskab (Taler) 24 maj 2013 26 maj 2013 De Økonomiske Råds Jubilæumskonference (Deltager) 6 dec. 2012 7 dec. 2012 Baltic Summer School in International Economics (Deltager) 6 sep. 2012 7 sep. 2012 51th conference of the European Regional Science Association (Taler) 30 aug. 2011 3 sep. 2011 14th Udevalla Symposium (Deltager) 15 jun. 2011 30 jun. 2011 1st Nordic Winter Conference of NS-RSA (Deltager) 29 mar. 2011 1 apr. 2011 50th Conference of the Regional Science Association (Deltager) 19 aug. 2010 23 aug. 2010 Konfernce for regionalforskere i Danmark (Deltager) 20 maj 2010 21 maj 2010 32. symposium for anvendt statistik (Deltager) 25 jan. 2010 27 jan. 2010 18th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality (Deltager) 22 okt. 2009 24 okt. 2009 49th conference of the European Regional Science Association, Lodz Poland (Deltager) 25 aug. 2009 29 aug. 2009

Periodicity and Nonstationarity in Economic Time Series : Celebrating Svend Hylleberg 65 Years, Conference by invitation (Deltager) 21 aug. 2009 23 aug. 2009 12th Udevalla symposium (Deltager) 9 jun. 2009 14 jun. 2009 Regional udvikling og konvergens i Europa (Foredragsholder) 28 apr. 2009 Fup og fakta om statistik (Foredragsholder) 3 okt. 2008 48th conference of the Regional Science Association (Deltager) 27 aug. 2008 31 aug. 2008 Konference for danske regionalforskere (Deltager) 24 apr. 2008 25 apr. 2008 CESFO Årsmøde 2008 (Deltager) 24 jan. 2008 25 jan. 2008 Fup og fakta om statistik (Foredragsholder) 21 nov. 2007 Fup og fakta om statistik (Foredragsholder) 26 okt. 2007 10th Udevalla Symposium (Deltager) 13 jun. 2007 17 jun. 2007 Dansk Økonometrisk Selskabs Årsmøde (Deltager) 11 maj 2007 13 maj 2007 CESFO Årsmøde 2007 (Deltager) 26 jan. 2007 27 jan. 2007 Priser BHJ-Fondens Undervisningspris (Modtager), 5 feb. 2016

Presse/medie De fattigste bor i de store byer

Flere udlændinge får dispensation til køb af sommerhuse 12/11/2018 Flere udlændinge får dispensation til køb af sommerhuse 12/11/2018 Forsker: - Lad udlændinge købe sommerhuse 03/05/2014 Forsker: Det er en god idé 26/02/2015 Forskning: Myten om den rådne banan holder ikke 02/10/2018 Fritidshuse skal bruges mere 06/05/2014 Haderslev er hårdest ramt af lediggang 09/10/2017 Havneby kan komme i spil 05/12/2016

Hvem vil flyve med fra Hamborg til Rom på torsdag? 27/06/2015 Lektor: De vil passe på husene & Gerd Battrup 02/03/2015 Måltal for konkurrence er en dårlig idè 06/02/2017 06/02/2017 4 elementer af mediedækning Måltal for konkurrence er en dårlig idè 06/02/2017 06/02/2017 5 elementer af mediedækning Myten om den rådne banan holder ikke: Myten om den rådne banan holder ikke: Myten om den rådne banan holder ikke: Myten punkteres: Den rådne banan findes ikke Myten punkteres: Den rådne banan findes ikke Myten punkteres: Den rådne banan findes ikke Myten punkteres: Den rådne banan findes ikke

Myten punkteres: Den rådne banan findes ikke Myten punkteres: Den rådne banan findes ikke Myten punkteres: Den rådne banan findes ikke Myten punkteres: Den rådne banan findes ikke Nogle er mere lige end andre 25/02/2019 Overblik over indkomster: I Randers og de nærmeste kommuner er vi mere lige 25/02/2019 Ritzau Plus: Cykelturister på nye eventyr i Syddanmark 17/11/2015 3 elementer af mediedækning Single? Del din ferie 01/08/2015 Sønderjyder får lavere løn 22/12/2016 Tre forklaringer på sammenhængen mellem industriens vækst og regional udvikling 11/01/2017 8 elementer af mediedækning Tre forklaringer på sammenhængen mellem industriens vækst og regional udvikling 11/01/2017 5 elementer af mediedækning

TV 2 Nyhederne 19.00 12/02/2018 Tyskere må som forsøg købe hus i Danmark 30/11/2016 Udenlandske turister kan genstarte dødt boligmarked 14/09/2015 Udenlandske turister kan genstarte dødt boligmarked 15/09/2015 Udlændinge kan redde boligmarkedet 15/09/2015 Undervisning og vejledning Advanced Quantitative Analysis 01/02/2014 30/06/2018 Kvantitative analyseredskaber 01/09/2016 30/06/2017 Kvantitative analyseredskaber 01/09/2016 30/06/2017 Kvantitative analyseredskaber 01/09/2016 31/01/2017 Kvantitative analyseredskaber 01/09/2016 30/06/2017 Kvantitative analyseredskaber 01/09/2016 30/06/2017

Kvantitative analyseredskaber 01/09/2013 31/01/2016 Kvantitative analyseredskaber (del 2) 01/02/2014 30/06/2016 Matematik og statistik 01/09/2017 31/01/2018 Matematik og statistik 01/09/2017 31/01/2018 Matematik og statistik 01/09/2017 31/01/2018 Mathematics and Statistics 01/09/2017 31/01/2018 Ph.d. Co-supervisor 01/11/2012 Statistics 01/09/2013 31/01/2018 Statistik 01/02/2015 30/06/2015 Statistik 01/02/2014 30/06/2018 Suppleringsfag i Statistik 01/02/2018 30/06/2018

Tools for Quantitative Analysis 01/09/2016 30/06/2017 Tools for Quantitative Analysis 01/09/2016 31/01/2017 Tools for Quantitative Analysis 01/02/2017 30/06/2017 Tools for Quantitative Analysis 01/09/2013 31/01/2016 Tourism 01/09/2013 31/01/2016