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(1384 ) 8-14 1 4 3 1 2 1* 2 3 1 4. 6 3 : (6 ) (3 ). LDL HDL. :. 50mg/kg.. HDL LDL. 6/8 40/7 : LDL. HDL :. 84/6/15 : 84/6/1 : : 83/12/1 : shariatik @ Yahoo.com : 5234003 : - *

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1384 / 1 / 10. 1 1 (120/6 ± 5) mg/dl (424 ± 20/5) mg/dl (P<0/001). (P< 0/001).(P<0/05) HDL LDL. 1 (P<0/01). mg/dl (89/1±5) mg/dl (132/1 ±10/5).(P<0/01).(P<0/001). (62±2/7) mg/dl STZ.(9) 300mg/dl : (Menhaden, Sigma Co Germany) (Fish-Oil). 1/2ml %10.(8).. : (Cavernous Sinus) ( Kone Specific) HDL. 4 LDL. : 30... Tukey Unpaired T-test Mean±SEM. P<0/05.

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