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Oversigt over valgfag - forår 2016 International Virksomhedskommunikation Professionsbachelor i Erhvervssprog og It-baseret markedskommunikation 68600211, 5 ECTS Psychology of Marketing (Kan vælges som valgfag af alle studerende, fra IVK og PBA) 68600221, 5 ECTS Organisational Cognition (Kan vælges som valgfag af alle studerende, fra IVK og PBA) 68600231, 5 ECTS Corporate Social Responsibility - Making Business More Human: (Kan vælges som valgfag af alle studerende, fra IVK og PBA) 68600241, 5 ECTS Leadership & Team Development (Kan vælges som valgfag af alle studerende, fra IVK og PBA) 68400151, 5 ECTS Erhvervsøkonomi Business Economics (Kan vælges som valgfag af studerende på IVK kommunikationslinjen) 68300031, 5 ECTS Markedssemiotik Market Semiotics (Kan vælges som valgfag af studerende på IVK marketingslinjen) Du har også mulighed for at vælge valgfag ved andre studier. For tilmelding til valgfag ved andre studier, skal du sende en mail til Eksamenskontoret via http://www.sdu.dk/information_til/studerende_ved_sdu/spoc Studienævnet for International Virksomhedskommunikation i Odense har forhåndsgodkendte fag. http://www.sdu.dk/information_til/studerende_ved_sdu/din_uddannelse/bachelor/ivk_to_sprog_odense/la eseplan Institut for Ledelse og Virksomhedsstrategi i Slagelse udbyder følgende valgfag: http://www.sdu.dk/information_til/studerende_ved_sdu/din_uddannelse/bachelor/erhvervsoekonomi+_ha_- _Slagelse/HA-generel/Studiestart+01092014 IVK studerende skal efter endt uddannelse have 20 ECTS valgfag PBA studerende skal efter endt uddannelse have 35 ECTS valgfag. Heraf skal 30 ECTS ligge inden for faggruppen engelsk Du skal melde dig til det/de ønskede fag på studenterselvbetjeningen mellem den 20. - 30. november 2015 https://sso.sdu.dk/

68600211 Psychology of Marketing (For all IVK og PBA) Instructor: Erin Beatty a. Teaching (undervisningens omfang): 2 hours lectures per week 5 ECTS b. Description of qualifications (målbeskrivelse): The aim of the course is to provide the student with the theoretical insights and practical skills necessary to understand and apply relevant psychological theory in a marketing context. c. Course description (undervisningsfagets indhold): An introduction to the psychology of marketing as it pertains to individuals behavioural decision making. What we decide to purchase is a function of how we think and what we think about a product. This course will cover cognitive topics such as memory, perception, and learning, as well as social psychological concepts such as group membership, reciprocity, and loss avoidance. d. Forms of instruction (undervisnings- og arbejdsformer): Teaching will primarily consist of lectures, combined with student participation and dialogue where possible The language of instruction is English. e. Grading and assessment (eksamensbestemmelser): The course will be examined with written assignments that will cover the theoretical and applied topics of the course. The assignment is to be completed during the term time. Exam: Size: Grading: Language: Assessment: Credits: Take Home assignment 8-15 pages Internal. 1 examiner English 7-point grading scale 5 ECTS

68600221 Organisational Cognition (For all IVK og PBA) Instructor: Stephen Cowley a. Teaching (undervisningens omfang): 2 hours lectures per week 5 ECTS b. Description of qualifications (målbeskrivelse): The course examines how organisations affect who people become, their ability to take on roles while acting flexibly and what they aim to achieve. It will build on student experience of the class and, at the same time, offer an opportunity to compare this with performance in settings that have an part in the students lives (e.g. work, sports teams). The course will include an introduction to how video analysis can be used to study organisational cognition. c. Course description (undervisningsfagets indhold): The focus falls on how the organizational setting affects situation awareness, problem solving, task management, flexibility and expertise. Weight will also be given to how one chooses to use roles in building skills by drawing on tradition, equipment and a capacity to share a team s aspirations. The course will pursue both how cognitive systems contribute to working life and how learners can improve their own ways of performing. Emphasis will fall on how to make good use of the cognitive resources that connect individuals with groups and other social structures by means of, above all, language and technology. d. Forms of instruction (undervisnings- og arbejdsformer): The course will be based on relating readings insofar to what can be observed and experienced in classroom and workplace interaction. Students will be required to make presentations about the texts and relate them to their experience. The language of instruction is English. e. Reading materials: (litteratur): These will include Chapters from: Cowley, S. J. and Vallée-Tourangeau, F. (2013). Cognition Beyond the Brain: Computation, Interactivity and Human Artifice, Dordrecht: Springer. f. Grading and assessment (eksamensbestemmelser): Exam: Take Home assignment Size: 5-8 pages in English Group: Maximum 3 students. Remember to write who is responsible for which parts of the assignment. Individual character Language: English Grading: Internal. 1 examiner Assessment: 7-point grading scale Credits: 5 ECTS

68600231 Corporate Social Responsibility - Making Business More Human: (For all IVK og PBA) Davide Secchi, PhD Associate Professor of Organizational Cognition COMAC Research Cluster, Department of Language and Communication, SDU a. Teaching (undervisningens omfang): 2 hours lectures per week 5 ECTS b. Description of qualifications (målbeskrivelse): The aim of the course is to provide students with the theoretical insights and practical skills necessary to understand and analyze the role of the individuals in the social responsibilities of businesses. c. Course description (undervisningsfagets indhold): The only social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. This is a famous statement by Milton Friedman, winner of the 1976 Economic Sciences Prize in the Memory of Alfred Nobel. The less known and less cited conclusion of that same and highly influential article also highlighted the fact that social responsibility leads to communism. It is with ideological arguments of this nature that, for a long time, scholars thought of social responsibility and economic performance of the firm as opposed and inversely related. More accurate studies and social development has changed the way we think of social responsibility and of the importance of values in business, including ethics. The last two decades have seen the rise of social responsibility as an area of concern for companies. This can be related to the strengthening of global businesses, the decreasing explanatory power of oldfashioned ideologies (e.g., profit maximization), and increasing number of cases concerning corporate misbehavior. Moreover, new technologies and attention to the so-called green economy helped issues such as ethics and social responsibility to raise faster than expected. Business and society relations constitute a significant part of what management scholars and practitioners believe to be a strategic asset. For many different reasons, there are only few multinational companies that don t have attention to social responsibility or business ethics. International standards for social responsibility are growing fast and expanding to all business sectors, nonprofit, and governmental agencies. How deep is this understanding of social responsibility among businesses? What is social responsibility? How many levels of responsibility can be recognized? How close do you think Friedman s view still is to businesses? This course attempts to answer these and other questions putting the individual i.e., executives, managers, employees, customers at the core of the social responsibility discourse. As I wrote elsewhere, we can reframe the above, stating that that individuals are important because they sit on the board of directors and set organizational goals, individuals make the product, push new marketing campaigns, make tough decisions, create new products, and so on. What is the role of social responsibility (SR) in their thinking? Do individuals need to behave responsibly to live in a social environment? Could this be grounded in their cognition? Furthermore, is there room for SR in our cognitive processes? And then, how can this analysis help studies on socially responsible business? (Secchi, 2009, p.565) Broadly speaking, the main aim of the course is to provide students with tools, concepts, ideas, models, approaches, and theories that make them understand what is relevant in social responsibility and, most importantly, what is human about it. If the words you read above make any sense, this should go in the direction of helping your personal along with your professional development. d. Reading materials: The core reading will be selected from standard books on leadership; something along the lines of: Carroll, A. B., 1979. A three dimensional conceptual model of corporate social performance. Academy of Management Review, 4: 497-505. Crane, A., 2007. Business Ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization, 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: OUP. Donaldson, T., 1996. Values in tension: ethics away from home. Harvard Business Review, September October: 48-62.

Friedman, M. 1970. The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. New York Times Magazine, 13 September. Garriga, E. and Mele, D., 2004. Corporate social responsibility theories: Mapping the territory. Journal of Business Ethics, 53(1/2): 51-71. Margolis, J. D. and Walsh, J. P., 2003. Misery loves companies: rethinking social initiatives by business. Administrative Science Quarterly, June: 268 305 Secchi, D. 2011. Discrimination and Banks: How Far Can We Go with Competition? A Reply to Block, Snow, and Stringham. Business & Society Review, 116(1): 53-83. Secchi, D., 2011. Social responsibility in organizations. Unpublished textbook chapter. Secchi, D. 2009. The Cognitive Side of Social Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 88(3): 565-581. Secchi, D., 2007. Utilitarian, managerial, and relational theories of social responsibility. International Journal of Management Reviews, 9(4): 347-373. Vogel, D., 2005. The Market For Virtue. The Potential And Limits Of CSR, New York: Bookings Inst. Press. e. Forms of instruction (undervisnings- og arbejdsformer): Teaching methods may include lectures, tutorials, student presentations, exercises, role games, workshops and written assignments. The language of instruction is English f. Grading and assessment (eksamensbestemmelser): The course will be examined around a student take-home essay that investigates the role of the individual in social responsibility by using conceptual and/or empirical work. Exam: Take Home assignment Size: 1200 words essay in English (excl. references) Grading: Internal. 1 examiner Language: English Assessment: 7-point grading scale Credits: 5 ECTS

68600241 Leadership & Team Development (For all IVK og PBA) Davide Secchi, PhD Associate Professor of Organizational Cognition COMAC Research Cluster, Department of Language and Communication, SDU a. Teaching (undervisningens omfang): 2 hours lectures per week 5 ECTS b. Description of qualifications (målbeskrivelse): The aim of the course is to provide students with the theoretical insights and practical skills necessary to understand and analyze leadership in the context of working teams and groups. c. Course description (undervisningsfagets indhold): Are you a leader? Do you feel like you are a good leader? You may think that leaders are those special people that are able to let people behave according to their will. Unfortunately, leadership is something written in our DNA. No matter how much effort one may dedicate to it, there is very little we can do to change what mother nature gave us. In this world, there are lucky people who got charisma, are trustworthy, and have all attitudes that make them natural-born leaders while others who simply cannot be that way. Nothing is so pathetic such as non-leaders acting as leaders. You also know that leadership always comes together with roles. A very good example of that is the Queen of England that, for example, is leader because of her position. If you agree with just one of the sentences I wrote above, then I am delighted to have you with me in this class. Why? Because you are so far detached from what current scientific evidence shows leaders and leadership is that we are going to learn a big deal from this class. The idea that leadership abilities cannot be learned has a very long tradition in history. Take one of the oldest universities in the world, the University of Salamanca (est. 1218 AD), for example. Its motto is quod natura non dat, Salamanca non praestat and it means that the university cannot lend what has not already been provided by nature. At a first and superficial look, this statement is extremely discouraging to student and to faculty as well. The message seems to be that there is nothing you can do if you are born unlucky. However, as a second deepest read, the sentence starts to unveil its real meaning. What nature provides is not just physical sets (like DNA). It is also a disposition to learn, the commitment to push oneself to one s own limits, to explore new knowledge, discover new horizons. In short, it is the willingness to go beyond. Salamanca (and university education in general) cannot produce any surrogate of the willingness to learn, to sacrifice oneself to the uneasy task to take the challenge to expand one s knowledge. This is, if we take it from very far away, the very essence of leadership: modesty or, put it in a more modern fashion, know your limits! What is leadership? This question has not one but many answers. In this class we will deal with some of the answers that have been given. However, we will always do that trying to stay focused on the practicality of the concept. One of the elements that appear clearly since the beginning and to anyone interested in leadership is that when you have it, you always have followers also. For this simple reason, this class is also about teams. The group context stems out as one of the main variables here. One of the main aims of the course is to focus on the fact that the great leadership stems out from team excellence. And individuals shape the team, and make the leader a bad, good, excellent, or a terrible one e.g. we know about Socrates because one of his followers, Plato, wrote about his dialogues, and all about his philosophy. The class cannot be taught if we do not spend some time on basic concepts and ideas of organizational behavior. For this reason, and together with leadership the class deals also with some of the most applied and significant concepts of the macro area to which leadership refers to. d. Reading materials: The core reading will be selected from standard books on leadership; something along the lines of: Alvesson, M., & Spicer, A. 2010. Metaphors We Lead By: Understanding Leadership in the Real World. Abingdon: Routledge. Clawson, J. G. 2006. Level Three Leadership. Getting Below the Surface (3rd ed.). Upple Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Gosling, J., & Villiers, P. 2012. Fictional Leaders: Heroes, Villains and Absent Friends. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Grint, K. 2010. Leadership : A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.

Jackson, B., & Parry, K. W. 2011. A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Studying Leadership. London: Sage. Northouse, P. G. 2010. Leadership: Theory and practice (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Western, S. (2013) Leadership: A Critical Text. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. e. Forms of instruction (undervisnings- og arbejdsformer): Teaching methods may include lectures, tutorials, student presentations, exercises, role games, workshops and written assignments. The language of instruction is English. f. Grading and assessment (eksamensbestemmelser): The course will be examined around a student take-home essay that investigates teams and leadership by using conceptual and/or empirical work. Exam: Take Home assignment Size: 1200 words essay in English (excl. references) Grading: Internal. 1 examiner Language: English Assessment: 7-point grading scale Credits: 5 ECTS

68400151 Erhvervsøkonomi Business Economics (Kan vælges af valgfag af studerende på IVK kommunikationslinjen) a. Undervisningens omfang: 2 timer pr. uge i gennemsnit i 4. semester. Vægtning: 5 ECTS b. Målbeskrivelse: Formålet med kurset er at give de studerende en grundliggende indsigt i centrale dele af det erhvervsøkonomiske fagområde. Efter endt kursus skal den studerende kunne beregne nøgletal ud fra en virksomheds årsrapport og analysere et regnskab definere, fastlægge og anvende centrale omkostningsbegreber have et operationelt kendskab til markeds- og optimeringsmodeller anvende elasticitetsbegrebet i en erhvervsøkonomisk sammenhæng foretage grundlæggende investeringsberegninger redegøre for virksomhedens forskellige finansieringsmuligheder og vælge mellem deforeliggende muligheder c. Undervisningsfagets indhold Kurset er inddelt i temaer. Tema 1 Strategiproces og modeller Tema 2 Årsrapporten, indhold og reguleringsmæssig baggrund Regnskabsanalyse Tema 3 Omkostninger Pris-/mængdeoptimering Elasticitetsbegrebet og dets anvendelse Tema 4 Investering, herunder kapacitetstilpasningsproblematikken Finansiering hvor skal virksomheden få pengene fra d. Undervisnings- og arbejdsformer: Undervisningen er baseret på en vekselvirkning i klassen mellem forelæsning, diskussion, opgaveløsning, case-løsning og præsentationer. Undervisningen er anvendelsesorienteret, idet den træner de studerende i at løse forskellige opgaver, som de senere kan blive stillet overfor i erhvervslivet. Heri indgår erhvervelsen af et elementært kendskab til Excel regneark. e. Bedømmelseskriterier: Under hensyntagen til eksamensform og niveauet på 4. semester lægges vægt på, i hvilken grad den studerendes præstation lever op til målbeskrivelsen, samt i hvilken grad den studerende behersker de i 2 nævnte generelle kompetencemål, især nr. 1, 3 og 8 som faget i særlig grad understøtter. Karakteren gives i henhold til gradsopfyldelsen af målbeskrivelsen, som beskrevet i karakterskalabekendtgørelsen. Bedømmelsen bestået/ikke bestået markerer, om de generelle og disciplinspecifikke kompetencer samlet set beherskes i tilstrækkelig grad. f. Eksamensbestemmelser: Prøven består af en caseopgave, som besvares gruppevis og efterfølgende forsvares individuelt ved en mundtlig eksamination. Caseopgaven bedømmes ikke særskilt, men er en forudsætning for indstilling og deltagelse i den individuelle mundtlige prøve. Alle gruppemedlemmer er derfor ansvarlige for hele casebesvarelsen. Prøveform: Mundtlig prøve på baggrund af caseopgave Caseopgave: Omfang: 4-5 normalsider pr. studerende, ekskl. forside, indholdsfortegnelse, litteraturliste og bilag. Flere studerende kan bidrage til opgaven: Ja, max. 3 studerende. Individuel mundtlig prøve: Eksaminationen tager udgangspunkt i den afleverede caseopgave.

Varighed: 30 min. inkl. censur Forberedelse: Nej Hjælpemidler: Caseopgave samt evt. noter til oplæg Censur: Intern prøve med 2 eksaminatorer Bedømmelse: 7-trinsskala Vægtning for den samlede prøve: 5 ECTS

68300031 Markedssemiotik Market Semiotics (Kan vælges af valgfag af studerende på IVK marketingslinjen) a. Undervisningens omfang: 2 timer ugentligt i gennemsnit i 2. semester Vægtning: 5 ECTS b. Målbeskrivelse: Undervisningen tilrettelægges med fokus på de centrale læringsmål for de studerende som anført nedenfor. Dette understøttes af den valgte eksamensform (se pkt. g. nedenfor), der fremmer og udprøver de studerendes viden, færdigheder og kompetencer på følgende punkter: Kurset skal kvalificere den studerende til at arbejde strategisk med brugen af tegn i virksomhedens markedskommunikation. Efter endt kursus skal den studerende have viden om: - grundlæggende viden om semiotik - beskrive semiotiske discipliner i en marketingkontekst - kunne definere nøglebegreber i markedssemiotikken Efter endt kursus skal den studerende have færdigheder i forhold til at: - analysere markedskommunikation ved hjælp af semiotiske begreber, modeller og teorier - gøre rede for samspil mellem semiotiske virkemidler og den øvrige markedsføringsindsats Efter endt kursus skal den studerende have kompetencer i forhold til at: - planlægge den praktiske brug af tegn i en markedskommunikationsindsats - vurdere praktisk anvendelse af tegn i virksomhedskommunikation i forhold til marketingmix c. Undervisningsfagets indhold: Kurset introducerer til strategisk brug af semiotik i et markedsføringsperspektiv. Gængse marketing-, reklame- og brandingbegreber gennemgås ud fra et semiotisk grundlag. De studerende tilegner sig viden og værktøjer til at analysere, udforme og evaluere kommercielle budskaber, herunder eksempelvis produktemballage, butiksindretning, reklamer og/eller websteder. d. Undervisnings- og arbejdsformer: Undervisningen på kurset er fortrinsvis baseret på diskussion og fremlæggelse af analyser. Undervisningen tilrettelægges på en sådan måde, at den understøtter humanioramodellen for aktiv læring og aktiverende undervisning beskrevet i 7. Ved undervisningens start oplyser underviseren de studerende om, hvorledes studieaktiviteterne organiseres. Der undervises på dansk/engelsk. e. Pensum: Ca. 400 sider f. Bedømmelseskriterier: Under hensyntagen til karakterbekendtgørelsen, eksamensformen og niveauet på bacheloruddannelsens 2. semester lægges der vægt på, i hvilken grad den studerendes præstation lever op til ovennævnte målbeskrivelse. Der lægges i bedømmelsen endvidere vægt på, i hvilken grad den studerende behersker de generelle kompetencer, der er beskrevet i 2, særligt pkt. 8, og 9-12 som faget i særlig grad understøtter. Karakteren gives i henhold til gradsopfyldelsen af målbeskrivelsen, som beskrevet i karakterskalabekendtgørelsen. g. Eksamensbestemmelser: Markedssemiotik indgår i 1. årsprøven Faget afsluttes med en mundtlig prøve på baggrund af en synopsis, som skal indeholde en formulering af det problem, den studerende ønsker at belyse. Problemet skal analyseres ved hjælp af fagets teorier og metode. Ved den mundtlige eksamination får den studerende 5 minutter til at præsentere et selvvalgt aspekt ved sit emne. Præsentationen skal omfatte analyse og/eller et begrundet forslag til handling. Eksaminationen fortsætter herefter som en dialog med spørgsmål fra eksaminatorerne.

Prøveform: Mundtlig prøve på baggrund af synopsis Synopsis: Omfang: 3 normalsider pr. studerende Flere studerende kan bidrage til opgaven: Nej Individuel mundtlig prøve: Varighed: 20 min. inkl. censur Forberedelse: Nej Hjælpemidler: Oplæg samt evt. noter eller præsentationsmateriale Sprog: Dansk/engelsk Censur: Intern prøve med 2 eksaminatorer Bedømmelse: 7-trinsskala Vægtning: 5 ECTS Reeksamensbestemmelser Reeksamen afholdes som ordinær prøve.