Tværfaglige og tværfakultære uddannelser KU 2016

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Tværfaglige og tværfakultære uddannelser KU 2016 (Interdisciplinary Education UCPH 2016) Jens Dolin Dorte Christiansen Elmeskov Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik Dias 1

Program Time Activity 9.00 Introduction 9.15 Interdisciplinarity in an ontological and epistemological perspective ( Tværfaglighed i videnskabsteoretisk perspektiv ) v/ David Budtz 9.45 Interdisciplinarity in a didactical perspective ( Tværfaglighed i didaktisk perspektiv) v/ Jens Dolin 10.15 Break 10.30 Group work (mixed groups) and discussions: Challenges and opportunities in interdisciplinary education 11.15 Group work (project groups) and discussions: Input to the template for collection of empirical data at UCPH 11.50 Next steps Dias 2

The purpose of the project: The overall purpose of the project is to strengthen the interdisciplinary education at UCPH. The focus of the project will be: To ensure a clarification of key concepts related to interdisciplinarity at UCPH ( begrebsafklaring ) To develop an interdisciplinary didactics ( tværfagsdidaktik ) To develop key components in interdisciplinary filosophy of science ( tværvidenskabernes videnskabsteori ) To develop didactical tools, written material, courses, etc. to strengthen interdisciplinary education at UCPH ( støttefunktioner ). Dias 3

Forskningsspørgsmål (research questions) Hvilke læreprocesser er der tale om ved tværfaglighed, hvilke kognitive/affektive krav stiller de og hvorledes kan undervisningen facilitere sådanne processer? Hvorledes forholder forskellige fagområder sig til relevante didaktiske nøglebegreber (transmission/tolkning, progression, feedback, )? Hvilke epistemologiske/ontologiske grundsyn brydes, og hvordan inddrages de i undervisningen? Hvorledes skaber de studerende sammenhæng på tværs af fagområder, hvorledes fremmer underviserne sammenhæng og transfer? Hvilke sociale/institutionelle/administrative barrierer og potentialer er der for tværfaglighed? Dias 4

The project from A - Z: Oct. nov. 2013 Starting the project Dec. 2013 April 2014 Literature study and mapping of interdisciplinary education May 2014 June 2014 Developing the template Aug. 2014 June 2015 Collecting empirical data on interdisciplinarity at UCPH Sept. 2015 Sept. 2016 Developing didactical tools, written material, courses, etc. to strengthen interdisciplinary education at UCPH Oct. Nov. 2016 Final conference Dias 5

Group work and discussions -1: Which challenges and opportunities can you identify in interdisciplinary education? 1. Individual brainstorm based on your project and your own experiences (5 min.) (post it) 2. Group discussions: identification of challenges and opportunities in interdisciplinary education (15 min.) 3. Group discussions: Prioritize 2 challenges and 2 opportunities in interdisciplinary education (10 min.) (flip over) 4. Plenum: Short presentation of challenges and opportunities in interdisciplinary education (5 min. for each group) Dias 6

Groups group work 1: Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Finn Kensing Lea von Sperling Malene Andreasen Kjeld Rasmussen Anders Svensson Peter Kjær Peter Bøcher Camilla Bruun Louise Whiteley Jakob Holtermann Katrine M. Kjær Katrine Lindvig Helle Samuelsen Lars Ulriksen Ib Bygbjerg Jens Dolin Dorte Elmeskov Lene M. Madsen Undervisningslokalet Jens office Palaver Hall Dias 7

Group work and discussions 2 Input to the template for collection of empirical data on experiences of interdisciplinary education at the University of Copenhagen. 1. Group discussions: input to the template for collection of empirical data (e.g. formulation of questions, identification of important perspectives in the collection of data, etc.) (20 min.) 2. Plenum: Short presentation (2 min. for each group) (flip over) Dias 8

Groups group work 2 A Finn Kensing Lea von Sperling B Kjeld Rasmussen Anders Svensson Malene Andreasen Peter Kjær C Peter Bøcher Camilla Bruun Louise Whiteley D E Jakob Holtermann Helle Samuelsen Katrine M. Kjær Ib Bygbjerg F Katrine Lindvig Lars Ulriksen Lene M. Madsen Dias 9

The project: The framing project: Literature study and mapping of interdisciplinary education Collection of data on interdisciplinary education at UCPH Development of competences to meet the challenges in interdisciplinary education B: Organisatorisk afklaring af muligheder og udfordringer for tværfakultære uddannelser, etc. C: Gender Certificate som nyt tværfakultært uddannelsesinitiativ ved KU D: Tværfaglig it-uddannelse E:Videnskabsteoretiske og didaktiske udfordringer ved tværfaglige kandidatuddannelser F:Videnskabskommunikation som vigtigt redskab og forudsætning for tværvidenskab G:Udvikling af koncepter til tværfaglige kursusudbud til den juridiske MA- og BA-uddannelse på JUR H:Tværfaglighed og faglig progression I:Tværfaglige uddannelser og High End forskning Dias 10

What do we expect from you? To deliver the requested data to the framing project ( rammeprojektet ) To contribute with descriptions and updates of your projects to the homepage To implement your projects as described in the application and to report on the progress and variations of your projects Dias 11

Proposals for Reference group members From Hilda: Prof. Hanne Petersen, Jura som VIP involvere i opbygning i tværfakultære uddannelser/+ særlig viden inden for det videnskabsteoretiske felt. Post doc. Ph.d. Anders Bloch, Sociologisk Institut, med ditto erfaringer Stud. scient Soc. Tinne Steffensen, Sociologisk Institut, der har bidraget til forskellige tværfaglige initiativer på sociologi og på fakultetet. From Louise: Lektor Thor Grünbaum, Dept Media, Cognition, and Communication, Faculty of Humanities. Thor does collaborative research between philosophy and cognitive science, and is course director for the interdisciplinary master programme in Cognition and Communication. Lektor Annamaria Carusi, Medical Science and Technology Studies, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. Annamaria has much experience with teaching interdisciplinary courses and is developing new courses in videnskabteori for medics and allied disciplines. Dias 12

Next step Meeting activity Participants Time Input to the literature study and mapping of interdisciplinary education Financial management, funding, reporting, communication in the project, etc. Project participants 10th of December 2013 (15.00 16.30) Project managers February 2014 Presentation and discussion of the findings in the literature study and mapping Presentation and discussion of the template Project managers and project participants Project managers and project participants April 2014 June 2014 Dias 13