CSR BY GABRIEL GROUP. Products and services provided by Gabriel must correspond accurately

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By Kurt Nedergaard Director of CSR and quality Gabriel Holding CSR BY GABRIEL GROUP Products and services provided by Gabriel must correspond accurately l to customer needs and expectations. The company s production and distribution proceeds with due respect for a continuing reduction in resource consumption and emissions which might impact upon the environment. Gabriel s position as a quality and environmentally conscious company is evidenced by its certification under ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Gabriel since 1851 Mission Innovation and value-adding partnerships are fundamental values of Gabriel s mission statement. Gabriel is a niche company which, in the entire value chain from concept to furniture user, develops, manufactures and sells upholstery fabrics, components, upholstered surfaces and related products and services. Gabriel develops its services to be used in fields of application where product features, design and logistics have to meet invariable requirements, and where quality and environmental management must be documented.

Sales offices and production sites Fabrics and services anytime, anywhere. Gabriel since 1851 Aalborg, Denmark Beijing, China Shanghai, China Bingen, Germany Stockholm, Sweden Screen Solutions Ltd., UK Paris, France Grand Rapids, US FurnMaster, Poland FurnMaster, Lithuania FurnMaster, US SampleMaster, Lithuania

Revenue Gabriel since 1851 EUR million

Operating profit Gabriel since 1851 EUR million

Gabriel since 1851 DesignMaster From concept to production Design and development of products and services related to the fabric, upholstery and furniture industry. Relevant and targeted product solutions in close development partnership with the customer and users. DesignMaster offers a logistics service handling purchasing, warehousing and distribution related to the sales and sample concepts.

Supply Chain Management Differentiated management Risk management

Cases / more about tools Materials and resources We are more than 150.000 colleagues in Gabriel most of them are sheep! Gabriel uses wool from New Zealand, a sustainable and renewable raw material. * One sheep produces approximately 5 kg wool /year




What is CSR? KEY CSR ISSUES Environmental management Eco-efficiency Responsible sourcing Stakeholder engagement Labour standards and working conditions Employee and community relations Social equity Gender balance Human rights Good governance Anti-corruption measures And making money at the same time Gabriel Academy: CSR Training (INS 933). Version 1. Updated 21-04-2016

Environmentally correct production Gabriel was the first company in the industry to gain a range of certifications Gabriel since 1851 1980s Dyeing procedures without heavy metals. 1980s No use of toxic clothes moth impregnation chemicals. 1991 ISO 9001 quality standard. 1996 Environmental management under ISO 14001. 2003 First product to carry the EU Ecolabel. 2006 First product to carry the Oeko-Tex label. 2010 First product to carry the Cradle to Cradle label. 2016 56% of Gabriel s fabrics carry the EU Ecolabel. 2016 95% of Gabriel s fabrics carry the Oeko-Tex label. 2016 12% of Gabriel s fabrics carry the Cradle to Cradle label.

Gabriel since 1851 Corporate Social Responsibility Gabriel is run as a responsible company and this method of operation is a permanent point on its strategic agenda. Gabriel is exceptional in the responsibility it takes for how products are produced, including in those areas where the Group is not the owner. Gabriel endorses the principles of the UN Global Compact and pursues its corporate CSR and environmental policies with determination. It must be easy for Gabriel s customers to choose an environmentally correct and healthy product. 56% of our fabrics are EU Ecolabel. 95% of our standard collection carries the Oeko-Tex label. All Gabriel Cradle to Cradle Certified fabrics are certified to version 3, the newest and most rigorous version.

Cases / more about tools EU ECOLABEL Reduced environmental impact. Life cycle approach. Recognised throughout Europe. EU Ecolabel is a voluntary label promoting environmental excellence which can be trusted. Guarantees both environmentally correct production and high quality. Established 1992. Last criteria update 2014. Circular economy/recycling, social aspects in supply chain, stronger chemical management.

Cases / more about tools OEKO-TEX The world's leading health labelling of textiles established 1992. An independent global testing and certification system. Concern the content of chemicals which can, or which are suspected of being able to, cause skin irritation, allergy, cancer, damage to the nervous system and internal organs, and reproductive ability. Textiles tested for harmful substances offer all the advantages of modern textile products (like quality, functionality, fashion/trends, durability). The requirements are regularly updated and adapted to the latest research.


ASK US! Gabriel Academy: CSR Training (INS 933). Version 1. Updated 21-04-2016

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