PROGRAM SUMMER INSTITUTE 2015. Institute. Meet the experts and let them meet you SUMMER

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PROGRAM SUMMER INSTITUTE 2015 Meet the experts and let them meet you Institute SUMMER 2015

WEDNESDAY 09:15-09:45 Check in 09:45-10.45 Welcome to Copenhagen KENNETH GERGEN & LARS MUNCH SVENDSEN - A liveable conference in a liveable city. 10:45-11:00 Break 11:00-11:45 Presentations REINHARD STELTER - Towards fellow human partnership in dialogues - the third generation coaching approach Third generation coaching practice goes beyond earlier coaching practice by emphasizing collaborativ dialogues revolving around identity, value and ethical reflections. On this basis, the dialogues between coach and coaching partner tend towards establishing a more symmetrical relationship. The coach takes the stance of a fellow human. This appreciation of dialogue and coaching tries to overcome the traditional and ultimate focus on goals that aids the process of alienation, acceleration and tiredness of people in late/post-modern society. KARL TOMM - Nuances of language that enable or restrain relationships Remaining grounded in sound intentions is foundational. However, the specific words we use and how we sequence them can be varied in clinical interviews to have significant differential effects, depending on the listening of the other. GINNY BELDEN CHARLES - Learning together: How the way we learn changes the way we relate Traditional models of education and training overemphasize learning outcomes and individualized instruction. This presentation discusses ways to design learning that engage, connect and empower people in organizations. Learning in relational ways opens up new vistas for innovation, change and strengthened accountability. We will explore how relational and collaborative approaches to learning can support greater relational responsibility in the organizations and communities in which we participate. KRISTIAN WEISE & HEIDI GRAFF - Relationel velfærd Med inspiration fra UK og organisationen Participle, vil Kristian Weise og Heidi Graff, præsentere og drøfte ideer til en alternativ udvikling af velfærdsstaten med fokus på sociale forbindelser og relationsopbygning. Ligeledes deltager forstander Helen Gregory fra Alexandrakollegiet, som i det daglige arbejder med at støtte unge mødre i uddannelse. 11:00-12:45 Workshop KENNETH GERGEN, NEEL STRØBÆK & TORBEN GLEESBORG - Liveability as a concept Liveability as concept and as an overall development method has great success within urban development. Within this area, the concept of liveable city is well recognized and Copenhagen is internationally known to be one of the world s most liveable cities. In this presentation we explore the concept of liveability with focus on the thoughts behind the concept, and the results created in an urban context. This exploration provides both context and background for the presentation: How does this exciting perspective contribute to the development of our organisations? Which perspectives, processes, conversations and opportunities does the concept open up for? And how can we work in a systemic way within liveable organisations? 11:45-12:00 Break

WEDNESDAY 12:00-12:45 Presentations LONE HERSTED - Relationel ledelse i en dansk kontekst Relationel ledelse (RL) retter opmærksomheden mod de forbindelsesprocesser, der er essentielle for organisering, koordinering og udvikling af aktiviteter, hvor mennesker arbejder sammen. RL handler om at udvikle en særlig relationel opmærksomhed og dialogisk kompetence. Lone Hersted har sammen med Kenneth Gergen skrevet bogen Relationel Ledelse og sammen med en gruppe forskerkolleger på AAU bogen Relationelle Perspektiver på Ledelse. HARLENE ANDERSON - Collaborative Dialogue: What is it? Collaborative Dialogue is a particular kind of conversation or way of talking that entails a search for meanings and understandings, and as such is a process of interpretation, re-interpretation, clarification and revision. The generation of possibilities for newness (e.g., in thought, feeling, emotion, action, and so forth) requires listening, hearing and speaking. To invite and engage another into dialogue requires the ability to suspend pre-understandings and investment in content or product outcome. PATRICK KENIS - The promises of organization networks - what holds them successfully together? Organization networks are more and more common in situations where organizations decide to cooperate in order to deal with issues which none of the organizations can deal with independently (sustainability, poverty, education, innovation, etc.). I will address whey these relational designs become more and more prominent nowadays and will demonstrate that in order to be successful we have to overcome some of our common thinking about organizing.visninger på hvad der fremmer læring, alt sammen med et teoretisk og filosofisk afsæt. Er undervisning en del af dit faglige liv, er du lige målgruppen for denne workshop. MARY GERGEN - Relational processes: From the micro to the macro Theoretical interest in relational processes has most often been focused on the micro. Of special interest has been the co-creation of individual actors through processes of dialogue, especially. In this presentation, Mary Gergen shifts the focus to the macro, specifically to relations among organizational divisions. How do they coconstruct one another? An illustration of relational processes at the macro level involves a beer distribution company -- operations, sales, and customer service. Organizational consultants, especially, might find useful ways of looking at these relational processes in their efforts to improve morale and productivity within an organization. FRANK BARRETT- Narrative resilience relational resources for flexibility Resiliency is a name we give to that capacity that that allows people to persevere in the face of setbacks, particularly unfamiliar or challenging situations. Resilience is a term often associated with psychological capacity to absorb stress and spring back from adversity. While it is important to recover from adverse experiences, the focus on resilience as an individual trait might be blinding us from noticing the ways in which resilience is a social process. This session will take a relational perspective on resilience and highlight the role of narrative imagining in generating relational scenarios and interpretive repertoires that support flexible, adaptive, and novel responses to challenges and perceived threats. 12:45-13:45 Lunch

WEDNESDAY 13:45-16:45 Workshops PATRICK KENIS - Successful collaboration beyond the unity of ownership or unity of authority More and more we need to find unity in collaboration by going beyond the classical unity of ownership or unity of authority. Issues need more often to be solved by organizations which bring unique competences and insights to the table. They are successful because they represent different logics and identities. The question then becomes in what other ways unity is created which leads to successfully producing collaborative results. During the workshop suing concrete examples of collaborative partnership we will develop new and appropriate ways of creating unity. GINNY BELDEN CHARLES & MARY GERGEN - Relational leading: Let s get practical Relational leading emphasizes the social processes that enable engagement, shared understanding and collective innovation. But what do you do, as a leader, to address the challenges and opportunities within your own organization? In this workshop we will present relational practices and examples of application within organizational settings. Come prepared to discuss your own organizational challenges and find practical ways to apply relational theory in organizational life. HENRIK ISAKSEN & THOMAS BONDERUP - Film og fortællinger i processen Det er bare en historie. Sådan siger vi ofte, når vi skal trøste små børn, der er blevet bange for monstre i en sen nattetime. Men historier er meget mere end blot barnlige fantasier. Vi lever og omgiver os med historier og fortællinger i både vores private og organisatoriske liv. Hvad enten der er tale om strategier, missioner, teammøder osv., så bruger vi historier til at skabe mening og retning i vores opgaver og forståelser. På denne workshop inviteres du med på en undersøgelsesrejse i fortællingernes univers. Vi vil se på filmklip, litteratur og musik som en resurse i både organisationer og samtaler og der vil selvfølgelig være popcorn. CHRISTER WINDELØV-LIDZÉLIUS - Curriculum development an exploration into crafting a learning journey for the future Rooted in the ideas behind Kaospilot educational design praxis and experiences on helping other institutions and organizations realize their intentions, this workshop invite you to investigate challenging questions such as: What is important to learn? Who should and who can decide? Is the notion of school an outdated idea? If so, what is the alternative? How do we best learn? How do we plan and cater for outcomes if the targets are moving and the arena is in flux? This workshop will offer perspectives on how to manage paradoxes and conflicting agendas, together with designing for organizational prosperity. Participants and invited to share and co-create. PEDER KJØGX - Urban safari - Ny livskraft til byer, organisationer og mennesker Kom med på en Urban Safari, der tager dig rundt I en af verdens mest 'liveable' byer. Ved at besøge Ørestaden, ser vi på, hvad alternative løsninger kan gøre for et kvarter og byrum. Hvad er det, der forbedrer oplevelsen og lysten til at være og tage del i samskabelse af bylivet. Ørestaden giver os lejlighed til at se, hvordan tankerne om den levende, lærende, grønne og dynamiske by kan overføres til livet i organisationer. Vi slutter vores Urban Safari af i cafeen på 8-tallet. 8-tallet er et af verdens bedste boligbyggerier. Det ligger på kanten mellem den bæredygtige by og naturen. Her ser vi på det, der i nuet former fremtiden, på forholdet mellem dagligt liv og projekter og vi udforsker Livability mellem micro, makro og mezzo niveau. LONE CHRISTENSEN - Strategi-implementeringsdesign: mobilisering af mennesker Oplægget tager udgangspunkt i Lone Christensens forskningscase, der omfatter implementeringen af en ledelsesreform i et dansk ministerium. Hun sætter især fokus på de forskellige typer af værtkøjer, hvordan de spiller sammen i det samlede design og hvordan de samlet set tænkes at mobilisere målgruppen for implementeringen. Disse analyseres og diskuteres til inspiration for andre der også arbejder med at udvikle implementeringsdesign. 16.45 Tapas & Music

THURSDAY 08.30-09.15 Breakfast 09.30-10.30 Day Intro What's the next thing on your horizon? - Key speakers talk about their present focus 10.30-10.45 Break 10.45-11.30 Presentations KARL TOMM - Nuances of language that enable or restrain relationships Remaining grounded in sound intentions is foundational. However, the specific words we use and how we sequence them can be varied in clinical interviews to have significant differential effects, depending on the listening of the other. HARLENE ANDERSON - A philosophical stance : Orienting assumptions and action sensitivities The way we think about the creation of knowledge - what it is that we think we might know - and our intent in using it influences the way that we think about the people we work with, ourselves and what/how we will do/be together. In turn, this informs our ways of being and becoming with others in our professional and personal lives. PATRICK KENIS - The promises of organization networks - what holds them successfully together? Organization networks are more and more common in situations where organizations decide to cooperate in order to deal with issues which none of the organizations can deal with independently (sustainability, poverty, education, innovation, etc.). I will address whey these relational designs become more and more prominent nowadays and will demonstrate that in order to be successful we have to overcome some of our common thinking about organizing. CLIFF OSWICK - Beyond diagnostic and dialogic forms of organization development: Towards democratically- orientated discursive alternatives The presentation challenges the delineation of 'diagnostic change' (a scientific process) and 'dialogic change' (an emergent discursive process). Moreover, it presents an alternative based upon bottom-up forms of mobilization and self-instigation (e.g. constructive dissent, positive deviance and employee activism). Case study evidence supporting this new discursively-embedded approach to change will also be presented. THOMAS LEHMAN JENSEN & PER MØLLER JANNICHE - Lederevaluering Ledelse gør en forskel og lederevalueringer er med til at konstruere denne forskel. At få vurderet sin performance i offentlighed er potentielt en definerende begivenhed både for den enkelte leder og blandt organisationens ansatte. På denne workshop vil vi på baggrund af datamateriale, omfattende erfaringer og udvalgte cases fremlægge forslag til design, gennemførelse og opfølgningsproces. Igennem dialog med deltagerne fokuserer vi på de aspekter, som gør en evaluering mest vellykket i en organisatorisk kontekst. LARS NELLEMANN & LINE STAMPE - Den motiverende samtale Den motiverende samtale er blevet et foretrukket værktøj, fordi det har effekt og har bevist sit værd i praksis. I denne workshop får du begreber og værktøjer til at afklare og styrke borgerens egen motivation, samt metoder til at arbejde med borgerens forandringsudsagn. 11.30-11.45 Break

THURSDAY 11.45-12.30 Presentations REINHARD STELTER - Towards fellow human partnership in dialogues - the third generation coaching approach Third generation coaching practice goes beyond earlier coaching practice by emphasizing collaborative dialogues revolving around identity, value and ethical reflections. On this basis, the dialogues between coach and coaching partner tend towards establishing a more symmetrical relationship. The coach takes the stance of a fellow human. This appreciation of dialogue and coaching tries to overcome the traditional and ultimate focus on goals that aids the process of alienation, acceleration and tiredness of people in late/post-modern society. CHRISTER WINDELØV-LIDZÉLIUS - Kaospilot a story about learning, creating and leading in times of turbulence Kaospilot has since its inception offered an alternative way to more traditional educations in terms of organizing for vitality. Classical notions around teachers and students, theory and praxis, professional and personal growth etc. are challenged and explored. The interplay between the need for systems and procedures and the need for chance and uncertainty, offer an ongoing dialogue around the cultural life and governance of an institution. This introduction will offer perspectives and principles on how to design for a journey where the participants design own journeys together with others. FRANK BARRETT - Narrative resilience relational resources for flexibility Resiliency is a name we give to that capacity that that allows people to persevere in the face of setbacks, particularly unfamiliar or challenging situations. Resilience is a term often associated with psychological capacity to absorb stress and spring back from adversity. While it is important to recover from adverse experiences, the focus on resilience as an individual trait might be blinding us from noticing the ways in which resilience is a social process. This session will take a relational perspective on resilience and highlight the role of narrative imagining in generating relational scenarios and interpretive repertoires that support flexible, adaptive, and novel responses to challenges and perceived threats. KENNETH GERGEN - From a mechanical to a protean universe: What does this mean for practice? Emerging over the past several centuries is a prevailing metaphor of the "world as one great machine," a metaphor giving rise not only to science but to the modern organization, education, government policy, and more. Increasing critique not only illuminates the shortcomings of the mechanical metaphor, but its increasing irrelevance. Here I explore an emerging successor to the machine metaphor, and deliberate on its challenging implications for professional practices. BJARNE STARK - Mod Når vi på et lederkursus foreslår en leder at være mere involverende og spørgende i sit lederskab, beder vi samtidig vedkommende om at være modig. For det kræver mod at blive en anden, og tage en ny identitet på sig. Hvem er klar til det, og overser vi her en af de vigtigste udfordringer i lærings- og udviklingsprocesser? Er du leder af forandringsprocesser kan du lære om hvordan du kan arbejde med identitetsudfordringer og barrierer i forandringer. I forlængelse heraf skabes attraktive udviklingsprocesser, der nok kræver mod, men som også tilbyder deltagerne nye positive identiteter og gør det nemmere at blive en anden version af sig selv. 12.30-13.30 Lunch

THURSDAY 13.30-16.30 Workshops KENNETH GERGEN & LONE HERSTED - When the personal and the professional collide: The dialogic challenge Organizations are composed of human beings with complex emotional and personal lives. Their private issues often threaten the smooth functioning of the organization. How can we as leaders and employees engage in dialogue that can simultaneously respond to the individual's needs and remain responsible to the overall interests/ goals of the organization? This workshop will provide opportunities to explore and enact these crucial dialogues, with an aim to enhancing skills. HARLENE ANDERSON - Collaborative-dialogic practices The workshop will provide an overview of the Orienting Assumptions and Action Sensitivities of Collaborative- Dialogic Practices. It will also provide a brief demonstration and ample time for presenter-participant and participant-participant exchange. BJARNE STARK - Systemisk læring og didaktik Når undervisere klager over at eleverne forstyrrer undervisningen, er det måske fordi underviseren forstyrrer deltagerne for lidt! De socialkonstruktivistiske teorier har i særlig grad vundet udbredelse i terapeutiske og organisationsudviklings sammenhænge. Men ideerne kan i høj grad inspirere til hvordan man kan være i underviserrollen på måder der skaber liv, dynamik og læring. På workshoppen tilbydes forståelser, konkrete ideer og til tider overraskende anvisninger på hvad der fremmer læring, alt sammen med et teoretisk og filosofisk afsæt. Er undervisning en del af dit faglige liv, er du lige målgruppen for denne workshop REINHARD STELTER - Unfolding the relationship in coaching and other dialogues key ingredients The coach-coachee relationship is the essential factor for change and development in coaching and other forms of collaborative dialogues. However, in times of hypercomplexity, the relational issue gets a new twist. As coach, it is no longer enough to facilitate through questions but requires becoming more involved in a dialogue where both sides are willing to change. In the workshop, the concrete ingredients necessary to establish a trustful and collaborative relationship will be explored by including different concepts from research and theory. ANDREAS WETTRE - Research on management teams and performance Andreas Wettre will present the latest research results from a study Rambøll has made in collaboration the Norwegian School of Management investigating the hypotheses that, by focussing on mastery, management teams will create better performance than if they focus on obtaining results. Andreas will set these findings into the context of existing research on management teams and performance, and connect this to the complexity we face in today s matrix organisations. DORTE JENSEN & MARIANNE BRUUN OKHOLM - Samtaleledelse i en reformtid På denne workshop lærer du at skabe organisatorisk udvikling i reformtid gennem forskellige typer af samtaler. Vi tager afsæt i ledelse af reformer, og hvordan det er muligt at navigere i mange af de aktuelle udfordringer. 18.30 New Nordic Dinner

FRIDAY 08.00-09.00 Breakfast 09.15-09.45 Day Intro What's the next thing on your horizon? - Key speakers talk about their present focus 09.45-10.00 Break 10.00-13.00 Workshops KARINA SOLSØ - Ledelse i kompleksitet Få en øget forståelse for den kompleksitet, ledere befinder sig i. Ud fra Ralph Staceys teoretiske rammer ser vi på de komplekse interaktioner som ledere må forholde sig til og arbejde med. Blandt nogle af de komplekse udfordringer er for eksempel, magt og politik, etik, strategi og forandring, kultur og identitet. KARL TOMM - Transforming Interpersonal Patterns (TIPs) that invite relationship change The positioning and activity of a systemic interviewer could foster constructive change, or could inadvertently support relationship difficulties. Different examples of deliberate attempts to invite deconstructive or co-constructive change in the interaction patterns of troubled relationships will be described. The intention would be to enable escape from Pathologizing Interpersonal Patterns (PIPs) and to bring forth Healing or Wellness Interpersonal Patterns (HIPs or WIPs) instead. New developments in clarifying alternative types of TIPs that might be initiated, will be discussed. CLIFF OSWICK - From communicative hierarchies to discursive networks Organizations in the future are likely to look more like social movements than they do traditional organizations. This workshop will explore the implications of a shift from formal structures to more inclusive and interactive forms of organizing. The session will incorporate small group discussions and a narrative-based exercise to consider the impact and consequences of these developments from a constructivist perspective. FRANK BARRETT - Friendship in the age of Facebook Aristotle believed friendship was the highest form of all human relationships. Lewis believed friendship in the modern world is a rare and lost this workshop we will explore the art of friendship. Is it a lost art, especially in the digital age? What are the narrative arcs of friendship in a high velocity, complex, uncertain age - where "liking someone on Facebook constitutes friendship?how is friendship defined or re-defined in our lives now? What role does it play in who we are as human persons? Do we need friendship more than ever? How do we construct lives that are rich in deep friendship? What can we learn from those who have? ELISABET S. NIELSEN, KATRINE RAAE & IDA GAMBORG - Visualisering og metaforer i organisationer Vores sprog er fyldt af billeder og metaforer, som vi mere eller mindre bevidst tilgår verden og hinanden med. I workshoppen tager vi fat på, hvordan vi som proceskonsulenter og grafiske facilitatorer kan gribe disse metaforer og bruge dem til understøttelse af udvikling i organisationer. 13.00-13.45 Lunch

FRIDAY 13.45-14.30 Presentations LONE HERSTED - Kreativitet og ledelse Hvordan kan vi skabe organisatorisk kreativitet med henblik på at styrke innovationsevnen og den organisatoriske udvikling og læring? Hvad siger forskningen på området? Og hvad kan vi gøre i praksis som ledere, konsulenter og forandringsagenter? Lone Hersted forsker i kreativitet og ledelse og er medforfatter til den nyligt udkomne bog Behind the Scenes of Artistic Creativity Processes of Learning, Creating and Organising. CHRISTER WINDELØV-LIDZÉLIUS - Kaospilot a story about learning, creating and leading in times of turbulence Kaospilot has since its inception offered an alternative way to more traditional educations in terms of organizing for vitality. Classical notions around teachers and students, theory and praxis, professional and personal growth etc. are challenged and explored. The interplay between the need for systems and procedures and the need for chance and uncertainty, offer an ongoing dialogue around the cultural life and governance of an institution. This introduction will offer perspectives and principles on how to design for a journey where the participants design own journeys together with others. KENNETH GERGEN - From a mechanical to a proteanuniverse: What does this mean for practice? Emerging over the past several centuries is a prevailing metaphor of the "world as one great machine," a metaphor giving rise not only to science but to the modern organization, education, government policy, and more. Increasing critique not only illuminates the shortcomings of the mechanical metaphor, but its increasing irrelevance. Here I explore an emerging successor to the machine metaphor, and deliberate on its challenging implications for professional practices. CLIFF OSWICK - Beyond diagnostic and dialogic forms of organization development: Towards democratically-orientated discursive alternatives The presentation challenges the delineation of 'diagnostic change' (a scientific process) and 'dialogic change' (an emergent discursive process). Moreover, it presents an alternative based upon bottom-up forms of mobilization and self-instigation (e.g. constructive dissent, positive deviance and employee activism). Case study evidence supporting this new discursively-embedded approach to change will also be presented. GINNY BELDEN CHARLES - Learning together: How the way we learn changes the way we relate Traditional models of education and training overemphasize learning outcomes and individualized instruction. This presentation discusses ways to design learning that engage, connect and empower people in organizations. Learning in relational ways opens up new vistas for innovation, change and strengthened accountability. We will explore how relational and collaborative approaches to learning can support greater relational responsibility in the organizations and communities in which we participate. 14.30-15.15 Sum up & Goodbye

SUMMER INSTITUTE 2015 SPEAKERS KENNETH GERGEN, Taos Institute REINHARD STELTER, Københavns Universitet KARL TOMM, University of Calgary GINNY BELDEN CHARLES, Taos Institute KRISTIAN WEISE, Cevea HEIDI GRAFF, Rambøll Management Consulting NEEL STRØBÆK, Rambøll Gruppen TORBEN GLEESBORG, Københavns Kommunue LONE HERSTED, Aalborg Universitet HARLENE ANDERSON, Houston Galveston Institute & Taos Institute PATRICK KENIS, Antwerp Management School MARY GERGEN, Taos Institute FRANK BARRET, Taos Institute IDA GAMBORG, New Stories HENRIK ISAKSEN, Rambøll Management Consulting THOMAS BONDERUP, Rambøll Management Consulting CHRISTER WINDELØV-LIDZÉLIUS, Kaospiloterne PEDER KJØGX, Rambøll Management Consulting LONE CHRISTENSEN, Rambøll Management Consulting THOMAS LEHMAN JENSEN, Rambøll Management Consulting PER MØLLER JANNICHE, Rambøll Management Consulting LARS NELLEMANN, Rambøll Management Consulting LINE STAMPE, Rambøll Management Consulting BJARNE STARK, Rambøll Management Consulting ANDREAS WETTRE, Rambøll Management Consulting DORTE JENSEN, Rambøll Management Consulting MARIANNE BRUUN OKHOLM, Rambøll Management Consulting KARINA SOLSØ, Rambøll Management Consulting ELISABET S. NIELSEN, Rambøll Management Consulting KATRINE RAAE, Rambøll Management Consulting