SCADA International SCADA Tekniker - Service

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SCADA International SCADA Tekniker - Service

Hello! First of all we would like to thank you for your interest in SCADA International and this position. SCADA International is passionate about making a difference. We strive towards continued growth for our customers and ourselves. The basis for our continued growth is to attract, develop and retain professional, competent and qualified people. We do this by ensuring working conditions for all employees that foster commitment and responsibility from each individual employee at SCADA International. Our vision is to be recognized as the most trusted partner within SCADA solutions and technical support to the renewable energy industry. To achieve our vision we continuously monitor and evaluate the progress of our strategy, which is to pursue true value for our customers is an integrated part of our business strategy, based on a differentiated customer value proposition and developing long lasting partnerships with our customers by digging into new better and more innovative solutions or ways of serving our existing and new customers. If you would like to know more about what being an employee in SCADA International is all about, have a look at our web site/careers and click on the pictures to hear our collegaues tell their story: Management and leadership at SCADA International is about business, performance and results. The leadership and management team at SCADA International is responsible for ensuring open and honest information and clear communication so that SCADA International employees knows what is expected of them and what it means to be part of SCADA International. The management team is responsible for ensuring good working conditions by: - Delegating tasks with clear objectives and responsibilities - Develop professionally and personally themselves - Ensuring mutual understanding of agreements with each individual employee - Development and optimization of processes and tools - Open and honest communication - Loyalty and commitment Employees are responsible for ensuring good working conditions by: - Taking responsibility for own area and help colleagues when needed - Development and optimization of processes and tools - Being curious and willing to change - Being critical in a positive and constructive manner - Being a good colleague

Kvalitetsorienteret og teknisk stærk SCADA tekniker Er du god til at tilegne dig ny viden og sætte dig ind i komplekse problemstillinger? Har du lyst til at blive udfordret, og motiveres du af et job, hvor berøringsfladen bliver kunder fra hele verden. Er du den kollega, der altid sikrer og tjekker de sidste detaljer, fordi du sætter en ære i at aflevere 100% kvalitet hver gang? Så er du måske den SCADA Tekniker, vi mangler til vores Serviceteam i Silkeborg, Danmark. Om SCADA International SCADA International er en succesfuld dansk virksomhed med datterselskaber i Tyskland, Polen, USA, UK og Ukraine. Vi er en dynamisk virksomhed med omfattende erfaring inden for SCADA systemer, SCADA applikationsløsninger, Park Network Solutions og Energy Power Control. Vi er 80 engagerede og motiverede medarbejdere, og vi søger nu en ny dygtig kollega til vores serviceafdeling, der skal være med til at sikre, at vi fortsat kan levere verdensklasse support til vores globale kunder. Vores vision er at være den fortrukne globale partner inden for teknisk support og SCADA løsninger for virksomheder inden for vedvarende energi. For mere information om SCADA International, besøg venligst vores hjemmeside: Om stillingen Dine primære opgaver i stillingen som SCADA Tekniker i vores serviceafdeling spænder bredt og vil være: Fejlfinding på SCADA systemer Netværks opgaver Månedlig service tjek af SCADA systemer Proaktiv service & vedligeholdelse System gennemgang: Onsite, in-house hos kunder og remote for både hardware og software. Inspektion af systemer som er ude af garanti. Installation og support på egne produkter Opgaverne varierer i størrelse og kompleksitet, hvor kvalitet og høj kundetilfredshed er altid vores vigtigste prioritet. Du skal trives med at arbejde med komplekse problemstillinger hvor løsningen ikke altid er givet på forhånd.

Kompetenceudvikling prioriteres højt hos SCADA International. Med det rette mix af træning, kurser og udfordrende opgaver, sørger vi for du er klædt på til nye udfordringer inden for tekniske SCADA løsninger og SCADA International 's egen produktportefølje. Du vil på sigt skulle indgå i SCADA International s Service vagtordning. Din baggrund Du har relevant erfaring inden for området eller en uddannelse som elektriker med erfaring indenfor styring og regulering, automatikfagtekniker eller elektronikfagtekniker med relevant erhvervserfaring. Du er fleksibel og motiveres af et arbejdsliv, der giver dig mulighed for en rejseaktivitet - op til 40 rejsedage årligt. Du har erfaring med eller kendskab til: Kommunikationsprotokoller (OPC, Modbus, DNP3, IEC 101, IEC 104). Konfiguration PLC (gerne struktureret tekst) Dokumentation SAT/FAT test Styrings- og reguleringsprincipper TCP/IP netværk Fejlfinding på elektriske systemer Du kommer til at indgå i et internationalt serviceteam hvor sprogkundskaber i form af både Engelsk og Tysk vægtes højt blandt ansøgerne. Ansøgning og kontakt Send dit CV og en motiveret ansøgning til og mærk den venligst "SCADA Tekniker". Har du spørgsmål til stillingen, er du velkommen til at kontakte Director HR, Pernille Jørgensen +45 21351435. Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig!

The Recruitment Process at SCADA International The recruitment process at SCADA International is vigorous and thorough. We want to attract the best candidates for our positions! First step: Telephone or Skype interview Selected candidates are invited to a telephone interview with our HR department to secure alignment on practical expectations and to understand your overall motivation. Further, the telephone/skype interview is a way to identify whether you have the required skills and competencies needed in the position. Second step: First Onsite Interview You are invited to a personal meeting at a SCADA International location to meet with the immediate manager and HR. During the First Onsite Interview we will be interested in getting to know you more through your background, your experience, your aspirations and dreams about your future career. We will also provide you with much more information on the company, company culture, the job content and the department you will be part of. Third step: Second Onsite Interview For the Second Onsite Interview you will be asked to prepare and present a case based on situations and circumstances that may occur in the position applied for. The purpose is to give you a better understanding of the position as well as to give us an idea on how you would proceed, decide and prioritize in the case situations presented. Following these steps there will be a calibration period with reference interviews before a final decision is made. Once a mutual decision has been agreed upon and the employment agreement has been signed our Education Center will work out a structured onboarding plan to ensure a thorough introduction to the job, the organization, the culture, the products/services, the business and the SCADA International way of doing things. If you want to apply for a position with SCADA International, please send your CV/Resumé and a motivated Cover Letter to If you have any questions before you apply please do not hesitate to contact our Director HR Pernille Jørgensen by email: or telephone: +45 21351435. We look forward to hearing from you!