DLI-møde torsdag den 9. oktober 2014 kl. 10-12, Lille mødesal, DLF

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DLI-møde torsdag den 9. oktober 2014 kl. 10-12, Lille mødesal, DLF FORSLAG TIL DAGSORDEN 1. Åbning af mødet og godkendelse af dagsorden 2. Referat sidste DLI-møde 3. Drøftelse af strategi og mål for DUS-organisationernes samarbejde i DLI 4. Europa 2020 input til offentlig konsultation 5. TTIP og uddannelse 6. Anerkendelsesdirektivet inddragelse af DUS-organisationer 7. ETUCE Committee møde 8. Status for DLI-organisationers deltagelse i EU-/internationale arbejdsgrupper o.l. 9. Fællesmøde med DUS uddannelsespolitisk arbejdsgruppe om internationale uddannelsesundersøgelser 10. Eventuelt 1/3 1/82

DLI-møde torsdag den 9. oktober 2014 kl. 10-12, Lille mødesal, DLF FORSLAG TIL DAGSORDEN - KOMMENTERET 1. Åbning af mødet og godkendelse af dagsorden 2. Referat sidste DLI-møde Bilag: 2.1. Referat DLI-møde 24/6 2014, 2.2. Referat fra møde med UVM ifm. DLI 24/6 2014 Referaterne er udsendt og godkendt. Forslag til beslutning: - At referaterne tages til efterretning 3. Drøftelse af strategi og mål for DUS-organisationernes samarbejde i DLI samt DLI-sekretariat Bilag 3.1.: DLi-notat om DLi-sekretariatets arbejde På baggrund af kort oplæg af Kristina Aaltonen om DLI-sekretariatets arbejdsformer drøftes politiske og organisatoriske målsætninger og strategi for DLI. Forslag til beslutning: - At orienteringen tages til efterretning - At sekretariatet på baggrund af input under punktet udarbejder forslag til rammer for DLiarbejdet, herunder mål og strategi 4. Europa 2020 input til offentlig konsultation Bilag: 4.1. DLi-notat Europa 2020, 4.2.A spørgeskema konsultation, 4.2.B. Konsultation infomateriale, 4.3. Danmarks nationale rapport om Uddannelse 2020, 4.4. ETUCE s kommentarer vedrørende Europa 2020, 4.5.ETUCE kommentarer Uddannelse 2020 EU-Kommissionens offentlige konsultation om Europa 2020 har svarfrist den 31/10 2014. I den sammenhæng er vedlagte notat udarbejdet som baggrund og oplæg til et fælles svar på konsultationen fra DLI. Det foreslås, at deltagerne på mødet kommer med input til svar, særligt inden for de enkelte dele af sektoren. Forslag til beslutning: - På baggrund af forslag til besvarelse af konsultationen fremkommet under mødet får sekretariatet mandat til at udarbejde et endeligt svar der efterfølgende sendes til DLImedlemmer 5. TTIP og uddannelse Bilag: 5.1. DLi-Notat om status TTIP og uddannelse Det foreslås, at uddannelse i TTIP drøftes med udgangspunkt i vedlagte notat og input fra mødedeltagerne med henblik på at beslutte hvad der eventuelt bør gøres fra DLi-side fremadrettet. Forslag til beslutning: - At sekretariatet fortsat følger udviklingen inden for TTIP vedrørende uddannelse og at de mere generelle dele af TTIP med relevans for fagbevægelsen primært løftes i hovedorganisationerne. På baggrund af input under punktet besluttes mere konkrete handlinger 2/3 2/82

6. Anerkendelsesdirektivet inddragelse af medlemsorganisationer Bilag 6.1. DLi-notat anerkendelsesdirektiv, 6.2. DLi-notat anerkendelsesdirektivet fra 05/2014 Formålet med punktet er, at drøfte hvordan det sikres at medlemsorganisationerne inddrages i processerne vedrørende anerkendelsesdirektivet. Erhvervs- og Vækstministeriet er den myndighed i Danmark der står for evalueringsprocessen af anerkendelsesdirektivet, mens det er Styrelsen for Videregående Uddannelser, der står for implementeringsprocessen. FTF har kontakt med begge ministerielle myndigheder, og er i gang med at undersøge, hvordan evalueringsprocessen konkret kommer til at foregå. FTF har inviteret sine medlemsorganisationer til et møde den 10/10 2014, hvor Tatjana Milcevic og Ingegerd Jørgensen fra Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet deltager vedrørende ovenstående problemstilling. Forslag til beslutning: - At der i samarbejde med FTF fortsat arbejdes for at DUS-medlemsorganisationerne inddrages i processen i Danmark - At sekretariatet ved behov udarbejder forslag til DLI-position ift. ovenstående som DLImedlemmer kan melde tilbage på skriftligt 7. ETUCE Committee møde Bilag: 7.1. DLF s ændringsforslag til ETUCE resolution Special Conference, 7.2. Program for Special Conference og siteevents, 7.3. Deadlines ifm. EI kongres Dorte Lange, næstformand DLF, orienterer om vigtige punkter på dagsordenen til Committee møde 13-14/10 2014, herunder Special Conference samt EI Kongres 2015 og valg til EI s Board. Det foreslås, at DUS-organisationernes deltagere på Special Conference mødes ultimo oktober for at drøfte resolutioner m.v. samt mulige fælles synspunkter. Dorte orienterer desuden om eventuelle vigtige punkter fra sidste Committee møde i foråret. Forslag til beslutning: - At orienteringen tages til efterretning - At der indkaldes til forberedelsesmøde forud for Special Conference for DUS deltagere 8. Status for DLI-organisationers deltagelse i EU-/internationale arbejdsgrupper o.l. Bilag: 8.1. Oversigt over OMC-grupper DLI-medlemmer melder tilbage på hvilke relevante EU-/internationale arbejdsgrupper og lignende de er medlem af og der drøftes hvilket behov for tilbagemeldinger der er behov for. Forslag til beslutning: - At sekretariatet på baggrund af informationer fra DLI-medlemmer udarbejder en oversigt over relevante arbejdsgrupper m.v. som DLI-medlemmer deltager i - At der på baggrund af drøftelserne under punktet besluttes former for tilbagemelding til DLI-kredsen som herefter iværksættes 9. Fællesmøde med DUS uddannelsespolitisk arbejdsgruppe om internationale uddannelsesundersøgelser DUS uddannelsespolitiske arbejdsgruppe ønsker et fælles møde i foråret med DLI om internationale uddannelsesundersøgelser m.v. som TALIS, PISA, Education at a Glance osv. og deres indhold, anvendelse og opfølgning. Kristina Aaltonen fremlægger kort forslag til form for et sådan møde Forslag til beslutning: - At sekretariatet finder dato for fælles møde med DUS uddannelsespolitiske arbejdsgruppe om internationale undersøgelser og i samarbejde med DUS sekretariat arbejder videre med indhold for mødet 10. Eventuelt 3/3 3/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 2.1. Til DLI-medlemmerne 2. juli 2014/KSH Endeligt referat af DLI-møde tirsdag d. 24. juni 2014 kl.9-12 Danmarks Lærerforening, Kompagnistræde 32, Grønlandssalen Til stede: Stig Lund (SL) (BUPL), Dorte Lange (DLA) (DLF), Jens Vraa-Jensen (JVJ) (DM), Bodil Hoier Nielsen (BHN) (HL), Hans Laugesen (HLA) (GL), Elise Ansager (EA) (Uddannelsesforbundet), Kristina Aaltonen (KAA) (DLI), Birgitte Birkvad (BB) (DLI), Kathrine Spanggaard Hagsten (KSH) (DLI). Afbud: Monica Jørgensen (FSL) 1. Godkendelse af dagsorden og referat fra sidste møde Sagsfremstilling: Godkendelse af dagsorden. Referatet er tidligere udsendt og godkendt. Sagsbehandling: Dagsordenen blev godkendt. 2. Drøftelse af dagsorden for møde med Undervisningsministeriet Sagsfremstilling: Kommissionen har udarbejdet en omfattende oversigt over, hvilke evalueringsrapporter Kommissionen vil udarbejde i perioden 2014-2018. I dagsordenen for mødet med Undervisningsministeriet er videregående uddannelse ikke medtaget som punkt til drøftelse, da det ikke indgår i UVM s ressortområde. PIAAC/PISA, som offentliggøres d. 19. juni 2014, er medtaget for at få orientering om, hvorvidt der forventes politiske initiativer på baggrund af rapporten. ET2020 drøftes på baggrund af den netop udsendte høring. Endeligt drøftes det, om der kan etableres samarbejde/koordinering med ministeriet/ministerierne, om at udnytte de muligheder Erasmus+ giver. Sagsbehandling: BB konstaterede, at det første pkt. på mødet med UVM er blevet særligt interessant qua høringen, som DLI indsendte høringssvar til fredag d. 20. juni 2014. BB konstaterede også, at den tidsfrist på 2-3 dage, som ministeriet havde sat, var helt uacceptabel. Det betød bl.a. at der ikke har været mulighed for at få kommentarer med fra HL og Uddannelsesforbundet. I høringsmaterialet anvender UVM termen basic skills og har altså forladt key competences, selvom der også fra Kommissionens side - er gjort en indsats for at få indført key competences. Om pkt. 2 på UVM-dagsorden vedr. evalueringsplanen for EU s ET2020 var der enighed om, at forsøge at bede UVM om løbende at holde DLI orienteret om, hvilke af de mange EU- initiativer på uddannelsesområdet Danmark vil deltage i. Flere af medlemmerne af DLI-arbejdsgruppen deltog i lanceringen af den danske PISA/PIAAC undersøgelse d. 19. juni 2014, hvor det (atter en gang) fastslås, at der er en meget stor sammenhæng mellem den enkeltes læseniveau som 15-årig, og hvordan han/hun klarer sig i livet. Der var enighed om at opfordre ministeriet til at indgå i samarbejde med alle DLI-organisationerne om en samlet indsats på basis af den viden og de erfaringer, der allerede findes. Side 1 af 5 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 1/5 4/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 2.1. JVJ foreslog, at de nye development goals, der bliver diskuteret i FN, blev taget på dagsordenen med UVM. 3. DLI-mødet afbrydes grundet møde med repræsentanter fra Undervisningsministeriet Sagsfremstilling: Se separat dagsorden. Sagsbehandling: Se separat referat. 4. Implementeringsstrategi for ungdomsgarantien Sagsfremstilling: Beskæftigelsesministeriet offentliggjorde i april 2014 sin implementeringsplan for ungdomsgarantien i Danmark. Ungdomsgarantien er Kommissionens strategi for at bekæmpe ungdomsarbejdsløsheden i EU. Sagsbehandling: KSH orienterede om pointerne i rapporten, hvilke initiativer der blev fremhævet som værende de vigtigste set fra Beskæftigelsesministeriets side, og hvor langt Danmark er kommet med implementering af ungdomsgarantien. EA understregede, at der er et stort uddannelsespres, især på AVU-området, hvilket bl.a. bliver understøttet af den nye EVA rapport Voksenpædagogiske læringsmiljøer på VUC. EA understreger, at uddannelsespålæg ikke er det samme som uddannelsesmotiver. 5. Anerkendelsesdirektivet: Evalueringsproces Sagsfremstilling: Kommissionen lancerede den 8. maj 2014 sit europakort over lovregulerede erhverv som et led i evalueringsprocessen i Anerkendelsesdirektivets art. 59. Den videre proces for den erhvervskategori hvor uddannelse indgår starter nu og ser således ud: - Nationale undersøgelser juni 2014-november 2014 - Gensidig evaluering november 2014-september 2015 - Nationale handlingsplaner senest januar 2016 - Kommissionen foreslår opfølgende afhjælpende foranstaltninger senest marts 2016 DUSorganisationerne skal evt. via. et samarbejde med hovedorganisationer arbejde for at opnå indflydelse i evalueringsprocessen på nationalt plan, da det, således om forløbet er beskrevet i EU s meddelelse, er yderst begrænset, hvor meget de forskellige interessenter involveres i selve processen. Sagsbehandling: BB orienterede om, at Kommissionen som et led i revisionen af direktivet har meldt ud til medlemslandene, at de skal gennemgå og (re)vurdere kriterierne for alle lovregulerede erhverv. Via hovedorganisationerne skal DLI søge indflydelse på processen. KAA bad om at få tilsendt et par stikord fra de enkelte organisationer om, hvad de forestiller sig bliver deres problemer/udfordringer i forhold til evalueringsprocessen. Side 2 af 5 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 2/5 5/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 2.1. 6. TTIP Nyt siden sidst Sagsfremstilling: Birgitte Birkvad og Kristina Aaltonen orienterer om den seneste udvikling. Sagsbehandling: BB orienterede kort om udviklingen siden sidst, og KAA orienterede om, at der har været taget kontakt til formanden for Folketingets Erhvervs-, Vækst og Eksportudvalg Karin Gaardsted (S), og (på folkemødet) uformelle kontakter til flere MF er. BB orienterede om, at der på basis af ETUCE s opfordring er et brev på vej til de nyvalgte MEP ere. (Afsendt af DUS formand d. 27. juni 2014). Der er elementer i TTIP-sagen, der ligner problemstillingerne i forbindelse med forhandlingerne om Forfatningstraktaten, Lissabontraktaten og senere Servicedirektivet, og det blev derfor drøftet, om der i løbet af efteråret skal søges foretræde for relevante folketingsudvalg. Der var enighed om, at sagen fortsat skal følges tæt de nærmeste måneder, og at alle DUSorganisationerne sikrer, at deres politiske kontakter er orienteret om sagen og forstår problemstillingen. 7. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Sagsfremstilling: Digital læring, online undervisning, inspiration og efteruddannelse alt sammen på nettet. Tendensen til, at undervisere og lærere går på nettet for at finde inspiration til forberedelse af deres undervisning, er stigende. Studerende, grupper og enkelt personer har i stigende grad mulighed for at tage et kursus eller en hel uddannelse på nettet. JVJ orienterer. Sagsbehandling: JVJ orienterede om MOOCs og udbredelsen af disse. JVJ konstaterede, at et af de store problemer er, at MOOCs i høj grad tænkes som en erstatning for, og ikke et supplement til, reel undervisning. JVJ bemærkede, at der - globalt set - på mange videregående uddannelser i øjeblikket arbejdes på forskellige modeller, herunder også muligheden for tilbud rettet mod udviklingslande. JVJ bemærkede, at EI er meget opmærksom på netop denne udvikling, fordi man dels ser en risiko for, at de store universiteter monopoliserer udbuddet, dels at de tilbud, som i opstartsfasen er gratis, udvikler sig til senere at opkræve afgifter for fx certificering/eksamen(sbeviser). HLA bemærkede, at E-learning er vokset markant også indenfor ungdomsuddannelserne, og at opmærksomheden skal rettes imod, at MOOCs ikke kan erstatte undervisning, da ungdomsuddannelserne også er en stor del af unges socialisering. Det blev konkluderet, at MOOCs kan være et godt supplement til undervisning, men der også er mange udfordringer forbundet med det. 8. Montreal: Global Response Working Group Sagsfremstilling: Orientering ved Dorte Lange. Sagsbehandling: DLA orienterede om Global Response Working Group, som blev søsat af EI i forbindelse med Teacher Summit i marts 2014. Her satte EI fokus på privatisering og kommercialisering af uddannelse og uddannelsesforskning. Især USA og UK oplever massive investeringer fra store virksomheder, der fx tilbyder low fee education med meget aggressiv markedsføring bl.a. i 3.verdenslande, som ikke har fuldt udbyggede og fuldt finansierede uddannelsessystemer. EI vil arbejde for at bekæmpe tendensen, og fastholder, at uddannelse skal være gratis for alle. Som eksempel på en international koncern, der æder sig ind på markedet, nævnte David Edwards fra EI Pearson, som er forlag, udgiver af test- og evalueringssystemer og Side 3 af 5 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 3/5 6/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 2.1. desuden bedriver forskning (se nedenfor *). EI ønsker gennem Global Response at arbejde for/forske i, hvordan disse store koncerner stiler mod at skaffe sig verdensomspændende adgang til cash in on kids. DLA meddelte, at man over for EI har givet udtryk for, at DLF gerne indgår i samarbejdet. Link til Pearson: http://www.pearsoned.com/ Sådan præsenterer Pearson sin forskning : Pearson is a company with a strong sense of purpose, focusing on three key issues of social and economic importance: literacy, efficacy, and competitiveness. We aim to make a measurable difference to learning outcomes for students and educators, and our rigorous research methods both in-house and independently conducted provide solid evidence that our products, programs, and services are helping to enhance and further academic achievement. Building and maintaining trust is at the core of our business. 9. ETUCE Committee Meeting pkt. 7 (genoptaget fra sidste møde) Sagsfremstilling: Det blev på forrige DLI-møde aftalt at diskutere pkt. 7 på dagsordenen fra ETUCE Committee Meeting igen, da Dorte Lange, der deltog på ETUCE Committee mødet den 14.-15. april 2014, var forhindret i at deltage i DLI-mødet den 23. maj 2014. Sagsbehandling. Udsat til næste møde. 10. Education today: Is more time spent in the classroom helpful for learning? Sagsfremstilling: Dirk Van Damme fra OECD har skrevet en blog, hvor han redegør for, hvorvidt mere undervisning i grundskoleforløbet, reelt har indflydelse på elevernes score i PISA testen. Han konkluderer, at der ikke er nogen sammenhæng mellem det antal timer, eleven modtager igennem skoletiden, og hvor mange points eleverne scorer i PISA måske tværtimod. Se følgende link til EUpDate 3/2013 om samme emne: http://dlint.org/nyhedsbrev/flere-skoletimer-giver-ikke-bedre-resultater Sagsbehandling: HLA gjorde opmærksom på, at timetalsproblematikken skal bruges med varsomhed i nogle sammenhænge efterspørger lærerorganisationerne flere undervisningstimer. 11. U-Multirank - Nyt interaktivt værktøj til rangering af universiteter Sagsfremstilling: U-Multirank er en forkortelse af: Multi-dimensional ranking of higher education institutions. U-Multirank er baseret på et forslag i Kommissionens meddelelse om modernisering af Europas videregående uddannelser fra 2011 og ledes af Centre for Higher Education i Tyskland (CHE) og Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) i Holland. U-multirank er tænkt som et nyt værktøj, som er tænkt anvendt af kommende studerende til at træffe valg om studiested og- retning dels af studerende, som fx vil tage et semester i udlandet. Sagsbehandling: JVJ konstaterede, at U-Multirank er mere anvendelig end de andre rangordnings systemer, der er i brug, men JVJ understregede, at U-Multirank vurderer undervisningen, inden den Side 4 af 5 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 4/5 7/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 2.1. er gennemført, hvilket må anses som et spinkelt grundlag for rangordning. JVJ oplyste desuden, at nogle universiteter ikke vil deltage. 12. PISA-PIAAC link Sagsfremstilling: I forbindelse med PIAAC undersøgelsen, som blev lanceret den 8. oktober 2012, oversampledes personer som også deltog i PISA-undersøgelsen i 2000. Deres resultater fra PISA bliver i PISA-PIAAC rapporten sammenlignet med deres resultater i PIAAC. Rapporten udkommer den 19. juni 2014. Dokumenter og evt. kommentarer vil blive eftersendt. Link til rapport: http://www.uvm.dk/~/media/uvm/filer/udd/folke/pdf14/140619%20pisa%20piaac2.ashx Sagsbehandling: BB konstaterede, at dette punkt var blevet behandlet på mødet med UVM. 13. TALIS Sagsfremstilling: Birgitte Birkvad orienterede om TALIS-rapporten, som udkommer den 25. juni 2014. Notat eftersendes efter lanceringen. 14. TUAC Sagsfremstilling: Mundtlig orientering om mødet som blev afholdt den 16.-17. juni 2014. Sagsbehandling: BB orienterede kort om TUAC-mødet og fremhævede uddannelses GPS en. HL tilføjer, at uddannelses GPS en er en ganske fornuftig ting og opfordrede til at bruge den også for at afdække evt. fejl og mangler. 15. Det Europæiske Semester De landespecifikke anbefalinger Sagsfremstilling: Den 2. juni 2014 lancerede Kommissionen de såkaldte landespecifikke anbefalinger, hvori Kommissionen bl.a. henstiller at Danmark effektiviserer erhvervsuddannelserne og forbedrer uddannelsesresultaterne herunder at der sættes fokus på unge med indvandrebaggrund. Ligeledes henstilles det, at overgangen mellem uddannelses og arbejdsliv lettes gennem bl.a. udbredelse af arbejdspladslæring og flere praktikpladser. Kommissionen vurderer endvidere at det danske konvergens- og reformprogram er realistisk, og at Danmark derved vurderes at holde sig under EU s 3 % s grænse for det offentlige underskud i forhold til BNP. EU ophæver dermed den skærpede overvågning af den danske økonomi. Sagsbehandling: BB orienterede kort om anbefalingerne. 16. Meddelelser Der var ingen kommentarer til meddelelserne. 17. Evt. Side 5 af 5 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 5/5 8/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 2.2. Til mødedeltagerne 2.juli 2014/KSH Internt referat for møde med Undervisningsministeriet d. 24. juni 2014 kl. 9:30-10:30. Danmarks Lærerforening, Kompagnistræde 32, Grønlandssalen. Tilstede: Stig Lund (SL) (BUPL), Dorte Lange (DLA) (DLF), Jens Vraa-Jensen (JVJ) (DM), Bodil Hoier Nielsen (BHN) (HL), Hans Laugesen (HLA) (GL), Elise Ansager (EA) (Uddannelsesforbundet), Kristina Aaltonen (KAA) (DLI), Birgitte Birkvad (BB) (DLI), Kathrine Spanggaard Hagsten (KSH) (DLI). Til stede fra Undervisningsministeriet (UVM): Jens Thuesen, fuldmægtig i Internationalt Sekretariat Anne Cecilie Bengtsson, fuldmægtig i Internationalt Sekretariat Claus Jepsen, specialkonsulent i Center for Kvalitetsudvikling og Tilsyn 1. Strategiske mål Sagsfremstilling: Kommissionen har planer om at iværksætte en hel række projekter og nedsætte arbejdsgrupper som led i arbejdet med de strategiske mål og ET2020 benchmarks. Har ministeriet planer om deltagelse i dette arbejde herunder deltagelse i arbejdsgrupperne? Sagsbehandling: UVM konstaterede, at det korte svar på det indledende spørgsmål er ja. UVM er allerede repræsenteret i flere arbejdsgrupper. UVM tilføjede, at opfølgningen med de eksterne repræsentanter kan være vanskelig, og at koordineringen kan blive bedre såvel internt som i kommunikationen med interessenterne. HLA foreslog, at UVM koordinerer kontakt fx via fælles møder - med SL, JVJ og HLA, da de repræsenterer ETUCE i tre af de seks arbejdsgrupper. UVM s repræsentanter tilsluttede sig, at det er en oplagt mulighed. 2. Evalueringsplan 2014-2018 Sagsfremstilling: Kommissionen har i DG EAC udarbejdet en omfattende Evalueringsplan 2014-18, hvor man præsenterer de evalueringsrapporter, man påtænker at udarbejde i perioden fra 2014-2018. Oversigten omfatter desuden en helt række planlagte evalueringer vedr. de videregående uddannelser, som er af stor interesse for lærerorganisationerne. DLI er opmærksom på, at området sorterer under et andet ministerium, og de er derfor udeladt her. Medlemslandene forventes at bidrage til rapporterne. Hvordan har ministeriet tænkt sig at inddrage lærerorganisationerne i de danske bidrag? Sagsbehandling: UVM konstaterede, at de heller ikke har oplysninger om planerne om hovedparten af de evalueringsrapporter, der omtales i oversigten. En undtagelse er ET2020 evalueringen, hvor DLI få dage før mødet havde indsendt høringssvar til forslaget til Danmarks bidrag til EU- Kommissionens joint report, som forventes offentliggjort i foråret 2015. Side 1 af 3 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 1/3 9/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 2.2. HL konstaterede, at der er behov for at åbne diskussionen om bl.a. evalueringssystemer, effektiv brug af ressourcer etc., således, at der på nationalt plan kan prioriteres i stedet for blot at vente på Kommissionens udspil. BB tilsluttede sig, at det er vigtigt, at der fra nationalt hold kommer input længe før evalueringen for at sikre muligheden for indflydelse. BB efterlyste et overblik over, hvor UVM påtænker at gå aktivt ind i arbejdet. SL oplyste, at Kommissionen har udsendt en ny rapport som hedder Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe. I den forbindelse har Kommissionen meddelt, at arbejdet med de yngste børn (førskoleområdet) skal integreres i de kommende nye arbejdsgrupper. Ministeriet har ikke taget stilling til, hvordan rapporten fra dansk side kan inddrages i arbejdet. (Kommentar: DLI bør nok følge op fx i Specialudvalget) 3. PISA/PIAAC/TALIS Sagsbehandling: I evalueringsplanen bliver PIAAC også nævnt (pkt. 35+37 i DG EAC evalueringsplan). Hvordan deltager Danmark i arbejdet med disse evalueringsrapporter? Vil PISA/PIAAC, som blev offentliggjort d. 19. juni 2014 indgå i arbejdet? Og dataindsamlingen som bliver brugt til rapporten? Sagsbehandling: Ministeriet orienterede om de overordnede pointer fra PISA/PIAAC, bl.a. at der er en stærk statistisk sammenhæng imellem 15-årigs læsefærdigheder og senere muligheder i forhold til uddannelse og arbejdsliv. UVM oplyste, at der udsendes en række tematiske rapporter i forbindelse med PIAAC. HLA konstaterede, at en cyklus på 10 år er for lang, hvis resultaterne skal kunne anvendes til andet end (endnu en gang) at påvise en status. BB tilføjede, at PIAAC i forhold til læsefærdigheder kun bekræfter, hvad allerede er fastslået, og at PIAAC kunne bruges som afsæt for, at man på europæisk niveau indleder et samarbejde om at undersøge hvilke muligheder, der på grundskoleniveau er til at sikre, at alle også de sidste 15 % - erhverver sig gode læsefærdigheder. KAA spurgte om UVM har planer om at iværksætte initiativer på baggrund af resultaterne. UVM svarede, at der ikke er truffet beslutninger, men at UVM vil lave en vejledning til anvendelse af de mange data, der ligger i de internationale undersøgelser herunder PIAAC. UVM informerede om, at offentliggørelsen af TALIS d. 25. juni 2014 ville blive meget afdæmpet. Ministeriet afholder en stor konference d. 3. oktober 2014, hvor den danske TALIS-rapport offentliggøres. 4. Erasmus+ Sagsfremstilling: Erasmus+ EU s nye uddannelsesprogram er tænkt som et program, der skal give flere muligheder for at søge støtte til projekter, udviklingsarbejder og nye muligheder for lærere for udveksling. Selvom Erasmus+ administrativt hører under et andet ministerium, er de muligheder, programmet åbner, af stor interesse for lærere. Har Ministeriet planer om at bidrage til at skabe interesse for, udbrede viden om, og støtte anvendelsen af programmet? Sagsbehandling: UVM tilsluttede sig, at information om mulighederne i Erasmus+ rettet direkte mod lærere er meget vigtig. Ministeriet har ansat nogle internationale vejledere, der bl.a. kan oplyse skoler om mulighederne i Erasmus+. Ministeriet tilsluttede sig også, at de mange gode muligheder i forbindelse med Erasmus+ skal koordineres bedre bl.a. ved at bruge danske kontakter i Kommissionen. Side 2 af 3 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 2/3 10/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 2.2. 5. Evt. 5.1 FN 2030 målene: JVJ spurgte ind til, om UVM har arbejdet med FN s 2030 mål for uddannelse. JVJ understregede, at ETUCE og EI finder det bekymrende, at der i det materiale der nu er tilgængeligt, ikke længere tales om fri videregående uddannelse, men at termen affordable anvendes i stedet. Har DK fx taget stilling i det spørgsmål? UVM vil tage kontakt til en kollega, der arbejder med området i FN. 5.2 UVM orienterede om, at Mette Mørk Andersen forlader stillingen på EU-repræsentationen og tiltræder en stilling i Kommissionen i direktoratet for uddannelse. Den nye attache, Torben Hofffelt, skal både dække kultur og uddannelse. Det har betydning i forbindelse med repræsentationens briefinger efter rådsmøderne. 5.3 TTIP BB orienterede Ministeriets repræsentanter om ETUCE s bekymringer ved TTIP. Side 3 af 3 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 3/3 11/82

BILAG 3.1. 2/10 2014 KAA Kort om DLi-sekretariatet i Bruxelles Sekretariatet er i gang med udarbejdelse og implementering af rammerne for sit arbejde. Nedenfor følger: - Kortfattet beskrivelse af sekretariatets kommende produkter - Korte input til DLi s arbejde - Kort præsentation af kontoret Den specifikt indholdsmæssige del er ikke beskrevet i dette papir. Nyhedsoversigt Udarbejdes dagligt med nyheder vedrørende international uddannelsespolitik, nye publikationer, møder o.l. Udvalgte dele sendes til relevante DLi-organisationer i sager hvor det vurderes, at der er behov for særlig opfølgning. Dette for at sikre direkte involvering i sager når der er behov for det. Nyhedsoversigten er et arbejdsdokument for DLi-sekretariatet, men man kan vælge at modtage det fast. Bemærk, at det ikke vil blive korrekturlæst og redigeret. Kalender Oversigt over relevante møder, konferencer o.l. med angivelse af DLi-sekretariatets eventuelle deltagelse. Politisk-strategisk sagsoversigt Oversigt over særligt prioriterede internationalt relaterede uddannelsespolitiske sager, hvor der er definerede politiske målsætninger i DLi og/eller i DUS-organisationerne. Beskrivelse af hvordan de relaterer til uddannelsespolitiske dagsordener i Danmark. Formålet med oversigten er, at tydeliggøre hvilke politiske målsætninger der arbejdes ud fra og i oversigtsform at angive strategierne, de ansvarlige på de enkelte sager o.l. Notater Der vil løbende blive udarbejdet notater og informationsmails inden for de vigtigste områder når det er relevant. Disse vil blive udsendt til DLi/relevante medlemsorganisationer til orientering Kortfattet udpluk af indspil til DLi s arbejde: DLi-møder Møderne foreslås at fokusere på sager hvor det er væsentligt at videndele og være i dialog om en fælles politisk linje. Det foreslås endvidere, at der ses på muligheder for at afholde temamøder hvor der fokuseres på særlige temaer der på den korte eller lange bane er politisk behov for at have et mere dybdegående kendskab til. Temamøderne kan afholdes i samarbejde med andre (organer) hvor der er sammenfaldende interesser. 1 1/2 12/82

BILAG 3.1. Strategi- og handlingsplan Det kan overvejes at udarbejde en strategi- og handlingsplan for DLi-arbejdsgruppen hvor der på et overordnet niveau er enighed om prioriteringer m.v. En sådan plan kan endeligt behandles og godkendes af DUS FU. Kommunikation DLi hjemmesiden er teknisk og lay-outmæssigt ikke helt opdateret. Sekretariatet foreslår, at det overvejes at se på mulighederne for en ny løsning der i højere grad lever op til nutidige standarder for webbaseret kommunikation. Sekretariatet foreslår, at der ses på behov og muligheder ift. kommunikation på et senere tidspunkt. Netværk Sekretariatet arbejder på oparbejdelse og udbygning af netværk, som en væsentlig del af sekretariatets arbejde. I forhold til samarbejdsflader med ETUCE, EI, den danske fagbevægelses fællessekretariat i Bruxelles m.v., foreslås det, at det dels inddrages i drøftelser vedrørende strategi og de enkelte sager, dels at der på et tidspunkt tages en generel diskussion om de forskellige samarbejder. Kort om DLi-sekretariatet og dets medarbejdere Mail til sekretariatet: bxl@dlf.org Kristina Aaltonen Leder af kontoret i Bruxelles. Arbejder en del af tiden fra København i DLF-sekretariatets uddannelsespolitiske afdeling. Kontaktoplysninger: kaa@dlf.org, +45 24 41 99 24 Nadja Schou Lauridsen Stagiaire fra februar 2014-januar 2015. Jurastuderende, Københavns Universitet Arbejdsområder: arbejdsmarkedspolitik, velfærdspolitik, juridiske emner, EU-processer og institutioner Kontaktoplysninger: nsl@dlf.org, +32 2 224 0 634 Baggrund: Har i sine studier blandt andet haft fokus på EU-ret, arbejdsret, ligestillings- og diskriminationsret og institutionelle emner. Har før beskæftiget sig med EU igennem studiejob i Udenrigsministeriet og frivilligt arbejde ved Kompasset (Kirkens Korshær). Mette Duus Horslund Stagiaire fra september 2014-juli 2015 Samfundsfagsstuderende, Aarhus Universitet Arbejdsområder: uddannelsespolitik, særligt i EU og OECD Kontaktoplysninger: mdh@dlf.org, +32 2 224 0 670 Baggrund: Har i sine studier blandt andet beskæftiget sig med velfærd og uddannelsespolitik, herunder folkeskolereformen samt professioner. Har desuden fungeret som underviser på ungdomsuddannelsesinstitutioner i Danmark gennem Det Rullende Universitet. 2 2/2 13/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 4.1. DLI-NOTAT XX.XX.XXXX/ini Europa 2020 (EU2020) Dette notat er udarbejdet på grund af EU-Kommissionens offentlige konsultation om Europa 2020 og som baggrund og oplæg til et fælles svar på konsultationen fra DLI. Kommissionens offentlige konsultation om Europa 2020...2 Danmark krav, mål og initiativer...3 Rådets henstilling...3 Kommissionens anbefalinger...3 Nationale målsætninger...4 Regeringens initiativer...4 Om Europa 2020...6 Om Uddannelse 2020 (Education and Training 2020 - ET2020)...7 Side 1 af 9 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 1/9 14/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 4.1. DLI-NOTAT Kommissionens offentlige konsultation om Europa 2020 Den offentlige konsultation vedrører fremtiden for Europa 2020-strategien for vækst og beskæftigelse, som for tiden er under evaluering. Konsultationen er åben indtil den 31. oktober 2014, og alle interesserede parter kan bidrage. Det politiske grundlag for evalueringen af Europa 2020-strategien fremgår af Kommissionens meddelelse Taking stock of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Uddannelse forventes fortsat at udgøre en central del af Europa 2020-strategien, hvorfor undervisningsministeriet i Danmark har opfordret medlemmerne af EU-specialudvalget vedrørende uddannelse og ungdom til at tage del i konsultationen. Konsultationen er bygget op som et spørgeskema med mulighed for at skrive generelle kommentarer til sidst. Nedenfor følger et udvalg af spørgsmålene 1 : Has there been sufficient involvement of stakeholders in the Europe 2020 strategy? Are you involved in the Europe 2020 strategy? Would you like to be more involved? If yes, how? Do the current targets for 2020 respond to the strategy's objectives of fostering growth and jobs? 2 Do you find it useful that EU-level targets are broken down into national targets? If so, what is, in your view, the best way to set national targets? So far, have the national targets been set appropriately/too ambitiously/not ambitiously enough? What would improve stakeholder involvement in a post-crisis growth strategy for Europe? What could be done to increase awareness, support and better implementation of this strategy in your country? Derudover er der en række spørgsmål som kan sammenfattes som følger: Vigtige elementer i Europa 2020? Har Europa 2020 gjort en forskel? Hvilken betydning har strategien? Er målene nyttige? Behov for en sammenhængende midtvejsstrategi for de kommende år? Hvilke nye udfordringer bør inddrages? Vigtigste områder og redskaber for at skabe vækst? Bedste områder for fælles handlinger EU-medlemsstater? Hvad skaber bedst merværdi? 1 Læs hele spørgeskemaet til konsultationen via linket. 2 Blandt målene er: to reduce school drop-out rates to below 10% and increase the share of young people with a thirdlevel degree or diploma to at least 40% Side 2 af 9 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 2/9 15/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 4.1. DLI-NOTAT Danmark krav, mål og initiativer Medlemslandene spiller naturligvis en væsentlig rolle i forhold til implementeringen af Europa 2020-strategien. På den baggrund har Rådet vedtaget en række henstillinger og Kommissionen en række anbefalinger til Danmark. Rådets henstilling 3 Danmark henstilles af Rådet til at fokusere på at: - Fremme beskæftigelsesegnetheden hos personer, der befinder sig på kanten af arbejdsmarkedet. - Forbedre uddannelsesmæssige resultater, især for unge med indvandrerbaggrund. - Øge effektiviteten på erhvervsuddannelserne. - Lette overgangen fra uddannelse til arbejdsmarkedet. Herunder skal der i større grad gøres brug erhvervsrelateret uddannelse og flere praktikpladser. Kommissionens anbefalinger 4 Udover Rådets henstillinger har Kommissionen i juni 2014 udarbejdet en række anbefalinger specifikt til Danmark: 1. Skills-mismatch Der er høj grad af såkaldt skills-mismatch i uddannelsessystemet i Danmark, hvilket i hovedtræk betyder, at den uddannedes kompetencer ikke svarer til arbejdsmarkedets kompetenceefterspørgsel. Derfor anbefaler Kommissionen, at Danmark fokuserer på, at højne kvaliteten på de videregående uddannelser, så de studerendes kompetencer kan omsættes direkte til beskæftigelse. Dette er især vigtigt, da de jobs, der udbydes efter finanskrisen, ikke nødvendigvis svarer til de udbudte jobs før krisen. 2. Høje frafaldsrater på erhvervsskolerne (VET) Danmark har en stor grad af elever, der dropper ud af erhvervsskolerne (VET) og/eller skifter mellem uddannelser. Frafaldsraten på erhvervsskolerne var i 2013 oppe på næsten 50 % og hovedårsagerne, udover dem, der er relateret til social baggrund, blev angivet som dårlig kvalitet i uddannelsesprogrammerne samt alt for få praktikpladser til rådighed, hvilket er to aspekter, Kommissionen anbefaler Danmark at fokusere på. 3. PISA-undersøgelser 3 Kilde til Rådets henstilling til Danmark: Klik her. 4 Kommissionens anbefalinger til Danmark: klik her Side 3 af 9 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 3/9 16/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 4.1. DLI-NOTAT En tredje anbefaling til Danmark lyder, at man fokuserer på forbedringer til PISA-undersøgelserne, da Danmark halter bagud i læsning og matematikfærdigheder sammenlignet med EU-gennemsnittet, hvilket vil være en udfordringen der går imod at højne kvaliteten i uddannelserne. 4. Lange transitionsperioder Danmark et af de lande, der har den længste transitionsperiode fra udskoling til ungdomsuddannelse og fra videregående uddannelse til arbejde, hvilket Kommissionen ser som problematisk og derfor anbefaler Danmark at sætte ind overfor. Nationale målsætninger 5 Danmark bidrager i høj grad til at styrke flere af EU-gennemsnitsmålene gennem nogle nationale mål, som opgøres forskelligt fra EU-målene. Ud fra den overordnede målsætning for Uddannelse 2020 er der derfor fastlagt følgende nationale mål for Danmark: - 95 % af en ungdomsårgang skal gennemføre mindst en ungdomsuddannelse i 2015. - 60 % af en ungdomsårgang skal gennemføre en videregående uddannelse i 2020. - 25 % af en ungdomsårgang skal gennemføre en lang videregående uddannelse i 2020. Regeringens initiativer Regeringen har fremført to overordnede strategiske prioriteter, som er en skærpet og mere fokuseret udgave af Kommissionens fire anbefalinger. 1. Grundlæggende færdigheder i et livslangt perspektiv 2. Kvalitet og effekt i uddannelserne Herunder angiver regeringen igangsatte såvel som planlagte initiativer, der skal bidrage til at opnå de nationale målsætninger for uddannelse 2020 6. For både de planlagte og de igangsatte initiativer er der opsat en række undermål, som ikke anføres yderligere i dette notat. I stedet henvises der til Danmarks nationale rapport 2014 om implementeringen af uddannelse 2020 7 for uddybning og undermål og der fremføres blot et skematisk overblik over igangsatte samt planlagte initiativer nedenfor. Omtalte rapport er opdelt efter emner, der henviser tilbage til Rådets henstillinger samt Kommissionens anbefalinger og initiativerne opdeles i sektorspecifikke uddannelsesområder. Igangsatte initiativer 5 Det nationale reformprogram Danmark 2020: klik her 6 Det nationale reformprogram Danmark 2020: klik her 7 Danmarks Nationale Rapport 2014 er vedlagt som bilag 4.3 Side 4 af 9 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 4/9 17/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 4.1. DLI-NOTAT Folkeskolereformen 2014 Erhvervsskolereformen 2014 SU-reformen Reform af Pædagoguddannelsen 2014 Styrket talentindsats 2013 Nyt akkrediteringssystem 2013 I juni 2013 blev der indgået et bredt politisk forlig om, at folkeskolen skal have et fagligt løft. Reformen sigter blandt andet mod to af anbefalingerne fra Kommissionen; at forbedre læse- og matematikkundskaber samt at understøtte elevernes overgang til ungdomsuddannelse. Regeringen har i februar 2014 indgået en bred politisk aftale om erhvervsuddannelserne. Formålet er, at de unge får en uddannelse med høj kvalitet samt mulighed for at videreuddanne sig. Derudover opprioriteres efteruddannelse til underviserne for at sikre kvaliteten, samt det er hensigten at etablere 50 praktikcentre til de unge. Ift. at imødegå anbefalingen om, at forkorte transitionsperioden blev der i april 2013 indgået en bred politisk aftale om SU. Reformen har også i sigte at give alle unge mulighed for at tage en uddannelse uanset social baggrund. Reformen er implementeret i lovgivningen i januar 2014 og skal understøtte målet om social mobilitet samt være med til at bryde den negative sociale arv, så flere kan gennemføre uddannelsen. Et forslag fra regeringen blev sendt til høring i december 2013. Forslaget skal muliggøre, at der kan oprettes talentklasser med en særlig faglig udfordring, der giver mulighed for at få en udmærkelse på sit eksamensbevis. Et system, som er igangsat den første juli 2013 og som har til hensigt at øge sammenhængen i uddannelsessystemet. Det skal sikre kvaliteten samt at de videregående uddannelser er hensigtsmæssige set i et uddannelsespolitisk og samfundsøkonomisk perspektiv. Planlagte initiativer Udvikling af de gymnasiale uddannelser Bedre og mere voksen- og efteruddannelse Udvalg for kvalitet og relevans i de videregående uddannelser Internationaliseringshandlingspla n Regeringen skal udøve serviceeftersyn på ungdomsuddannelsernes indhold og rammer for at sikre kvaliteten Med Vækstplan DK fra 2013, er der afsat 1 mia. kr. i perioden 2013-2017 til et markant løft af arbejdsstyrken. Målet er, at flere ufaglærte bliver faglærte og flere faglærte tager en videregående uddannelse samt at kvaliteten forbedres i de erhvervsrettede voksen og efteruddannelser Regeringen har i oktober 2013 nedsat et udvalg, der skal komme med konkrete initiativer til, hvordan kvaliteten, sammenhængen og relevansen på de videregående uddannelser sikres. Fokus er på en række temaer, fx: høj faglig kvalitet, undervisningstid, arbejdsmarkedsparathed, åbenhed om uddannelsernes resultater, m.fl.. Fokus på at styrke udgående mobilitet af danske studerende samt at styrke vores internationale studiemiljø i Danmark. Side 5 af 9 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 5/9 18/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 4.1. Handicappolitisk handlingsplan 2013 Et samfund for alle DLI-NOTAT Regeringen skal sikre, at uddannelsessøgende med fx et handicap får lige muligheder for at uddanne sig som alle andre. Der skal være et øget fokus på inklusion på de videregående uddannelser. Om Europa 2020 Initiativet til Europa 2020-strategien blev indledt på baggrund af lav vækst og produktivitetsniveauer i EUlandene sammenlignet med andre udviklede lande, samt i kølvandet på den største økonomiske krise, EU har oplevet. Strategien er en overordnet vækststrategi, som dækker fem hovedområder: Beskæftigelse, Innovation, Uddannelse, Social inklusion og Miljø Generelt skal Europa 2020 skabe vækst, der er intelligent (gennem effektive investeringer i uddannelse, forskning og innovation), bæredygtig og inklusiv (med stærk vægt på jobskabelse og fattigdomsbekæmpelse). Til at overvåge strategien er der opsat følgende fem overordnede målsætninger, der skal være opnået i gennemsnit for EU-medlemsstaterne i 2020: EU-Målsætning 75 % af de 24-60 årige skal være i beskæftigelse. 3 % af EU's BNP skal investeres i forskning og udvikling. 20/20/20 målene for klimaet skal være opfyldt. Andelen af unge, der dropper ud af skolen tidligt, skal reduceres til mindre en 10 % og mindst 40 % af de 30-34 årige skal have gennemført en videregående uddannelse. Udvikling og forventning i EU EU beskæftigelsesraten var i 2012 68,4 %, hvorimod den var 68,5 % i 2010, og inden finanskrisen var den hele 70,3 % i 2008. Det forventes af nå et gennemsnit på 74 % i 2020, som er lidt under målsætningen. I 2012 var niveauet på 2,06 %, og da der har været begrænset progression over tid på området, er forventningen, at det bliver svært at opnå EU-målsætningen. Man forventer at opnå et niveau på kun 2,2 %. Dog vil man opnå 2,6 % hvis medlemsstaterne opnår deres respektive nationale målsætninger. Disse mål er forventelige at opnå, da EU allerede har oplevet en reduktion i drivhusenergi på 18 % i 2012, samt er gået fra 7,5 % i år 2000 til 14,4 % i 2012 i deling af vedvarende energi, og ikke mindst, at det primære energiforbrug er faldet med 8 % mellem 2006 og 2012. Andelen af unge, der forlader skolen for tidligt er faldet fra 15,7 % i 2005 til 12,7 % i 2012. Derudover er andelen af unge, der gennemfører en videregående uddannelse steget fra 27,9 % i 2005 til 35,7 % i 2012. Forventningen er, at målsætning i begge tilfælde imødegås. Side 6 af 9 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 6/9 19/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 4.1. Gruppen af EU-borgere, der er i fare for fattigdom, skal reduceres med mindst 20 millioner mennesker. DLI-NOTAT I 2009 var der 114 millioner fattige mennesker, som er steget til 124 millioner i 2012. Forventninger er, at der reduceres ned til 100 millioner, hvorfor EU-målsætningen ikke fuldstændigt imødegås. Til at sætte gang i væksten og beskæftigelsen har EU udpeget syv flagskibsinitiativer 8 ; følgende to er særligt relevante: - Unge på vej o Redskab til at nå EU-målet om, at 75 % af de 20-64-årige skal være beskæftiget i 2020 ved at gøre almen uddannelse og erhvervsuddannelse mere relevant for de unge, opmuntre flere til at udnytte muligheden for EU-stipendier til at læse eller videreuddanne sig i et andet land samt tilskynde EU-landene til at lette overgangen fra uddannelse til arbejdsliv - Dagsorden for nye kvalifikationer og job o Redskab til at nå EU-målet om, at 75 % af de 20-64-årige skal være beskæftiget i 2020, maksimum 10 % af antallet af unge forlader skolen tidligt, minimum 40 % færdiggør en videregående uddannelse og mindst 20 millioner færre i risikozonen for fattigdom. o Kompetenceudvikling er derfor et af det brede initiativs fire hovedområder, og omfatter derudover flexicurity, jobkvalitet og arbejdsvilkår samt jobskabelse. Derudover relevant: - Innovation i EU o Har som mål at Europa skal præstere forskning i verdensklasse, fjerne hindringer for innovation og revolutionere samarbejdet mellem den offentlige og private sektor særligt gennem innovative partnerskaber. - En digital dagsorden for Europa o I Europa 2020-strategien angives det, at et bredbåndsnet er med til at fremme social inklusion og øge konkurrenceevnen i EU, hvorfor bredbåndsnet bliver et centralt omdrejningspunkt. Behovet for at tackle borgeres manglende it-kompetencer er ét af elementerne i initiativet. De nationale myndigheder og EU koordinerer deres indsats under de respektive initiativer for på den måde at være gensidigt forstærkende. 8 Flagskabsinitiativerne er: En digital dagsorden for Europa, Innovation i EU, Unge på vej, Ressourceeffektiv Europa, En industripolitik for en globaliseret verden, En dagsorden for nye kvalifikationer og nye job og En europæisk platform mod fattigdom. Side 7 af 9 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 7/9 20/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 4.1. DLI-NOTAT Om Uddannelse 2020 (Education and Training 2020 - ET2020) Uddannelse 2020 er det uddannelsesmæssige fokusområde under Europe 2020, som har fire strategiske mål: 1. Virkeliggørelse af livslang læring og mobilitet. 2. Højere kvalitet og større effektivitet i uddannelsen. 3. Lige muligheder for alle (equity), social samhørighed og et aktivt medborgerskab. 4. Fremme kreativitet og innovation, herunder iværksætterkultur, på alle uddannelsesniveauer. I processen frem mod 2020 skal der være fokus på en række prioriteter, såsom at medlemsstaterne skal være bedre til gensidig læring, fx gennem peer learning aktiviteter, analyser mm. Desuden skal man have fokus på formidling af resultaterne, så det europæiske samarbejde omkring fx livslang læring bliver mere synligt. Endelig skal det kunne overvåges at de strategiske mål imødegås, hvor der i fællesskab er fremsat følgende benchmarks for EU-gennemsnittet på ET2020: 1. Mindst 95 % af alle børn (fra 4 år til skolepligtig alder) skal deltage i førskoleundervisning. 2. Antallet af 15-årige, som er dårlige til læsning, matematik og naturfag, skal ned under 15 %. 3. Antallet af unge, som dropper ud af skolen, skal ned under 10 %. 4. Mindst 40 % af de 30-34-årige skal have gennemført en form for videregående uddannelse. 5. Mindst 15 % af alle voksne bør deltage i livslang læring. 6. Mindst 20 % af studerende på de videregående uddannelser og 6 % af de 18-34-årige med en indledende erhvervskvalifikation bør have tilbragt en del af deres studietid i udlandet. 7. 82 % af andelen af studerende (20-34-årige) skal være i beskæftigelse 1-3 år efter endt uddannelse (ungdomsuddannelse eller videregående). Derudover arbejder Rådet og Kommissionen fortsat med benchmarks for mobilitet, beskæftigelsesegnethed og sproglæring. Sekretariatets kommentarer Sekretariatet foreslår, at der i besvarelsen af Kommissionens offentlige konsultation om Europa 2020- strategien overordnet set fokuseres på uddannelses betydning for at opnå intelligent, bæredygtig og inklusiv vækst, herunder at skabe vækstpotentiale, konkurrenceevne og jobskabelse i landene. Konkret foreslås det, at der i besvarelsen bliver lagt hovedvægt på følgende: 1. Udvalgte benchmarks betydning for at opnå (uddannelses)mål 2. Foreløbige resultater og fremadrettede behov i strategien 3. Betydningen af at inddrage interessenter og praksisniveau for at sikre resultater Side 8 af 9 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 8/9 21/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois BILAG 4.1. DLI-NOTAT 4. Konkret om Danmark, herunder henstillinger og anbefalinger samt om at skabe europæisk merværdi gennem samarbejde mellem lande Indholdsmæssigt kan der eksempelvis betones: Nødvendigheden af at inddrage aktører i udviklingen af den uddannelsespraksis og rammerne herfor som skal bidrage til at gennemføre Europa 2020-strategien. Herigennem sikres blandt andet en operationel tilgang til at nå målene, der sikrer en bedre gennemførelse Peer learning frem for peer review tilgang i forhold til at understøtte landenes egne og fælles indsatser inden for strategien Kommentarer til den danske regerings fokus på kvalitet og effekt i uddannelse Fokus på at få alle med i uddannelse, beskæftigelse og samfundsdeltagelse Side 9 af 9 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 9/9 22/82

BILAG 4.2.A EUROPEAN COMMISSION PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON THE EUROPE 2020 STRATEGY Name: Contact details: Address: Phone number: E-mail: Country of residence: Language of your contribution: Type of organisation: Member State Public authority Registered organisation Registered company Individual citizen Non-registered organisation/company Other, please specify: Main area(s) covered by your contribution: Economic and financial affairs Competitiveness Industry Single market Employment 1 1/5 23/82

BILAG 4.2.A Research, development and innovation Digital economy Climate, energy and resource efficiency Education Poverty/social exclusion Other, please specify: Register ID number (if you/your organisation is registered in the Transparency register): Your reply: can be published with your personal information can be published in an anonymous way cannot be published A) Background for the public consultation: The Europe 2020 strategy was launched in March 2010 as the EU's strategy for promoting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. It aims to achieve a knowledge-based, competitive European economy while preserving the EU's social market economy model and improving resource efficiency. It was thus conceived as a partnership between the EU and its Member States driven by the promotion of growth and jobs. The Europe 2020 strategy is built around five headline targets in the areas of employment, research and development, climate and energy 1, education and the fight against poverty and social exclusion. The strategy also set out a series of action programmes, called "flagship initiatives", in seven fields considered to be key drivers for growth, namely innovation, the digital economy, employment and youth, industrial policy, poverty and resource efficiency. The objectives of the strategy are also supported by action at EU level in areas such as the single market, the EU budget and the EU external agenda. The Europe 2020 strategy is implemented and monitored in the context of the European Semester, the yearly cycle of coordination of economic and budgetary policies at EU level. The European Semester involves discussion among EU institutions on broad priorities, annual commitments by the Member States and country-specific recommendations prepared 1 In January 2014 the Commission launched a framework for energy and climate policies up to 2030. A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 40% below the 1990 level, an EU-wide binding target for renewable energy of at least 27% and renewed ambitions for energy efficiency policies are among the main objectives of the new framework. 2 2/5 24/82

BILAG 4.2.A by the Commission and endorsed at the highest level by leaders in the European Council. These recommendations should then be taken on board in the Member States' policies and budgets. As such, together with the EU budget, the country-specific recommendations are key instruments for the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy. After four years, the Commission has proposed, and the European Council of 20-21 March 2014 has agreed, to initiate a review of the Europe 2020 strategy. On 5 March 2014, the Commission adopted a Communication "Taking stock of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth" (Communication and Annexes ). drawing preliminary lessons on the first years of implementation of the strategy. Building on these first outcomes and in a context of a gradual recovery of the European economies, it is time to reflect on the design of the strategy for the coming years. Through these questions, we are seeking your views on the lessons learned from the early years of the Europe 2020 strategy and on the elements to be taken into account in its further development, in order to build the post-crisis growth strategy of the EU. B) Questions: 1) Taking stock: the Europe 2020 strategy over 2010-2014 Content and implementation For you, what does the Europe 2020 strategy mean? What are the main elements that you associate with the strategy? Overall, do you think that the Europe 2020 strategy has made a difference? Please explain. Has the knowledge of what other EU countries are doing in Europe 2020 areas impacted on the approach followed in your country? Please give examples. Has there been sufficient involvement of stakeholders in the Europe 2020 strategy? Are you involved in the Europe 2020 strategy? Would you like to be more involved? If yes, how? Tools Do the current targets for 2020 respond to the strategy's objectives of fostering growth and jobs? [Targets: to have at least 75% of people aged 20-64 in employment; to invest 3% of GDP in research and development; to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20%, increase the share of renewables to 20% and improve energy efficiency by 20%; to reduce school drop-out rates to below 10% and increase the share of young people with 3 3/5 25/82

BILAG 4.2.A a third-level degree or diploma to at least 40%; to ensure at least 20 million fewer people are at risk of poverty or social exclusion]. Among current targets, do you consider that some are more important than others? Please explain. Do you find it useful that EU-level targets are broken down into national targets? If so, what is, in your view, the best way to set national targets? So far, have the national targets been set appropriately/too ambitiously/not ambitiously enough? What has been the added value of the seven action programmes for growth? Do you have concrete examples of the impact of such programmes? ["Flagship initiatives": "Digital agenda for Europe", "Innovation Union", "Youth on the move", "Resource efficient Europe", "An industrial policy for the globalisation era", "Agenda for new skills and jobs", "European platform against poverty"]. 2) Adapting the Europe 2020 strategy: the growth strategy for a post-crisis Europe Content and implementation Does the EU need a comprehensive and overarching medium-term strategy for growth and jobs for the coming years? What are the most important and relevant areas to be addressed in order to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth? What new challenges should be taken into account in the future? How could the strategy best be linked to other EU policies? What would improve stakeholder involvement in a post-crisis growth strategy for Europe? What could be done to increase awareness, support and better implementation of this strategy in your country? Tools 4 4/5 26/82

BILAG 4.2.A What type of instruments do you think would be more appropriate to use to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth? What would best be done at EU level to ensure that the strategy delivers results? What would best be done at Member State level? How can the strategy encourage Member States to put a stronger policy focus on growth? Are targets useful? Please explain. Would you recommend adding or removing certain targets, or the targets in general? Please explain. What are the most fruitful areas for joint EU-Member State action? What would be the added value? 3) Do you have any other comment or suggestion on the Europe 2020 strategy that you would like to share? Thank you for completing the questionnaire. Please send your contribution, along with any other documents, to SG-EUROPE2020-CONSULTATION@ec.europa.eu. 5 5/5 27/82

EUROPEAN COMMISSION PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 5 May 2014 Public consultation on the Europe 2020 strategy: towards a post-crisis growth strategy for Europe Today, the Commission has launched a public consultation on the Europe 2020 strategy, the EU's long-term growth and jobs plan. The consultation will be open until 31 October 2014. Through this public consultation, the Commission is seeking the views of all interested people and organisations on the Europe 2020 strategy. The aim of the consultation is to draw lessons from the first four years of the strategy and to make sure it acts as an effective post-crisis strategy for growth and jobs in Europe. It covers the scope, nature, instruments, ownership and delivery of the Europe 2020 strategy, and will provide important evidence for the mid-term review of the strategy, scheduled for 2015. A lot has been done in recent years to assist Member States in developing their national policies. Now is the right time to take stock of Europe 2020 and to think about what its focus should be in the coming years. Not only are we approaching the halfway point of the strategy but we are also emerging from the worst crisis faced by our economies. It is also timely to examine where things stand as the EU prepares for a new political leadership following the European Parliament's elections. Preparing for the public consultation On 5 March 2014, the Commission laid the foundations for the public consultation by publishing a Communication, 'Taking stock of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth', analysing how the implementation of the strategy is advancing at EU and national level (see MEMO/14/149). It found that progress on the 2020 targets has been mixed. The EU is on course to meet or come close to its education, climate and energy targets, but given the magnitude of the challenges it is off course on its employment, research and development and poverty reduction goals. However, the results and forecasts vary widely across Member States. Next steps The Commission will draw on the contributions it receives during the public consultation when it presents proposals for the mid-term review of the Europe 2020 strategy early in 2015. This will be followed by a discussion at next year's spring European Council. Background The Europe 2020 strategy was launched in 2010, against the background of an unprecedented crisis. It sets out a vision for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth for Europe by 2020, based on five headline targets: 1. To have at least 75% of people aged 20-64 in employment by 2020; 2. To invest 3% of GDP in research and development by 2020; IP/14/504 1/2 28/82

3. To cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20%, increase the share of renewables to 20% and improve energy efficiency by 20% by 2020; 4. To reduce school drop-out rates to below 10% and increase the share of young people with a third-level degree or diploma to at least 40% by 2020; 5. To ensure that 20 million fewer people are at risk of poverty or social exclusion by 2020. Progress on the Europe 2020 strategy is monitored during the European Semester, the EU's calendar for coordinating economic, budgetary and social policies. The objectives of the strategy are embedded in the various steps of the European Semester, and are integrated in its priorities and in the country-specific recommendations addressed to Member States each spring. Europe 2020 is supported by the single market, the multiannual financial framework and the EU's trade agenda. In addition, it has been buttressed by seven "flagship initiatives", which are projects in areas that are important engines for growth: A "Digital agenda for Europe", the "Innovation Union", "Youth on the move", a "Resource efficient Europe", "An industrial policy for the globalisation era", an "Agenda for new skills and jobs" and the "European platform against poverty". The strategy was conceived as a partnership between the EU and its Member States, and its success depends on the commitment and involvement of national governments, parliaments, local and regional authorities, social partners, stakeholders and civil society. That is why it is crucial to get the views of all of those involved in the implementation of the strategy, and learn from their experiences and best practices. Further information: The public consultation is available through Your Voice in Europe or on the Europe 2020 website: http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/public-consultation/index_en.htm The March Communication, 'Taking stock of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth', is available here: http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/pdf/europe2020stocktaking_en.pdf Country-by-country data on Europe 2020 is available in the annexes to the March Communication: http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/pdf/europe2020stocktaking_annex_en.pdf For more information on Europe 2020: http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/index_en.htm Twitter: #Europe2020 Contacts : Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen (+32 2 295 30 70) Sarah Collins (+32 2 296 80 76) For the public: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 or by e-mail 2 2/2 29/82

DENMARK S NATIONAL REPORT 2014 ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ET 2020 Table of contents A. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ET 2020 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES... 3 1. Assessment and key suggestions for improvement of the ET 2020 strategic objectives... 3 1a. Assessment and suggestions for changes to the strategic objectives... 3 1b. Proposal for two key priority areas... 3 2. Lifelong learning and mobility... 4 2a. Assessment of measures regarding lifelong learning strategies, validation of non-formal and informal learning, transitions between education and training sectors, and recognition of learning outcomes... 4 2b. Proposal for issue to be taken forward during the next ET 2020 work cycle... 5 3. Quality and efficiency in education and training... 5 3a. Assessment of measures to promote equitable and efficient investment in education and training... 5 3b. Proposal for issue to be taken forward during the next ET 2020 work cycle... 7 3c. Follow-up on 2013 PISA and PIAAC surveys... 7 4. Equity, social cohesion and active citizenship... 8 4a. Assessment of measures regarding access to good quality mainstream education for all, equitable access to early childhood education and care, and inclusive educational approaches for learners from various backgrounds... 8 5. Creativity and innovation... 10 5a. Assessment of measures regarding entrepreneurship, digital skills, openness of education, and language learning... 10 5b. Proposal for issue to be taken forward during the next ET 2020 work cycle... 12 B. SECTORAL CONTRIBUTION TO THE ET 2020 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES... 12 6. School Policy... 12 6a. Assessment of measures regarding the reduction in early school leaving, the enhancement of teachers competencies and the quality of school education... 12 7. Vocational Education and Training... 14 7a. Assessment of measures regarding the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, the educational dimension of the Youth Guarantee, and the adjustment of vocational education and training to labour market needs... 14 7b. Proposal for issue to be taken forward during the next ET 2020 work cycle... 15 8. Higher Education... 15 8a. Assessment of measures regarding the completion rates, quality, and internationalisation of higher education institutions... 15 8b. Proposal for issue to be taken forward during the next ET 2020 work cycle... 17 1/21 30/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 9. Adult Learning... 17 9a. Assessment of measures regarding the quality, participation and efficiency of adult learning and basic skills to low-skilled adults... 17 9b. Proposal for issue to be taken forward during the next ET 2020 work cycle... 19 C. ET 2020 GOVERNANCE AND EUROPE 2020... 19 10a. Assessment of initiatives that integrate education-oriented elements in other policy areas aiming to stimulate growth and jobs... 19 10b. Assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the ET 2020 governance, working methods and tools... 19 10c. Assessment of measures to promote partnerships with stakeholders... 20 10d. Assessment of the effectiveness and impact of the 2007-2013 Lifelong Learning Programme and the ET 2020 objectives, as well as the use of Erasmus+ and the European Structural and Investment Funds.. 21 2 2/21 31/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 A. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ET 2020 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 1. Assessment and key suggestions for improvement of the ET 2020 strategic objectives 1a. Assessment and suggestions for changes to the strategic objectives Since the adoption of ET 2020, the economic crisis has shaped European policy and placed immediate priorities above others, also with regard to educational cooperation where priorities relating to the employment agenda and underpinning structural reforms have been at the top of the agenda. Cooperation should not only be a response to current conditions, but should also be defined in the light of long-term, strategic objectives, including education for citizenship. Erasmus+ has focused cooperation in the area of education, addresses the immediate priorities, and also supports long-term structural reforms in the field of education. Any new communication of a revised strategic framework should be seen in close connection with the three key actions of the programme for the purpose of offering a framework for long-term reforms (the framework as such) and support for immediate priorities. The present framework contains too many objectives, which has resulted in e.g. too many priority areas agreed in joint reports. Many of the objectives have been fulfilled, which in addition to a changed reality and better evidence basis speaks in favour of a revised framework. It is necessary to strike a balance between recognising the area of education and training as complex and at the same time defining clear objectives for the cooperation in light of national and European added value through cooperation and coherence with major political agendas such as the employment agenda. Work in the Council must be focused and based on a shared, explicit will and determination through focused, strategic objectives and clear, priority areas (2015-2017) rather than a situation where it is very much the prerogative of the individual Presidencies to define priorities against the background of a very broad framework. Provided the framework remains broad as has been the case so far, a work plan may be considered. There are advantages about a work plan as found in other areas within the EYCS Council formation: Flexibility, adaptation to the immediate political agenda, fewer priority areas in the joint report and easier follow-up. Similarly, a work plan may be a way in which the education and training cooperation can better follow the overarching EU agenda such as the European Semester and respond to results of international surveys like PISA, PIAAC, etc. It is, however, to be preferred that a continued framework becomes focused and does not require a supplementary work plan. Denmark therefore welcomes a revised strategic framework in which 1) the strategic objectives follow the priorities of Erasmus+ and 2) the number of priority areas is limited in relation to the present framework and 3) priorities are seen in a larger European context and have a clear added value for both national and European policy. 1b. Proposal for two key priority areas The present framework has four broad, comprehensive strategic objectives. In a revised framework, the content of the strategic objectives should be sharpened and focused more. The strategic objectives should be supplemented with focused, clear and specific priority areas, including short-term deliverables in relevant areas, that can contribute to supporting the implementation of national reforms and ensuring momentum regarding the common challenges. The strategic objectives and priority areas should focus on the following: Basic skills in a lifelong perspective and quality and effect in the educational programmes in order to underpin the growth and employment agenda in the EU. Please find in the report below under the relevant b sections a description of Denmark s proposals for issues that should be part of the work under these two key priorities. 3 3/21 32/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 2. Lifelong learning and mobility 2a. Assessment of measures regarding lifelong learning strategies, validation of non-formal and informal learning, transitions between education and training sectors, and recognition of learning outcomes Educational reforms and lifelong learning In the period 2012-2014, the Danish Government has implemented a number of essential reform initiatives and measures in terms of school education, youth education programmes, higher education, and adult education and continuing training with a view to promoting lifelong learning. The most essential challenges in the area of education and training are that more young people must have vocational education and training (VET), and that the quality and effectiveness of educational programmes must be strengthened. In 2013, the Government concluded a broad agreement on reform of the Folkeskole (municipal primary and lower secondary school), with effect from the school year 2014/15. The reform is to address the challenges facing the Folkeskole. One of the challenges is that many young people leave the Folkeskole with insufficient basic skills. Another is to make all children as competent as possible. The reform introduces a longer and more varied school day with e.g. more and better teaching in Danish and maths, time for new varied teaching forms, and increased collaboration between teachers and social educators in the teaching. Considerable extra funds have for example been allocated for supplementary training of teachers and school leaders. Since 2011, the Government has placed special focus on ensuring higher quality and meeting the challenge of finding apprenticeships with regard to VET. As part of the agreement on the 2013 Finance and Appropriation Act, the Government entered into an agreement on better vocational education and training and a strengthened education guarantee. The agreement is among other things to contribute to reducing the high dropout rate in the VET programmes and increasing the number of students who get apprenticeships in enterprises. In the first quarter of 2014, the agreement has been followed up on with a broad political agreement on a reform of vocational education and training, which is to take effect from the school year 2015/16. The reform is to contribute to ensuring that more young people complete a VET programme, and contribute to ensuring education guarantee in Denmark for all young people who want basic vocational education and training. The reform also provides better entry routes to higher education and holds altogether new opportunities for adults to achieve vocational education and training in a short time e.g. on the basis of recognition of prior learning (RPL). Furthermore, the reform introduces a special flex education programme for young people who do not have sufficiently good qualifications for starting an ordinary youth education programme. In addition, in the school year 2014/15, pilot projects containing vocational education-oriented programmes within general adult education will be conducted for the purpose of dismantling barriers and facilitating the transition to VET for young adults. As part of an ambitious growth strategy, the Government has concluded a broad agreement known as Growth Plan DK, which comprises e.g. a strengthening of public adult education and continuing training programmes by an extra DKK 1 billion over the period 2014-2017. The funds are to be spent among other things to ensure a competence increase for unskilled and skilled workers as well as initiatives to strengthen the quality and effectiveness of adult education and continuing training programmes. The initiative is to be implemented in collaboration with the social partners. Guidance and RPL The Government has introduced several initiatives to strengthen the guidance effort e.g. by introducing an electronic guidance service that provides both young people and adults with the possibility of easy access to independent information and guidance on the phone or digital media for the greater part of the day. Together with the Education Guide (ug.dk), the online guidance provides the national guidance service which, together with regional and local guidance services and resources, offers both young people and adults good access to educational guidance. 4 4/21 33/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 Validation of non-formal and informal learning takes place within all parts of the Danish education system, and Denmark already complies with Council Recommendation 2012/C 398/01 to a considerable extent. The Government is working on an ongoing basis to strengthen RPL with a view to underpinning lifelong learning. Therefore, against the background of an evaluation carried out in 2011 of legislation on RPL in the area of adult education, a number of development activities have been launched with a view to developing new methods and improving quality assurance regarding competence assessment at the educational institutions. In the field of nonformal adult education, voluntary activity in associations, and the folk high school area, etc., a tool is being evaluated and further developed in spring 2014 for the purpose of registering and assessing prior learning that can lead to increased mobility within education sectors and on the labour market. Mobility and mutual recognition The Danish Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning was referenced to the EQF in 2011 after the referencing process had been successfully completed. The national implementation of the qualifications framework was completed in 2013 e.g. with information about the framework on the Education Guide, and an indication of NQF/EQF levels on diplomas and certificate supplement and diploma supplement. An evaluation has also been conducted of the Danish qualifications framework in connection with which educational institutions and the social partners were consulted about the use of the framework. The evaluation showed generally a considerable knowledge of the framework, which especially with regard to higher education is perceived as an important tool in order to describe the learning outcomes of the educational programmes and to develop new educational programmes. The new subsidiary text to the Lisbon Convention on the use of qualifications frameworks in recognition has been put to use in Denmark, which means that the qualifications framework is used to determine the level and quality of foreign education programmes, provided the foreign qualifications framework has conducted the selfcertification process to the Bologna-qualifications framework and the referencing process to the EQF. During the years 2011-2014, Denmark has contributed to two important projects, known as the European Area of Recognition Manuals (EAR Manuals), which are targeted at recognition in ENIC and NARIC offices as well as at recognition at higher education institutions. The manuals describe good practice in recognition and constitute a tool of support for the institutions that are to ensure a more uniform and fair recognition in accordance with the Lisbon Convention. Training modules have been held for the institutions with a view to disseminating the use of the manual. With respect to VET programmes, the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) was implemented in 2013 with a view to underpinning educational exchange and mobility. In connection with the involvement of e.g. vocational schools, guidelines have been drawn up for the use of ECVET regarding mobility activities at Danish vocational schools. 2b. Proposal for issue to be taken forward during the next ET 2020 work cycle Implementation of the EQF and validation of non-formal and informal learning Prioritisation of Member States implementation of the EQF and national schemes for validation of non-formal and informal learning with a view to promoting recognition of qualifications, mobility and access to lifelong learning. Expected output: The EQF to be fully implemented by 2017 and the EU Council Recommendation on validation of non-formal and informal learning to be implemented by 2018. 3. Quality and efficiency in education and training 3a. Assessment of measures to promote equitable and efficient investment in education and training The Government has placed focus on improving the quality and efficiency of the educational programmes. Since 2012, a number of major initiatives have been taken in the areas of school education, youth education 5 5/21 34/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 programmes, higher education as well as adult education and continuing training. These initiatives are to contribute to improving the results of the educational sector and the use of resources. Reform of the Folkeskole With the beginning of the school year 2014/15, a reform of the Folkeskole will be launched, the objective of which is to improve academic standards. This is to be achieved by giving the pupils a longer and more varied school day with more and better teaching, including more lessons in Danish and maths, and with increased focus on the pupils well-being and academic development. The implementation of the reform comprises e.g. clear national targets for the development and evaluation of the Folkeskole, guidance material and exemplary lesson plans that are to help teachers, the establishment of a new corps of learning consultants, a knowledge portal as well as a resource centre for the Folkeskole. The Government has already launched a comprehensive pedagogical development effort that involves a large number of schools and municipalities under the heading New Nordic School. As part of the agreement on an improvement of academic standards in the Folkeskole (2013), the Government has allocated DKK 1 billion in the period 2014-2020 for strengthening the supplementary training of educational staff in the Folkeskole. This is to achieve a high academic level and to improve the standards of the teaching. The government contribution will supplement the municipalities annual funds allocated for competence development. The funds will be spent on underpinning a number of prioritised competencies for teachers and social educators in the Folkeskole. A committee of parties have reached agreement on eight milestones for how municipalities, schools and providers of supplementary training are to work on competence development of the Folkeskole. It is a matter of e.g. prioritising competence development of the subjects in the Folkeskole, more competencies targeted at the work with pupils learning and well-being, strengthening the application of guides/resource persons, the municipalities work regarding competence plans, competence development and follow-up. Improving the academic standards of youth education programmes as well as adult education and continuing training In December 2012, the Government presented its visions of an improvement of standards in youth education programmes as well as adult education and continuing training in the proposal Even better education programmes for young people and adults. The objective of improving standards is that all should become as competent as possible, that the educational programmes should contribute to reducing the significance of social background to academic results, and that well-being should be enhanced. The 2013 collective bargaining in the state sector resulted in a new agreement between the Government and the teachers unions in the area of statesector youth and adult education programmes. The agreement will enable a more cost-effective use of working hours, which will contribute to an improvement of standards in the education and training in the time ahead. The agreement which took effect for upper secondary education teachers as well as for general adult education teachers from August 2013 opens up for giving teachers and students more time together for teaching and other learning activities - more and better lessons, more differentiated, targeted and student-tailored teaching, as well as more practice-based, application-oriented teaching. Two projects have been launched in spring 2014 and are to continue for the remainder of 2014. They are e.g. to contribute to improving educational standards at upper secondary level with a view to school development in practice, and they address both management and teachers. The individual schools will enter into a network for the purpose of jointly developing the schools work to improve quality with a focus on the students academic level, the students benefit and well-being, the development of forms of teaching and working, etc. Agreement on better vocational education and training and strengthened education guarantee As part of the agreement on the 2013 Finance and Appropriation Act, the Government entered into an agreement on better vocational education and training and strengthened education guarantee. The agreement is among other things to contribute to reducing the high dropout rate in the VET programmes and increasing the number of students who get apprenticeships in enterprises. With the agreement, a total of DKK 3.1 billion was prioritised over the period 2013-2016. The agreement holds 12 initiatives, each of which contributes to 6 6/21 35/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 improving standards, reducing the dropout rate and increasing the number of apprenticeships. The agreement was implemented in 2013 and is closely monitored e.g. through an indicator-based surveillance system. Reform of vocational education and training In the first quarter of 2014, a political agreement has been concluded on a reform of vocational education and training, the objective of which is to strengthen the quality of the VET programmes, among other things by introducing admission requirements, improving the educational environment, increasing the number of lessons in Danish and maths, and by creating a better pedagogical framework for the programmes. All are to become as competent as possible. At the same time, the VET programmes are to contribute to reducing the significance of social background to academic results. In order to fund the initiatives, a reserve has been allocated in the 2014 Finance and Appropriation Act totalling DKK 980 million for the period 2014-2017. Reform of Danish State Educational Support (SU) In recent years, the Government has initiated a number of measures to ensure that young Danes complete their studies at an early age and find employment. In 2013, a reform was implemented which targets the SU system so as to speed up and improve young people s passage through the education system. The reform is to ensure that the Danish SU system also in future will constitute the basis for enabling young people to complete an education irrespective of their upbringing, social background and their parents financial circumstances. With the reform, the SU system is made more effective and tailored to real needs while ensuring that all young people will continue to have the opportunity of completing an education. The reform of the SU system was implemented in connection with the study progress reform, which is described in detail in section 8a. Together, the two reforms address the serious challenge that young Danes take a long time in completing their studies, which means that it takes a long time before they enter into qualified employment. Expert Committee on Quality in Higher Education in Denmark With regard to higher education, the Government has set up the Expert Committee on Quality in Higher Education in Denmark. The committee is charged with the task of presenting recommendations for how quality, relevance and coherence may be strengthened in Danish higher education. The committee is expected to address the key challenge that the majority of new jobs up to 2020 are envisaged to be created in the private sector, which means that there is a need for special focus on this sector s competence needs. Strengthened and targeted measures regarding adult vocational training programmes As part of the Government s Growth Plan DK of February 2013, DKK 1 billion is allocated for new initiatives that are to e.g. strengthen the quality and targeted effort in general and adult vocational training programmes. Please see section 9a for details. 3b. Proposal for issue to be taken forward during the next ET 2020 work cycle Increased focus on knowledge and evidence as the basis for cost-effective reforms in the field of education For the purpose of increasing the quality and effectiveness of future reforms of the education systems in Member States, more focus should be placed on evidence and knowledge of what has had an impact, including through the involvement of stakeholders. Expected output: Enhanced knowledge and better quality as well as cost-effectiveness in education programmes, based on the most recent available knowledge. 3c. Follow-up on 2013 PISA and PIAAC surveys The Government has already taken the initiative to improve Danish pupils skills in school education. The Danish Government is of the opinion that the new reform of the Folkeskole will contribute to improving the academic standards of Danish pupils, including also take care of the number of pupils who according to PISA 2012 have insufficient basic skills to perform well in the education system and on the labour market. The Government has also placed focus on strengthening the basic skills of adults across the board. This applies in particular to reading and ICT skills. The Government has allocated extra funds to strengthen adult education and continuing training in the period 2014-2017, when the PIAAC results are also included in the preparation of 7 7/21 36/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 initiatives that e.g. are to be discussed with the social partners. The Government has already allocated funds for 2014 with a view to strengthening preparatory adult education, especially for those who are bilingual. 4. Equity, social cohesion and active citizenship 4a. Assessment of measures regarding access to good quality mainstream education for all, equitable access to early childhood education and care, and inclusive educational approaches for learners from various backgrounds Denmark has a long history of focusing on equal opportunities and active participation. Similarly, it is a goal in the field of education to create academically strong education programmes for all. However, it remains a challenge to reduce the significance of social background to academic results at school. Similarly, there is a high dropout rate in the youth education programmes. Early childhood education and care (ECEC) It is a characteristic of Denmark, that ECEC is very widespread. Approx. 91 per cent of 1-2-year-old children attend ECEC whereas the figure for 3-5-year-olds is approx. 97 per cent. The first 0-6 years in children s lives are very important in terms of acquiring fundamental competencies. That is why ECEC plays a key role in children s lives, and in Denmark there is a focus on continuously strengthening the quality of ECEC. High-quality ECEC can make a positive difference for all children, and children that experience quality in ECEC do better in school and also later as adults on the labour market. This applies in particular to children in vulnerable positions. The fact that the majority of all children aged between 0-6 attend ECEC means that there is a unique opportunity to provide the best possible start in life and also identify children that do not thrive and are in need of extra help and support. The sooner vulnerable children are given assistance, the greater the chance that these children will have the same opportunities as other children. Inclusion is therefore a key word for this work. The goal is for all children to be part of the communities and activities of ECEC. All children must have a safe and secure childhood, enter into social relations with other children and adults, and at the same time obtain the necessary competencies to do well in school and later on in life. In 2013, the development, pilot and research programme, Fremtidens Dagtilbud (ECEC of the future) was initiated. The objective of the programme is to obtain new knowledge about the effects of targeted educational work in childcare and day-care facilities. The goal is that all children receiving ECEC are to thrive and learn as much as they can, and to reduce the significance of social background to children s well-being and learning. With the 2014 Finance and Appropriation Act a total of DKK 280 million has been allocated over a period of four years for preventive action regarding vulnerable children and young people. Out of this amount, a total of DKK 55 million will be spent on initiatives targeted at vulnerable children in ECEC. The municipalities will receive support to use ECEC to find vulnerable children at an early stage and to roll out effective methods that are to contribute to promoting children s well-being and development. The projects will be launched in 2015. School education One of the objectives of the reform known as An improvement of the standards in the Folkeskole is to reduce the significance of social background to the pupils academic results. The objective is to be achieved through e.g. increased transition to inclusion of pupils with special needs in mainstream education. The objective is that the share of pupils in mainstream education is to increase to 96 per cent of the total number of pupils in the Folkeskole by 2015. The municipalities are fully engaged in the process as the share of pupils in mainstream education has increased from 94.4 per cent to 94.8 per cent in the school year 2012/2013, which corresponds to three pupils per school in the Danish Folkeskole. In order to underpin the transition to increased inclusion, the municipalities have committed themselves to making pedagogical psychological counselling (PPR) more demand driven so as to tailor the counselling to the needs of schools and pupils. At the same time, the municipalities are to work strategically towards improving the standards of teachers, social educators and other resource persons to ensure that they to a greater extent are able 8 8/21 37/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 to accommodate the needs of pupils with different backgrounds. It is a crucial challenge to give school leaders, teachers and other staff groups access to knowledge about inclusion and access to resource persons who can guide and support them in their work regarding the practical transition to increased inclusion. Another key challenge is to differentiate teaching so that it meets the needs of the individual pupil. That is why the agreement on the new Folkeskole contains supportive teaching that is to give pupils differentiated challenges that will meet their different needs. Lastly, as part of the reform, schools in the Danish Folkeskole are to a greater extent to open up to the society around them by including association life. Collaboration with voluntary associations is e.g. to foster local and social cohesion and contribute to ensuring that all pupils, irrespective of social background, become acquainted with the various opportunities offered by voluntary associations. In September 2013, the Danish Government set a number of targets in the area of social affairs. These targets are to be achieved up to 2020. Two of the targets are to ensure that vulnerable children and young people are to reach a higher educational level as this is a key factor for the well-being, development and future opportunities of children and young people. The targets relating to vulnerable children and young people are: 1) that the academic level of vulnerable children and young people in the Folkeskole with respect to reading and maths is to be improved 2) that more vulnerable children and young people are to complete a youth education programme. By 2020, a minimum of 50 per cent of vulnerable children and young people are to have completed a youth education programme by the age of 25. Work is in progress on following up on the social 2020 targets by identifying the paths and the tools to reach the targets. This task is performed in collaboration and dialogue with all parties in the area. Youth education programmes In vocational education and training, almost every second student (46 per cent) of those who start a basic programme drops out before they have completed the main programme. The 2014 reform of vocational education and training (please see section 7a) will change this tendency by creating an attractive youth environment in the VET programmes, which in future are to be youth education programmes as students aged more than 25 will be referred to an adult VET programme. A more simplified structure will provide the students with a better overview, there are to be better opportunities to continue studying, and focus must continue to be placed on providing apprenticeships. The schools are to offer differentiated teaching that is tailored to the individual student s qualifications, and the schools are also obliged to provide practice-oriented teaching. In the period from 2012 to 2014, the Ministry of Education has completed two successful initiatives to reduce dropout: The Quality Patrol and The Retention Caravan. The Quality Patrol placed focus on the educational measures at the individual vocational school, which had a positive impact on the dropout rate. The objective was to ensure that other schools learnt of these measures. The Retention Caravan placed focus on retaining young people in the VET programme by e.g. focusing on the situation regarding apprenticeships. Both initiatives had a positive impact, and they are taken forward in the project We Need All Youngsters. All vocational schools are obliged to draw up an action plan regarding efforts to reduce dropout. The action plan is to be submitted to the Ministry of Education, which will follow up on the content of the plan vis-à-vis the schools. At upper secondary school level, various initiatives have been taken to reduce dropout and promote equitable access and diversity in education. Some of the pilot and development projects set out below at the level of upper secondary education have just been completed and some are still in progress: Project on students who are unfamiliar with upper secondary school with a focus on students who come from environments that are not accustomed to education. Project on classroom management with a focus on inclusion and reducing the dropout rate. Both projects contain a number of school projects where schools run their own projects, and where they work in networks to challenge and inspire each other. Linked to this is trailing research, which both facilitates the 9 9/21 38/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 network effort and draws up reports on the project outcomes. Furthermore, the knowledge obtained from the projects is disseminated to the entire upper secondary school sector by way of conferences. In 2013/2014, an impact survey was conducted with a focus on folk high school students activities after their stay at a folk high school. The survey shows that young people who drop out of a youth education programme stand a better chance of completing an education later if they, in the time in between, have attended a folk high school rather than participated in other targeted activities. The Government is therefore working towards making it easier for vulnerable young people to complete a stay at a folk high school. Higher education In March 2014, a reform of the education of social educators took effect. The reform is e.g. to underpin the objective of social mobility and break with negative social heritage through early initiatives to ensure that more young people become able to complete education and training leading to a vocational/professional qualification. In the development contracts for higher education from 2015-2017, social mobility is included as one of the educational institutions mandatory goals. The institutions of higher education are expected to make a special effort to contribute to meeting societal challenges. 5. Creativity and innovation 5a. Assessment of measures regarding entrepreneurship, digital skills, openness of education, and language learning Promotion of entrepreneurship education at all levels of education and training and implementation of the knowledge triangle Denmark s work on the implementation of the knowledge triangle, including the work on entrepreneurship in education and training is presented in the national innovation strategy, Denmark a nation of solutions of December 2012 (http://ufm.dk/en/publications/2012/denmark-a-nation-of-solutions). The initiatives set out in this are to ensure closer coupling between research, education and innovation in companies for the benefit of growth and job creation. At the same time, they are to contribute to more targeted innovative solutions to global societal challenges. There are 27 initiatives within three focus areas: 1. Innovation to be driven by societal challenges: Demand for solutions to specific societal challenges is to be prioritised more highly in public innovation efforts. 2. More knowledge to be translated into value: Focus on mutual knowledge exchange between companies and knowledge institutions and more effective innovation schemes. 3. Education as a means to increase innovation capacity: A change of culture in the education system with more focus on innovation, where the student to a greater extent is to be perceived as an innovation resource. To achieve this, the Danish Government has placed the main part of its effort as well as the associated funds targeted at disseminating innovation and entrepreneurship in education and training with the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship, which is a non-profit organisation. The tasks of the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship cover all educational levels and include e.g. the preparation of educational material, the provision of courses and supplementary training for teachers, the collection and communication of knowledge about entrepreneurship in education and training programmes, the organisation and support for competitions and events, as well as the allocation of funds to students for start-ups and educational projects. The foundation was set up in 2009 and since then has contributed e.g. to a significant rise in the number of pupils and students at all levels who become acquainted with entrepreneurship. Both the number and share of pupils and students who participate in entrepreneurship education and/or activities have increased at all educational levels. Descriptions in detail are available on the website of the foundation at: www.ffe-ye.dk. The foundation s work is carried forward under the auspices of the national innovation strategy with a fresh focus on e.g. the role of the foundation as a knowledge centre and on the collection of knowledge about innovation and entrepreneurship examination forms. 10 10/21 39/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 Promotion of digital skills among teachers and pupils As part of the agreement on an improvement of standards in the Folkeskole, there has been a simplification and specification of Common Objectives, which are binding targets for the pupils learning. It appears from the agreement that digital competencies and digital support of professional learning are to be mainstreamed in all subjects. In the work on simplifying the Common Objectives, targets are set for the pupils professional knowledge about and use of ICT, so as to ensure that ICT becomes an integral part of the subjects. Furthermore, the Government has allocated DKK 500 million in the period 2012-2015 for strengthening and increasing the use of ICT in the Folkeskole. The main focus is to be placed on the development of the market for digital learning materials to ensure the availability of more high-quality products to support integrated use of ICT in the teaching. Furthermore, there is a focus on obtaining and disseminating knowledge about ICT-based learning via e.g. networks and research projects with pilot projects at demonstration schools. In addition, the Government has concluded an agreement with Local Government Denmark (LGDK) on ensuring the necessary ICT infrastructure at all schools up to the 2014 school start. It remains a challenge to ensure that the teachers of the future are able to benefit from the entire pedagogical and didactic potential of using ICT in the teaching. That is why ICT was made a special action area in connection with the teacher education reform in 2012. This is to be ensured by including ICT as a pedagogical/didactic tool to relevant extent in all competence targets for the subjects taught and for the teacher s common core foundational skills. More and better integrated use of digital forms of working and products is underpinned by the new education s better opportunities of planning new forms of tests in connection with the completion of modules and competence target tests. Promotion of openness of education in connection with the use and development of Open Educational Resources, including MOOCs, etc. as well as enhancing ICT infrastructure and connectivity in educational institutions As part of the agreement on an improvement of academic standards in the Folkeskole, EMU - Denmark s educational portal will be developed into a dynamic knowledge portal for school education. It is to help teachers in the planning of the teaching on the basis of the learning targets of Common Objectives. On the portal, teachers will find material of inspiration for their planning, implementation and evaluation of the teaching on the basis of the new targets. The supportive material will be ready for the 2014/15 school year. The objective of EMU is in general to present teaching-related initiatives and the best resources free of charge on the Internet. The material platform is an independent national service where all organisations, publishing houses and other stakeholders, including teachers can share descriptions of all types of learning materials for the Danish educational sector. Key resources from the EU projects in which the Ministry of Education participates are also shared on the material platform. It is, consequently, a matter of a comprehensive catalogue that makes it easy for teachers, students and pupils to find exactly the learning resources they need. In the Government s action plan for internationalisation, focus is placed on strengthening ICT-supported distance education. By making use of the digital opportunities, more high-quality education programmes can be made accessible to a broader group of students. The quality requirements of education under OER must naturally be high as is the case regarding the education at higher education institutions. OER/MOOCs are an area where the development is fast. It is therefore important that EU Member States disseminate experience, practice and surveys regarding the impact and perspectives of OER/MOOCs. Enhancing language teaching and learning at all levels of education and training As part of the reform of the Folkeskole, a number of initiatives are being introduced to ensure more and earlier teaching of foreign languages. All measures are to take effect as of the 2014 school start: Pupils will already from the 1st form receive teaching in the subject English, which today is not introduced until the 3rd form. There will be one weekly lesson in the 1st and 2nd forms. The objective is to strengthen the pupils opportunity of being able to manage in a global world, and to take into account the fact that children at an early age become acquainted with foreign languages. In order to strengthen the teaching of the second foreign language, 11 11/21 40/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 German/French will be moved forward to the 5th form and made mandatory. In the 5th and 6th forms, one and two weekly lessons respectively will be allocated to German and French according to the recommended distribution of lessons. Furthermore, it will in general be possible for the pupils to choose a third foreign language as an elective subject. As of June 2013, a strengthened emphasis on languages is part of the Government s action plan for internationalisation. The action plan comprises e.g. better recognition of linguistic competencies and places focus on increased quality in language teaching. 5b. Proposal for issue to be taken forward during the next ET 2020 work cycle Pupils and students as a European innovation resource How to bring the transversal learning and skills of students and pupils into play as an innovation resource (for companies, municipalities, the state sector and the EU)? Transversal skills such as languages, ICT skills and entrepreneurial competencies are characterised by being action and application-oriented and closely linked to practice. They are skills that are to be practiced and used in order to develop. At the same time, they are skills with a potential for innovation and growth creation, and they are much in demand throughout the EU. It is therefore logical that ET 2020 in its next work cycle will work on how students practice of these competencies may be put into play as an innovation resource for society/europe. Expected output: Cross-European initiatives that bring the learning and training of transversal skills of pupils and students into play as an innovation resource for society. B. SECTORIAL CONTRIBUTION TO THE ET 2020 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 6. School Policy 6a. Assessment of measures regarding the reduction in early school leaving, the enhancement of teachers competencies and the quality of school education With the reform of the Folkeskole, which will be launched with the 2014 school start, school education is one of the Government s major action areas. The reform is e.g. to respond to the challenge that 15 to 17 per cent of the pupils leave the Folkeskole today without sufficient skills in reading and maths. This means that their opportunities of completing a youth education programme are significantly reduced. Strengthening the quality of school education and the teachers competencies as well as a longer school day and a comprehensive guidance effort are some of the headings for the initiatives that are to contribute to fulfilling one of the overarching targets of the reform of the Folkeskole that the pupils are to become as competent as possible. Reduction of early school leaving Against the background of guidance effort targeted at all young people in school education, there is a general obligation on the part of the Youth Guidance Centres to ensure that young people proceed from school education to a youth education programme. The guidance effort includes both joint and individual activities targeted at the group. All young people who from the 9th or 10th forms apply for admission to a youth education programme will be subject to an assessment of their readiness to continue in education or training. It means that young people will be assessed with respect to their academic, social and personal qualifications for starting and completing VET or upper secondary education. With the new legislation, this process will begin already in the 8th form. Through the process, young people who are assessed as not being ready will receive special academic and guidance support with a view to acquiring the qualifications in the 9th or 10th forms for starting a youth education programme. All young 15-17-year-olds are obliged to comply with their education plan. The education plan contains an agreement between the young person and the Youth Guidance Centre which describes the activity the young person is engaged in, and for most young people it will mean that they follow a youth education programme. It is 12 12/21 41/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 at the same time the task of the Youth Guidance Centres to ensure that the young actually follow their education plan. Moreover, they are to guide young people who drop out of a youth education programme or do not follow an agreed activity. In other words, it is a matter of close follow-up on a group of young people who do not continue directly into a youth education programme after the 9th/10th forms. It is difficult to say anything in exact terms of the impact of the initiative. Attention should, however, be drawn to the fact that in the period of the above-mentioned measures there has been a reduction in the number of young people who are not in education, employment or any other agreed activity. It seems therefore that the initiative has had the desired impact on the target group of young people who are at risk of not starting or completing a youth education programme. The youth education institutions are obliged to help young people who are at risk of dropping out. This applies both to the educational institution which the young person attends and/or another educational institution if the young person wishes to change education. There is close collaboration between the educational institutions and the Youth Guidance Centres with a view to ensuring that the maximum numbers of young people complete the education they wanted. Strengthening of teachers competencies and academic standards in school education As part of the reform of the Folkeskole, a number of measures are being introduced to strengthen teachers competencies as well as to improve and develop standards in Danish school education in the long term. Targets have been set to the effect that by 2020 all pupils in the Folkeskole are to be taught by teachers who either have teaching competence from the teacher education in the subjects that they teach or have acquired similar professional competence through supplementary training, etc. In this connection, a total of DKK 1 billion has been allocated for strengthening supplementary training of teachers and social educators in the Danish Folkeskole in the period 2014-2020. At the same time, a government-funded pool of DKK 60 million has been allocated for supplementary training of school leaders in the period 2013-2015. The funds are e.g. to improve the competencies of school leaders and administrative managers with respect to professional leadership and change management, as well as to develop guides, tools and methods that school leaders and administrative managers can use in the development of the Folkeskole in practice. With the 2013 agreement on an improvement of academic standards in the Folkeskole, three overarching national goals were adopted for the development of school education, which are to be operationalised in a few quantifiable targets. At all levels, the target figures will constitute the point of departure for the dialogue of the Ministry of Education with the municipalities and the other parties of the Folkeskole on the development of the Folkeskole. Information about the performance of the schools is in future to be collected and made available in a new digital management information system. The digital management information system is to be used for follow-up on the Folkeskole results and at the same time give schools and municipalities easy access to relevant data. In relation to parent-school collaboration, it is specified in the new Folkeskole Act that the school board s principles for collaboration between the school and the pupil s home is also to include principles on the parents responsibility for the collaboration. Furthermore, as part of the reform, a competence development effort will be launched for members of school boards. Lastly, with the introduction of the reform, schools are to open up to the society around them by involving local sports associations, music and visual arts schools, museums or other local associations to a greater extent. The collaboration is to support the pupils learning and enhance their knowledge of association life and society. The implementation of these measures will commence from the 2014 school start. Several schools and municipalities have, however, already initiated this work. 13 13/21 42/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 7. Vocational Education and Training 7a. Assessment of measures regarding the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, the educational dimension of the Youth Guarantee, and the adjustment of vocational education and training to labour market needs Vocational education and training plays a key role in the Danish Government s growth and education policy. The need for skilled labour will increase in the years ahead, and competent skilled workers play an important role regarding companies innovation and productivity. Since 2012, the Government has taken several very large initiatives in this area. Most recently, a broad agreement was concluded in February 2014 on a reform of VET. VET faces a number of challenges, especially relating to a significant drop in interest in VET among young people, a far too high dropout rate among those who start a VET programme, an increasing percentage of young people with insufficient basic skills, as well as the fact that the age of the students varies a great deal with a considerable number of adult students. This is a challenge to the idea of VET as being youth education programmes. Agreement on better vocational education and training and strengthened education guarantee Against the background of the agreement on the Finance and Appropriation Act, the Government in 2013 implemented the political agreement on better vocational education and training, as well as a strengthened education guarantee that had been adopted in November 2012. The objective is to contribute to reducing the dropout rate in VET and increasing the number of students who conclude a training agreement. The agreement is based e.g. on recommendations from a committee set up by the Government with representatives of the social partners and with focus on four action areas: 1. Strengthened education guarantee 2. Increased quality of VET 3. Continuation of agreement on more young people in education and training and in jobs 4. Continuation of centres for adult education and continuing training (VEU centres). One of the key areas is the strengthened education guarantee comprising 12 different initiatives, including the set-up of 50 placement centres (praktikcentre) throughout the country that are responsible for the collaboration with the local business community on establishing apprenticeships, as well as offering school-based practical training for students who do not conclude a training agreement. The assessment is that the capacity regarding apprenticeships in companies will increase and that the dropout rate will be reduced. With this initiative, Denmark contributes to the realisation of the European Youth Guarantee, and the Government expects that the effort will, in general, contribute to ensuring that more young people complete VET. A positive development has already been registered in the number of apprenticeships since the agreement was adopted. Another important action area, cf. the 2013 agreement, is the quality development in VET. The action comprises seven different initiatives, including e.g.: An improvement of standards for teachers and school leaders The establishment of a common didactic and pedagogical basis at all schools related to the school s learning environment, planning and implementation of the teaching Prerequisites for strengthened differentiation of teaching Activities at schools that strengthen the coupling between school and workplace-based learning A total of DKK 3,089 million has been allocated for 22 initiatives in the period 2013-2016. The implementation took place in 2013, which means that the activities can be rolled out and carried through within a four-year period. Reform of vocational education and training In autumn 2013, the Government followed up on this agreement with the presentation of a comprehensive proposal for reform of VET. The overarching goal was that more young people are to complete a VET programme. The reform is to create better and more attractive VET for young people and more flexible education and training opportunities for adults. 14 14/21 43/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 In February 2014, the Government concluded a broad political agreement, Better and more attractive vocational education and training programmes, with the parties in the Folketing (Danish Parliament). The reform agreement contains four clear goals: 1. More students are to choose a VET programme directly after the 9th or 10th forms. A minimum of 25 per cent are to choose a VET programme directly after the 9th or 10th forms by 2020. The share is to rise to a minimum of 30 per cent by 2025. 2. More young people are to complete a VET programme. The completion rate is to rise from 52 per cent in 2012 to a minimum of 60 per cent by 2020 and a minimum of 67 per cent by 2025. 3. The VET programmes are to challenge all students to ensure that they become as competent as possible. 4. Confidence in and well-being at vocational schools are be strengthened. The students well-being and the satisfaction of recruiting companies are to increase up to 2020. The reform implies that VET is to a greater extent to be targeted at young people (below the age of 25) to ensure that it becomes a real youth education programme. In addition, a new framework is to be established for short vocational education and training programmes for adults. Pupils from the Folkeskole are to start VET with a one-year basic programme to strengthen e.g. basic skills and strengthen social communities before they conclude a training agreement with a company. Clear admission requirements will be introduced, more lessons and better teaching in basic skills, more opportunities to reach a high level in basic skills in order to gain access to higher education, and a strong focus will be placed, also in future, on increasing the number of training agreements with companies. The reform was adopted by the Folketing in June 2014 and is to take effect in August 2015. The Government s assessment is that the reform, once fully implemented, will contribute to increasing the number of young people who choose a VET programme, improve the completion percentage, give more young people the opportunity of proceeding to higher education, and imply that more adults become skilled workers. The implementation of the reform is closely monitored e.g. by means of measurable indicators at both national and institutional levels in relation to the targets of the reform. In a European perspective, the reform will to a high degree contribute to fulfilling Danish country-specific recommendations in the area of VET, and it will constitute an important contribution to the implementation of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships and a renewal of the Copenhagen process. 7b. Proposal for issue to be taken forward during the next ET 2020 work cycle Apprenticeships in vocational education and training The prioritisation of action to promote apprenticeship-based and workplace-based VET programmes through national reforms and European partnerships. Apprenticeship-based VET may contribute to meeting labour market needs for qualified labour and improve young people s opportunities of finding employment. Expected output: Reforms in Member States contributing to ensuring that more young people get the opportunity to complete an apprenticeship-based VET programme. 8. Higher Education 8a. Assessment of measures regarding the completion rates, quality, and internationalisation of higher education institutions In recent years, there has been much focus on the quality and relevance of higher education in Denmark. An Expert Committee on Quality in Higher Education has been set up, and a new accreditation system has been introduced. Furthermore, focus has been placed on improving the completion rates of students in higher education, and an action plan has been launched to strengthen the internationalisation of higher education. There is, however, a need for skills matching to be prioritised also in future. 15 15/21 44/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 Quality in higher education Quality and relevance have been an overarching goal in the educational institutions development contracts, and the Minister for Higher Education and Science has held round-table consultations on teaching quality with teachers and been in ongoing dialogue with the rectors on the need for developing the quality and relevance of higher education. Specifically, the measures presented below have been initiated: In autumn 2013, the Minister for Higher Education and Science set up the Expert Committee on Quality in Higher Education. The committee is charged with the task of presenting recommendations for how quality, relevance and coherence may be strengthened in Danish higher education. The committee is to present specific proposals for ways to strengthen the present higher education system and is, at the same time, expected to contribute to deliberations on how higher education is to develop over the next 10-20 years. The committee presented its first report in April 2014, and the final report is to be submitted at the end of 2014. The committee s first report in April 2014 contained proposals for a number of key changes to the education system, including strengthening the relevance of bachelor programmes for the private business community and, to a greater extent, dimensioning education programmes which for years have experienced high unemployment. So far, the committee s recommendations have not given rise to specific political initiatives. On 1 July 2013, Denmark introduced a new accreditation system, which changes from accreditation of each individual education programme to accreditation of entire educational institutions. It is a key objective of the accreditation system that it contributes on an ongoing basis to improving and developing the quality of the education programmes. The transition to institution accreditation implies that the responsibility for ensuring relevance and quality of the individual education programme is placed more unambiguously with the educational institution providing the programme. Educational institutions managements face a significant task in assuming responsibility for the quality of the education programmes and for creating a strong, institutionally-embedded quality culture. The first institutions will be institution accredited in 2014, and the entire system is expected to have been phased in by 2018. Outstanding challenges are, consequently, linked to the implementation of the new accreditation system. In order to ensure an overall balance in the general development of higher education, which implies that no overdevelopment takes place of some types and fields of education or that any distorted geographical spread takes place regarding the provision of educational programmes, the institutional accreditation will be supplemented with a prequalification of new educational programmes and new provision of existing educational programmes. Prequalification is meant to ensure that the development with regard to higher education is expedient from a socioeconomic and education policy point of view. Prequalification is a specific assessment of whether new educational programmes will contribute to meeting identified competence needs in Danish society, including competence needs in existing trades or knowledge areas, or will contribute to the development within new knowledge or business areas. Prequalification has contributed to limiting the increase in new education programmes and has supported a more coherent picture of the higher education system. Similarly, the system has contributed to increased focus on the relevance of the educational programmes to the labour market. Improved completion rates regarding higher education In Denmark, there has been much focus on raising completion rates in higher education since 2013. Improved completion rates will underpin a more cost-effective education system. Regarding university education, average completion rates were 5.9 years in 2012, which exceeds the fixed five years for a bachelor s and a master s degree. A political agreement has now been concluded which is to ensure a better framework for active completion of studies in higher education. The agreement comprises initiatives that are to e.g. foster an active study culture through mandatory enrolment for subjects and tests corresponding to a full year of study, and to discontinue the possibility that the individual student can cancel participation in individual tests. Furthermore, a better framework is to be established for the transfer of credits from a study period at another institution or change of studies, increased use of starting in the winter term, as well as better transitions between the bachelor s and master s educational programmes. Lastly, the universities have been met with requirements to reduce average time of studies by 4.3 months up to 2020. The measures have not been evaluated and adjusted for any unintended consequences. 16 16/21 45/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 Internationalisation In June 2013, the Danish Government launched an action plan to strengthen internationalisation in higher education. The first part of the action plan focused on enhancing outgoing mobility, international learning environments and Danish students foreign language competencies. The Government has set the ambitious target that a minimum of 50 per cent of graduates from Danish higher education institutions are to have studied abroad or had an internship abroad by 2020. The second part, which was made public in April 2014, focuses on ways in which Denmark also in future can attract and retain the most competent international students. An example of measures to promote educational institutions opportunity of entering into strategic partnerships is the Danish innovation centres abroad. For the time being, Denmark is represented at innovation centres in Shanghai, Silicon Valley, Munich, São Paulo, New Delhi and Seoul. The centres contribute to ensuring a Danish presence in the world s leading research, education and innovation environments, and they are to attract new knowledge, talent and investment, as well as translating knowledge into growth. This strong presence in e.g. emerging markets contributes to strengthening intergovernmental cooperation for the benefit of the internationalisation of higher education. The Danish innovation centres contribute to facilitating the conclusion of partnership and exchange agreements between Danish higher education institutions and foreign institutions. 8b. Proposal for issue to be taken forward during the next ET 2020 work cycle Skills matching higher education competencies and labour market needs For a number of years, the focus in Denmark has been on educating more and more people. In recent years, the universities have considerably extended the intake of students, which means that the share of a youth cohort that already today is expected to complete a long-cycle higher education programme is almost 30 per cent. With a large percentage of young people on their way through the higher education system, the focus has now changed to the importance of ensuring quality and relevance in higher education, including also vocationally and professionally-oriented higher education. In the analyses carried out up to now of the challenges regarding quality and relevance in Denmark, it has shown very clearly that there is a shortage of tools for better assessing needs and connections between the competencies acquired in higher education and the competencies wanted on the labour market, including in particular in the private business community. The EU has already initiated a number of initiatives for the purpose of becoming better able to anticipate future competence needs, e.g. the New Skills for New Jobs initiative. The Danish assessment is that there will be a need for focus on this area also in the next ET 2020 work cycle up to 2017. Expected output: Strengthened employability and a reduction in unemployment among graduates. 9. Adult Learning 9a. Assessment of measures regarding the quality, participation and efficiency of adult learning and basic skills to low-skilled adults Efforts regarding adult education and continuing training in Denmark are still at a very high level in a European context. This applies both to participation in public and private adult education and continuing training. It is the Government s assessment that investment in adult education and continuing training that strengthens both participation and quality plays a vital role in companies growth and the individual s opportunities on the labour market and in society. According to the Danish PIAAC survey of 2013, the most serious challenges facing Denmark in the area of adult learning are linked to the need for an improvement of competencies on the labour market to ensure sufficient qualified labour up to 2020 and to the fact that, in spite of an increasing educational level, there is a considerable need for better basic skills in the employable part of the population, especially with respect to reading and ICT. Strengthening of quality and efficiency In December 2012, the Government presented its visions for an improvement of standards in youth education programmes as well as adult education and continuing training in the proposal Even better education 17 17/21 46/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 programmes for young people and adults. The objective of improving standards is that all should become as competent as possible, that the educational programmes should contribute to reducing the significance of social background to academic results, and that well-being should be enhanced. The improvement of standards will be realised through a number of initiatives within general adult education from August 2014. They imply in particular more and better lessons, more time between teachers and adult participants for teaching, more differentiated, targeted and learner-tailored teaching, as well as more practicebased, application-oriented teaching and learning. In addition, teacher and management qualifications will be strengthened. Within vocational adult education of skilled and unskilled adults, an adjustment of the legislative framework was carried out in 2013 with a view to improving quality. This has been achieved e.g. through increased quality supervision of providers and increased flexibility and targeting in order to meet the competence needs of unskilled and skilled workers. Moreover, in collaboration with the social partners, a comprehensive service check is carried out of this area of education for the purpose of strengthening visibility and quality, and for the purpose of making it easier and more flexible for the users to avail themselves of the public education programmes. With regard to non-formal adult education and folk high schools, ongoing professional development of the teachers is achieved through supplementary training opportunities that take their point of departure in the special pedagogy within these areas. For the non-formal adult education area, a supplementary training programme has been launched in 2014, which takes its point of departure in non-formal adult education pedagogy. For the folk high school area, a cross-sectorial development project has been initiated for 2013-2015 with a focus on the nonformal adult education objective of the folk high schools and on the interaction of the boarding school form between teaching and social interaction outside teaching hours. Participation in adult education and continuing training as well as the strengthening of basic skills The Government has taken a number of initiatives to strengthen participation in adult education and continuing training. Participation in general adult education which enhances basic skills has increased since 2012 e.g. through more targeted out-reach guidance and advisory effort under the auspices of 13 regional adult education and continuing training centres, which also have contributed to strengthening regional interaction between adult education and continuing training and the employment and business development effort. For the period 2013-2016, approx. DKK 150 million has been allocated to the activities of the centres that are operated through performance contracts and indicator-based performance targets. As part of its ambitious growth strategy, the Government has concluded a forward-looking broad agreement, Growth Plan DK, which comprises e.g. a strengthening of public adult education and continuing training by an extra DKK 1 billion for the period 2014-2017. The funds are to ensure e.g. an improvement of standards so as to help unskilled workers become skilled workers and help skilled workers into higher education, as well as initiatives strengthening the quality and efficiency of adult education and continuing training. The action is implemented in collaboration between the social partners and the Folketing in 2014. As part of the Government s reform of VET, a new vocationally-oriented education and training programme will be established for adults. The new programme will be based on increased RPL, shorter, targeted training programmes and training agreements with employers, which will provide more adults with the opportunity for upgrading at skilled level. With respect to higher education, as part of the reform of the Folkeskole in 2013, the Government has allocated an extra DKK 1 billion for continuing and further training programmes for teachers and social educators in the Danish Folkeskole from 2014-2020. The funds are to be spent in dialogue with the various actors in the sector. It is recommended that they should be spent on upgrading teachers for new subjects in the Folkeskole and also on supplementary training of resource persons within a subject for example within ICT or didactic competencies in the subject. The funds may be spent on both formal and non-formal upgrading. In order to strengthen adults basic skills, the Government has allocated extra funds in the 2014 Finance and Appropriation Act for adult refugees and immigrants in the subjects Danish and maths. From August 2014, a 18 18/21 47/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 pilot project will be launched with special preparatory learning programmes for bilingual adults with too weak language skills to be able to benefit from the ordinary preparatory adult education programmes. Targeted teaching and the application of pedagogical methods directed at bilingual students can improve bilingual fellow citizens opportunities for education and training and employment. The Government s 2013 reform of the cash benefit system means also that all young unemployed persons below the age of 30 who have not completed a youth education programme are to have their basic skills tested and be offered preparatory adult education. The most recent reform of general adult education means that the education has become targeted more specifically at new groups e.g. young adults who typically have left school education with insufficient skills to complete further education and training. At the same time, the reform gives mature adults better opportunities to strengthen their basic professional qualifications with a view to education and training, a change of jobs, etc. The PIAAC survey shows that there is a great need for better basic skills among both young and adult unskilled persons and especially among those who are bilingual. From January 2014, pilot projects and development projects will be implemented within general adult education for the purpose of adjusting the education further to the new target groups. 9b. Proposal for issue to be taken forward during the next ET 2020 work cycle Digital learning in adult education programmes The prioritisation of efforts to promote national strategies for digital learning in adult education programmes e.g. digital teaching materials, forms of working in the teaching, as well as the provision of digital education programmes. Digital skills are becoming more and more crucial for whether adults perform well on the labour market and for their digital participation in society. Expected output: Strengthened effort to improve the digital skills of adults. C. ET 2020 GOVERNANCE AND EUROPE 2020 10a. Assessment of initiatives that integrate education-related elements in other policy areas aiming to stimulate growth and jobs In February 2013, the Government published its Growth Plan DK, which holds a key target of raising the employment rate through increased education and training and through reforms boosting the supply of labour. The reforms include the reform of the Danish State Educational Support (SU) system (cf. section 3.a) and the cash benefit reform of April 2013, which together are expected to raise the supply of labour by approx. 9000 persons. The reform of the cash benefit system, which includes an increased effort to assist more young people who have no education and training leading to a vocational/professional qualification in completing an education, is meant to support and ensure that persons on the edge of the labour market get into employment to a greater extent. For young people, the reform implies that those without any education and training, but with the qualifications for completing an education, must be met with a requirement to start education or training. Young people without any education and training and no qualifications for completing an education are to be offered the necessary help to be upgraded to start ordinary education and training. Young people with an education and training are to be helped into employment, whereas the effort towards young people with reading and writing difficulties is to be intensified and systematised. 10b. Assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the ET 2020 governance, working methods and tools This response is connected with the response to question 1a. Targets and strategies, tools as well as frameworks have been adopted, defined and established before and during ET 2020, including benchmarks, a new agenda for adult learning, a recommendation for validation of non- 19 19/21 48/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 formal and informal learning, mechanisms for quality assurance and the Copenhagen process. The second half of the present decade ought to focus on implementation and on making established mechanisms and tools relevant to end users, be they students, institutions, employers and other education stakeholders. A European area for skills and qualifications may be included as an element in a discussion of focused implementation. (Details regarding the Danish position will be addressed bilaterally). The important thing is that much effort should be put into the implementation of the variety of existing tools before new tools are established. The Council is to be properly involved and not precipitately in the forthcoming discussions of the implementation and coherence between tools and the contribution of these to strategic priorities and major European agendas such as young people s mobility and recognition of qualifications across borders. The social partners should also be involved constructively at both national and European levels. Denmark has called for and welcomed fewer OMC groups as well as streamlining. The result of the revised OMC groups remains to be evaluated before any decision can be made regarding further development. Regular reporting by the chair and a member of these groups or a representative of the high-level groups in the Council should be considered as a basis for discussing whether the work of the OMC groups is to be taken forward in the Council or not. Denmark was one of the Member States supporting the proposal to let a government minister sponsor OMC groups in order to make them more politically relevant. In addition, it should be underlined that Denmark sees no immediate need for adopting more benchmarks before 2020, but supports the continued work on the current benchmarks. 10c. Assessment of measures to promote partnerships with stakeholders Since March 2012, the Government has had a partnership for the Folkeskole where the key stakeholders in the Folkeskole area have been invited to participate. The objective of the partnership has been to contribute to creating a common understanding and ownership regarding the changes facing us with the reform of the Folkeskole. The partnership has discussed the challenges and key action areas of the Folkeskole. In addition, the partnership has contributed inspiration and knowledge to the Government s design of the Folkeskole reform. The partnership will continue after the launch of the reform of the Folkeskole in August 2014. This means that the partnership will continue to be a forum for dialogue on how the target and initiatives of the reform are to be translated into practice, and how each and every one of the various parties can contribute to improving the academic standards of the Folkeskole. In the area of youth and VET in Denmark, there is a very well-established practice of collaboration and partnerships between national education authorities, the social partners and civil society. As part of the modernisation of VET, the Government set up a reform committee in 2012, which contributed recommendations to the Government s reform proposal in the area of VET in autumn 2013. Furthermore, in 2013 the Government took the initiative to strengthen the involvement of stakeholders within general and vocationally-oriented youth education programmes through the establishment of a new central advisory committee on youth education programmes. This committee is to contribute to strengthening the overall effort targeted at youth education programmes in Denmark. With a view to strengthening e.g. growth and educational initiatives regionally, the Government has taken the initiative to conclude partnership agreements in 2014 between the Government and the six regional growth fora in the Danish regions that e.g. administer EU Structural Funds. In the area of higher education, the Minister for Higher Education and Science has formalised regular contact with her stakeholders at both educational and institutional level. Rectors meetings: The Ministry and the rectors of the maritime educational institutions, the institutions of architecture and art, academies of professional higher education, university colleges, and the universities hold several meetings every year. Council: Rådet for Erhvervsakademiuddannelser og Professionsbacheloruddannelser (the council for academies of professional higher education programmes and university college programmes), which receives secretariat services provided by the Ministry, consists of a number of key stakeholders and organisations that advise the Minister on the education programmes in this area. 20 20/21 49/82

Denmark s National Report 2014 on the implementation of ET 2020 Uddannelsesmødet (the education meeting): Once a year, the Minster for Higher Education and Science invites the rectors and heads of all higher education institutions as well as other stakeholders to a meeting with an agenda that is based on a current political theme. 10d. Assessment of the effectiveness and impact of the 2007-2013 Lifelong Learning Programme and the ET 2020 objectives, as well as the use of Erasmus+ and the European Structural and Investment Funds The 2007-2013 Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) has contributed to strengthening the mobility of teachers in all sectors of the education system, cf. objective 1 in ET 2020, and with regard to mobility contributed to ongoing professional development of teachers in all sectors, which objective 2 focuses on. Even if programme funds vary considerably depending on the sector in question, LLP has played a considerable role in relation to both the mobility of Danish teachers, but also in relation to establishing collaboration and development of the quality of education programmes between Danish and other European educational institutions. With regard to future coupling between the financial resources in Erasmus+ (2014-2020) and the political objectives of ET 2020, it is a requirement that activities that obtain support via Erasmus+ are directed at the European targets within the respective sectors. In its determination of the national objectives and priorities for the European Social Fund (ESF) in 2014-2020, the Danish Government has attached importance to ensuring that the Danish programme action supports the national growth and education policy and can supply a contribution to the Europe 2020 strategy and the ET 2020 objectives. The programme action will especially focus on contributing to ensuring that more young people and adults complete initial VET, that the quality of vocational and adult education and training is strengthened, and that the competencies of the labour force are improved, especially through participation in lifelong learning by persons with a low level of educational attainment. 21 21/21 50/82

ETUCE Education International Internationale de l'education European Trade Union Committee for Education EI European Region Internacional de la Educación http://www.ei-ie.org ETUCE position on future objectives of EU2020 Strategy on education and training EUROPEAN REGION- ETUCE President Christine BLOWER Vice-Presidents Odile CORDELIER Walter DRESSCHER Paula ENGWALL Andreas KELLER Galina MERKULOVA Branimir STRUKELJ Adopted by ETUCE Bureau on 16 June, 2014 ETUCE, which represents 132 teachers trade unions in 45 countries, strongly welcomes the fact that the European Commission is having a public consultation on the future priorities on EU2020. The hereby position is our answer to the questions of the public consultation. While EU2020 has provided directions to the member states' national strategies to achieve growth and jobs, the targets have not been achieved due to the severe effect of the economic and financial crisis. Poverty has increased, unemployment rate is the highest in the EU s history, and the quality of education and training is deteriorating. PIAAC results proved that there is an extremely high rate of low-skilled adults in Europe, and high number is people not in employment and education (NEETs). There are numerous new challenges, which should be taken into account in setting up future objectives, such as increased nationalism / EU-scepticism and increased inequality. We believe that the primary focus of EU2020 should be on the people. It should demonstrate and enhance a strong European cooperation to improve people' life, by providing them with employment, by improving the quality of education and training and by decreasing their poverty. EU2020 should focus on solutions tackling and avoiding future crisis. Combatting the crisis and its negative influence on social and economic state of Europe should stay in the agenda, because unfortunately we still cannot speak about post-crisis. Instead of austerity policies, the countries should be encouraged to focus on well-targeted investment. For example spending on countries' defence could be reduced in many cases, and shifted to invest to increase employability rate and to improve quality in education. 5, Bd du Roi Albert II, 9th 1210 Brussels, Belgium Tel +32 2 224 06 91/92 Fax +32 2 224 06 94 secretariat@csee-etuce.org Effective social dialogue is imperative to achieve the objectives of EU2020 at European and national level. However, the crisis has also affected social dialogue. It is obvious that countries with strong and effective social dialogue have been more successfully dealing with the crisis than others. This is why social dialogue must be strengthened in all fields, especially in education and training, at European, national, regional and local level. We regret that social partners, especially teachers trade unions have not been appropriately consulted about the implementation of the EU2020 at national levels, which is an issue to be urgently solved. http://www.csee-etuce.org 1/3 51/82

We believe that targets and benchmarks in the EU2020 strategy should be made coherent with the ones in the ET2020 strategy. Although the current targets for 2020 respond to the strategy's objectives of fostering growth and jobs, two strategies on education and training the (higher education attainment and reducing early school leaving) do not cover challenges of teachers and trainers, school leaders, young and adult people, and do not focus on investment and quality education and training in general. In order to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth the most important and relevant areas to be added to the existing EU2020 objectives are the following: - Improve employability for all - Enhance effective social dialogue in all levels - Decrease numbers of people not in employment and education (NEETs) We believe that the objectives of EU2020 on education and training should cover general objectives on education and training, such as: Ensure sustainable investment in education and training Improve quality and free access to education and training for all Ensure effective and enhanced social dialogue on the design and implementation of education and training policies. As far as we are concerned, to achieve the EU2020 objectives, it is essential to make further efforts to maintain the achievements of achieving the present ET2020 objectives, and to add further targets, such as: Improve efficient teaching and training by quality initial and continuous professional development of teachers and trainers. Minimum 10 % of the working time of teachers in all education sectors should be spent on continuous professional development. Improve teachers and trainers working conditions, salary, and raise the status of the profession. Enhance gender equality in the teaching profession. Taken into account the PIAAC results, it is essential to make benchmarks on adult learning to improve basic skills and motivation of adults to attend lifelong learning courses. The EU working age population with low literacy and low numeracy skills (20%) and low ICT skills (25%) should be decreased. Besides of improving basic skills (maths, literacy and numeracy), which are measurable, EU countries should focus more on improving the 8 key competences 1, with special attention to learning to learn, social and civic competences, digital competences and language competences of learners and teachers. 1 http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/education_training_youth/lifelong_learning/c11090_en.h tm 2 2/3 52/82

Special attention should be made to improve innovative and transversal skills, especially ICT skills, of the learners and their teachers in all education sectors. Linking to the implementation of the European Area for Skills and Qualifications, countries should work together with social partners to increase the number and improve the quality of apprenticeship places. Ensure national and European-level social dialogue in all the stages of implementation of the strategic objectives on education and training, at all levels. We find it essential that EU-level targets are broken down into national targets as EU2020 and ET2020 must have influence on national strategies, and national programmes should translate these targets. The future strategy can deliver results if the Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs) of the European Semester process by focusing on the implementation of EU2020 and ET2020 objectives at national levels, taking into account the subsidiarity principle and flexibility in relevant fields. In general, EU2020 and ET2020 objectives should better link the priorities of the Annual Growth Survey of the European Commission and therefore to the budgetary, economic and social policy objectives of the CSRs of the European Semester. Growth can be achieved with ending austerity policy. Member States are better encouraged to focus on the implementation of common targets for growth if it happens with a cooperative way between the Member States and the European Commission. Reporting and monitoring national actions seemingly do not always help the member states to achieve the objectives. We suggest to concentrate on well-targeted peer-reviews and exchange of experiences among the governments to make common efforts to achieve the strategic targets on education and training. The focus should be on implementing the EU-level policies and making them adaptable for newer needs than on continuously creating new policies. The seven action programmes for growth 2 developed under the EU2020 and ET2020 strategies, such as the Youth on the Move and Digital Agenda, had limited influence at national levels. Concerning the fact that education and training is under national competence, these programmes could limited effect at national levels. However, some of these affected Country Specific Recommendations of the European Commission to countries, which definitely had positive impact on their implementation. As far as we are concerned, the EU not only needs a comprehensive and overarching medium-term strategy for growth and jobs for the coming years, but it also must set up short-term and long-term objectives taking into attention the possible future challenges. We prefer that the short-term strategies should focus on solutions to combat the crisis, medium-term strategies to combat the negative impact of the crisis on economic and social development of Europe, while we should look into the future for long-term growth. 2 "Flagship initiatives": "Digital agenda for Europe", "Innovation Union", "Youth on the move", "Resource efficient Europe", "An industrial policy for the globalisation era", "Agenda for new skills and jobs", "European platform against poverty" 3 3/3 53/82

ETUCE Education International Internationale de l'education European Trade Union Committee for Education EI European Region Internacional de la Educación http://www.ei-ie.org EUROPEAN REGION- ETUCE ETUCE Position on the proposal of the European Commission on the 2014-2015 Country Specific Recommendations of the European Semester Adopted by ETUCE Bureau on 10 June 2014 President Christine BLOWER Vice-Presidents Odile CORDELIER Walter DRESSCHER Paula ENGWALL Andreas KELLER Galina MERKULOVA Branimir STRUKELJ On 2 June, the European Commission published its Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs) addressed to the Member States on their National Reform Programmes and convergence/stability programmes for the period 2014-2015 with a view to boost growth and increase competitiveness. The recommendations are based on an assessment of every Member State's fiscal plans for 2014-2015 to boost growth and jobs. ETUCE, which represents 132 teachers trade union in 45 countries, welcomes the fact that Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs) 2014-2015 were provided to improve quality in education and training. To this end, almost all the EU Member States 1 have received targeted recommendations to improve education and training. The ETUCE believes that profound changes should be made by national strategies to reach quality education and training. The two strategic objectives of EU2020 on education and training, concerning higher education and early school leaving, and targets in ET2020 strategy, have not been addressed considerably, since the CSRs main focus is on essential issues to tackle unemployment and increase employability in Europe. We believe that CSRs have a broader influence on the education sector and on teachers. ETUCE believes that the national objectives identified by the CSRs should focus also on the implementation of essential European-level initiatives, such as the European Alliance for Apprenticeship, the Youth Guarantee and the Quality Framework of Traineeship. 5, Bd du Roi Albert II, 9th 1210 Brussels, Belgium We strongly welcome that the European Commission rightly identifies that education, training, research and innovation as key areas to boost growth and competitiveness, by recommending Member States to priorities and preserve growth-enhancing expenditure in this area. The European Commission recognises that some countries (BG, IT, SK, RO) cut public spending for education in the past years, and that others will do so in the course of next years. In a framework of continued financial consolidation and demands to bring down the public debt, it is hard to believe that Member States could find the financial resources to implement these Recommendations. The ETUCE has documented in several Tel +32 2 224 06 91/92 Fax +32 2 224 06 94 secretariat@csee-etuce.org http://www.csee-etuce.org 1 With the exception of Greece and Cyprus, which are under EU/IMF financial assistance programmes 1/3 54/82

occasions the serious crisis 2 in the education sector, due to severe under-financing of education. This situation could only worsen if Member States would further cut their budgets on education. For this reason, we call the European Council and European Commission to use all the tools of the European Semester governance framework, here included CSRs, to urge Member States to protect and increase resources allocated to education, while laying out a clear vision for targeted effective investments aiming at the European long term strategic objectives. We believe that CSRs targeting education and training should go hand in hand with appropriate sustainable public funding, with a stronger focus on quality of education, and we oppose to any performance related funding of education 3. We welcome the fact that the European Commission addresses extensively the need to tackle unemployment. ETUCE strongly considers that more support is needed for young people, and that students performances should be addressed. We therefore strongly welcome that most of the countries received recommendations to enhance better employment and labour market relevance in education, to tackle skills mismatches, youth unemployment and high rate of NEETs 4. Yet, we are greatly concerned about the fact that CSRs identify education and training as the primary tool to tackle the problem of record youth unemployment and of the high rate of young people not in education or training (NEET). We believe that Europe can only recover from this unprecedented job crisis by ending austerity policy and developing alternative economic policies targeting investments, job creation, including fresh jobs for graduates helping developing a knowledge-based economy, and social inclusion. Numerous countries received recommendations to link education and training to labour market need. We strongly oppose to considering labour market needs are the primary aim of education. Education is a public service conceived to give the opportunity to all citizens to receive quality training and to get a chance to improve their life and to get employment. In this view, education and training is a long-term process and cannot serve the continuously changing immediate needs of the labour market. We believe that other actors must be taken into deeper consideration to implement consistent and coordinated CSRs objectives. Teachers, who stand at the core of the school environment, thus bearing bigger responsibility for education outcomes, are hardly mentioned throughout these CSRs 5. High quality teaching and training of teachers 2 For reference, ETUCE Action and Campaign Framework on the Economic Crisis: - ETUCE survey - The continued impact of the crisis on teachers in Europe, 2013 - Analysis of a mini-survey on the impact of the economic crisis on teacher education in the European Union, 2012 - ETUCE action and campaign framework on the economic crisis - Analysis of the mini-survey, 2012 3 Recommendation to CZ. 4 Recommendation to BE, BG, CZ, DK, FI, FR, DE, HU, IE, LV, LT, LX, MT, PL, PT, RO, SK, SI, ES, SW, UK. 5 Assessments for BG, IT and SK but there is no specific related CSR; CSR only mention training for trainers and tutors in Spain. 2 2/3 55/82

affecting recruitment and retention cannot be underrated, especially given the destructive effect of the crisis on the teachers personal and professional well-being. Motivated and motivating teachers are one of the essential conditions to reduce dropouts at any level. We welcome that early school leaving and dropouts are presented as an important target for some countries 6. Nevertheless, the European Commission fails to recognise quality teaching as one of the basic condition to tackle the problem. We believe that it is essential to have more CSRs on adult learning 7 to improve basic skills of adults, workers, and unemployed people, taking into consideration the PIAAC results. According to the OECD, 20% of the EU workforce still has a serious lack of basic skills, including low literacy and low numeracy skills. 25% of adults also lack the skills to effectively make use of ICT. This creates bottlenecks and mismatches for a number of jobs and professions. We urge the European Commission to use the instrument of CSRs to pledge Member States to increase investment into learning of the adults and low skilled. We support that the European Commission highlighted the need of inclusiveness in education to reduce poverty and inequalities in Europe. An enhanced and inclusive access to quality early childhood education for disadvantaged children is mentioned in some Recommendations 8 as the key driver to exit poverty and exclusion. Nonetheless, CSRs limit this target to very few countries addressing the integration of migrant children. We believe that the scope of inclusive education must be extended to all socially and economically disadvantaged people, and should be present in each CSR. Moreover, we welcome that numerous countries were recommended to improve VET, apprenticeship and work-based learning 9. It is essential to touch upon the issue of the modernisation of education and training systems, to increase the availability of good quality traineeships or apprenticeships and the permeability between higher education and VET in all EU countries 10. Regrettably, the modernisation of education and training is only foreseen in light of a strengthened partnership with business and employers. We strongly believe that European and national social partners, particularly the teachers trade union, should be included in any partnership affecting quality education and the transition from education to the labour market. Proper social dialogue should be set to guarantee the full and beneficial implementation Country Specific Recommendations. Social partners contribution in designing, implementing and monitoring education and training policies embedded into the Recommendations is a key issue, which should be explicitly mentioned in the Country Specific Recommendations. ETUCE believes that only through this effective partnership the implementation of CSRs will be successful. 6 Recommendation to: AT, BE, BG, FR, HU, IT, MT, PT, TO, ES 7 Recommendation to : BG, ET, FR, PL, IE, LT, LUX, RO 8 Recommendation to: AT, BG, CZ, RO, SK and HU to some extent 9 Recommendation to: BG, HR, DK, EST, FI, FR, HU, IE, IT, LV, LT, MT, PL, PT, RO, SK, SI, ES, SW, UK 10 Recommendation to: IT. 3 3/3 56/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois Bilag 5.1. DLI-NOTAT Status for TTIP og uddannelse Det Transatlantiske Handels- og Investeringspartnerskab 2/10 2014 NSL EU og USA s forhandlinger om frihandelsaftalen TTIP omfatter også uddannelsesområdet, men som det fremgår af nærværende notat, er det en begrænset del af uddannelsesområdet der forventes at blive omfattet. Det er særligt relevant at bemærke, at al uddannelse der modtager nogen form for offentlig finansiering ikke omfattes af aftalen. EU-Kommissionen har bekræftet dette i forbindelse med forskellige møder, på sin hjemmeside og det fremgår også af en lækket version af EU s forhandlingsoplæg dateret 30/6 2014. Bemærk at forhandlingsoplægget ikke er offentligt og at den lækkede version (naturligvis) ikke er bekræftet. EU s aktuelle forhandlingsoplæg om uddannelse i TTIP I Kommissionens forhandlingsoplæg fra den 30/6 2014 har Kommissionen lagt op til følgende formulering af, hvad der generelt er undtaget fra TTIP s anvendelsesområde på uddannelsesområdet. Formuleringen lyder: 1, 2, 3) The EU reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with regard to education services which receive public funding or State support in any form, and are therefore not considered to be privately funded (CPC 92) and with regard to privately funded other education services (CPC 929). Ud fra formuleringen er al offentlig finansieret uddannelse inklusiv delvis finansieret uddannelse undtaget fra TTIP, mens privat finansieret uddannelse er omfattet. Dette gælder dog ikke kategorien other education services, der som helhed er ekskluderet fra TTIP. Rent praktisk opdeles uddannelsessektoren i TTIP, som i andre handelsaftaler, efter FN s CPC-system. 1 Inden for systemet er kategorierne i uddannelsessektoren Primary school incl. Preschool, secondary education, higher education, adult education og other education. Illustrativt kan omfanget af TTIP s anvendelsesområde forklares således: 1 CPC står for Central Product Classification, opdeler sektorer og subsektorer efter nummerindeling. CPS 929 henviser fx til other education services. Side 1 af 3 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 1/3 57/82

Danske Lærerorganisationer International Danish Teacher Trade Unions Syndicats d'enseignants Danois Bilag 5.1. DLI-NOTAT Rent teknisk betyder ovenstående, at Kommissionen i forhandlingsoplægget forbeholder sig retten til at regulere offentlig finansieret uddannelse uden hensyn til TTIP s regler, herunder most-favored-nation, market access og national treatment-reglerne. 2 Kommissionen tager dog ikke forbehold for at regulere den privatfinansierede del af uddannelsessektoren, hvorfor denne sandsynligvis vil blive omfattet af TTIP. Dette er dog ikke noget nyt, da netop denne del af uddannelsessektoren allerede er omfattet af GATS. 3 I forhold til den kategori som omfatter other education services, har EU taget fuldstændigt forbehold for både offentligt og privat finansierede ydelser. Dette er sandsynligvis begrundet med, at det er uklart, hvad denne kategori indeholder, hvorfor et generelt forbehold er det mest fornuftige. Netop kategorien other education services har været en kategori, USA har haft stor interesse i, og Kommissionen har også forud for forhandlingsoplægget haft en høring i medlemsstaterne om netop det område. Det ser dog ud til, at høringen er faldet således ud, at området ikke bliver omfattet af TTIP-aftalen. Definitionen af offentlig uddannelse I TTIP - ligesom i andre internationale handelsaftaler - skelnes der på uddannelsesområdet mellem offentligt- og privatfinansierede tilbud. En af de store bekymringer, der især har været rejst fra ETUCE s side, er, at det er uvist hvornår en uddannelsesservice karakteriseres som offentligt finansieret modsat privatfinansieret (og omfattet af TTIP). I forhandlingsoplægget fra maj 2014, så formuleringen for hvad der var undtaget fra TTIP s anvendelsesområde, således ud: 1, 2, 3) The EU reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with regard to publicly-funded education services (CPC 92) and with regard to privately funded other education services (CPC 929). Dette gav anledning til en række bekymringer, da netop publicly funded er en uklar definition. I Danmark, såvel som på europæisk plan, er uddannelsessystemet sammensat af en række forskellige former for finansiering, som illustrativt kan beskrives således: Offentlig finansiering Privat finansiering Uddannelse Blandet finansiering Øvrig finansiering (fx arbejdsplads) De meget forskellige finansieringsstrukturer som findes både på nationalt og europæisk plan, giver anledning til bekymring, da det skaber gråzoner, hvor det er uvist, hvor meget privatfinansiering der skal til, før bægeret tipper over, og uddannelsesservicen bliver betragtet som privat. 2 Most-favored-nation-reglen (MFN) handler om, at hvis en nation giver et land i en handelsaftale ret til at komme ind på markedet, skal alle andre parter have den samme ret. Market access-reglen handler om adgangsbarrierer til markedet herunder fx kvoter. National treatment-reglen stiller krav om, at man ikke må diskriminere udenlandske firmaer. 3 General Agreement on Trade in Services, som er den aftale der foreligger i WTO-regi på området. Side 2 af 3 Danske Lærerorganisationer International +32 2 224 06 70 Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, 9ème étage dli@dlint.org B-1210 Bruxelles www.dlint.org 2/3 58/82