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Søge beskrivelse for søg på CINAHL Mit problem områder er stress blandt ansatte, min indsats er supervision. Derfor vælger jeg først at finde artikler med stress. For at søge i CINAHL skal ordene oversættes til engelsk for at kunne bruges. Stress bliver til Stress på engelsk, der fortages et fuldt søg altså uden selektering på forhånd (resultater 87524 view). I engelsk termologi bruges også ordet burnout, så her søges også på ordet bournout, professional. Dette giver 2.781. Parring af Surpervion med et or (eller) bournout giver i alt 89145 view. Ansatte bliver til occupational via Gyldendals Røde ordborg og søg på CINAHL Headings giver forslag om også at bruge employee. Så der søges først på de to ord: occupational og employee hver for sig og så sættes de sammen med et or. Dette giver (111.857 view) Supervision bliver til Supervision på engelsk, da jeg ved at der i andre termologier ikke skelens mellem supervision og coaching, så vælger jeg også at søge på coaching. Paring mellem supervison og coaching med et or giver resultater 13854 view. De tre ovenstående søg kombineres med and (og). Dette giver 305 view. Dette er fortsat mange artikler. Det mindskes ved at søge på artikle, som ikke er mere end 10 år gamle. Dvs. fra 01.01.2002 og frem efter. Antalet af view er nu ned på 218. Da jeg er intereseret i sundhedspersonale, som må forventes at være at voksne. Vælger jeg at søge på artikler der kun omhandler voksne: Adult: Her ender jeg på 78 view = 78 artikler, der matcher min søgning. Søgning dokumenteret med skærm print se sidste side i dette bilag. 78 artikler er fortsat en stor mængde af data at bearbejde, derfor laver jeg følgende strategi for at mindske antallet yderlig og finde frem til de, som jeg vurdere mest relevante for min hypotese. Strategi til udvælgelse af artikler efter fund på CIHAHL, jeg læser nu abstrakt til de 78 artikler og vælger at se nærmere på artikler, hvor følgende indgår i abstraktet: 1. Artiklen skal handler om supervision i grupper 2. Stress relateret til personalet, skal indgå som emne i abstraktet. 3. Det skal være en forskningsbaseret artikel. 4. Den skal handle om undersøgelse af sundhedsprofessionelles arbejdsforhold, forhold omkring studerende og ny uddannet tages ikke med. Kan der svares ja på alle fire spørgsmål vil der blive set nærmere på artiklen: Den bearbejdning giver 10 artikler; 2 finske, 1 dansk, 3 amerikanske (USA), 1 walisisk, 1 japansk, 1 norsk og 1 svensk. 1

Den japanske og de tre fra USA, fravælges med den begrundelse, at der sandsynligvis vil være kulturelle forskelle, som kan havde indvirkning på i hvor høj grad, jeg kan anvende informationerne fra disse kilder. Her efter står jeg med 6 artikler, som jeg nu antager, kan give mig viden om mit emne. 1. Artiklens titel: The moderating role of decision authority and coworker- and supervisor support on the impact of job demands in nursing homes: A cross-sectional study. 1: nej 2:nej 3: ja 4: nej 2. Artiklens titel: 'It's Intense, to an Extent': A Qualitative Study of the Emotional Challenges Faced by Staff Working on a Treatment Programme for Intellectually Disabled Sex Offenders. 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4: nej 3. Artiklens titel: Critical Incident Stress Debriefing: An Exploratory Study of Social Workers' Preferred Models of CISM and Experiences of CISD in New Zealand. 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4: nej 4. Artiklens titel: Does clinical supervision promote medical-surgical nurses' well-being at work? A quasiexperimental 4-year follow-up study. 1: ja 2:ja 3: ja 4: ja 5. Artiklens titel: Enjoying Work or Burdened by it? How Personal Assistants Experience and Handle Stress at Work. 2

6. Artiklens titel: Cognitive behavioural therapy for individuals with longstanding anorexia nervosa: Adaptations, clinician survival and system issues. 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4: nej 7. Artiklens titel: Curvilinear relationships between role stress and innovative performance: Moderating effects of perceived support for innovation. 8. Artiklens titel: Leadership and Work pressure as predictors of Health and Safety (H&S) Behaviour in the South African Construction Industry. 9. Artiklens titel: Stressful Childbirth Situations: A Qualitative Study of Midwives. 10. Artiklens titel: Stress relief or practice development: varied reasons for attending clinical supervision., socialrådgiver 11. Artiklens titel: Staff experiences of working in crisis resolution and home treatment. 1: nej 2: ja 3: ja 4:ja 12. Artiklens titel: Relationships among supervisor feedback environment, work-related stressors, and employee deviance. 3

1: nej 2: ja 3: ja 4:ja 13. Artiklens titel: Do employees cope effectively with abusive supervision at work? An exploratory study. 1: ja 2: ja 3: ja 4: nej 14. Artiklens titel: Newly Licensed Nurses' Experiences in Rotational Training Programs in Japan. 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4: ja 15. Artiklens titel: Exploring the impact of training on the experience of Australian support group leaders: current practices and implications for research. 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4: nej 16. Artiklens titel: Psychiatric hospital nursing staff's experiences of participating in group-based clinical supervision: an interview study. 1: ja 2: ja 3: ja 4: ja 17. Artiklens titel: Impact of the prevention plan on employee health risk reduction. 18. Artiklens titel: Perceptions of conscience, stress of conscience and burnout among nursing staff in residential elder care. 1: nej 2: ja 2:ja 3:ja 19. Artiklens titel When workplace interventions lead to negative effects: learning from failures. 4

20. Artiklens titel: Intention to leave the job among live-in foreign home care workers in Israel. 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4:ja 21. Artiklens titel: Cross-cultural differences on work-to-family conflict and role satisfaction: a Taiwanese- British comparison. 1: nej 2: ja 3: ja 4:ja 22. Artiklens titel: Losing sleep: examining the cascading effects of supervisors' experience of injustice on subordinates' psychological health. 1: ja 2: ja 3: ja 4: nej 23. Artiklens titel: An exploration of burnout among city mental health nurses. 24. Artiklens titel: Secondary traumatic stress among domestic violence advocates: workplace risk and protective factors. 25. Artiklens titel: Recruiting and retaining child welfare workers: is preparing social work students enough for sustained commitment to the field? 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4: ja 5

26. Artiklens titel: Preventing burnout: the effects of LMX and mentoring on socialization, role stress, and burnout. 27. Artiklens titel: The impact of selected organizational variables and managerial leadership on radiation therapists' organizational commitment. 28. Artiklens titel: Interventions for critical incident stress in emergency medical services: a qualitative study. 1: nej 2: nej 3:ja 4:ja 29. Artiklens titel: Work resources, work-to-family conflict, and its consequences: a Taiwanese-British crosscultural comparison. 1: nej 2: nej 3:ja 4:nej 30. Artiklens titel: Factors affecting frontline workers' satisfaction with supervision. 1: ja 2: ja 3: ja 4: ja 31. Artiklens titel: The development of five scales to measure employees' appraisals of organizational-level stress management interventions. 32. Artiklens titel: Working with sexually abused children. 1: ja 2: ja 3: ja 4: ja 6

33. Artiklens titel: Recurrent changes in the work environment, job resources and distress among nurses: a comparative cross-sectional survey. 34. Artiklens titel: The climate of child welfare employee retention. 35. Artiklens titel: Relationships between stressful work environments and bullying: results of a large representative study. 36. Artiklens titel: Before preceptorship: new occupational therapists' expectations of practice and experience of supervision. 37. Artiklens titel: Stress in the workplace: a coaching approach. 1: nej 2: ja 3: nej 4: nej 38. Artiklens titel: Gender, work-based support and family outcomes. 39. Artiklens titel: Psychosocial stress: effects on abuse professionals. 7

40. Artiklens titel: Being burdened and balancing boundaries: a qualitative study of nurses' experiences caring for patients who self-harm. 41. Artiklens titel: The relationship between supervisor support and registered nurse outcomes in nursing care units. 42. Artiklens titel: Vicarious traumatisation in telephone counsellors: internal and external influences. 43. Artiklens titel Improving retention among public child welfare workers: what can we learn from the insights and experiences of committed survivors? 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4: ja 44. Artiklens titel: Community mental health nurses speak out: the critical relationship between emotional wellbeing and satisfying professional practice. 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4: ja 45. Artiklens titel: Effects of adding on-the-job feedback to conventional analog staff training in a nursing home. 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4: ja 46. Artiklens titel: 8

Haemodynamic instability after cardiac surgery: nurses' perceptions of clinical decisionmaking. 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4: ja 47. Artiklens titel: The impact of stress and support on nursing assistant satisfaction with supervision. 1: ja 2: ja 3:ja 4:ja 48. Artiklens titel: Clinical supervision and burnout: the influence of clinical supervision for community mental health nurses. 1: ja 2: ja 3: ja 4: ja 49. Artiklens titel Children with harmful sexual behaviours -- what promotes good practice? A study of one social services department. 1: nej 2:nej 3: ja 4: nej 50. Artiklens titel: Abusive supervision and subordinate problem drinking: taking resistance, stress and subordinate personality into account. 1: ja 2: nej 3: ja 4: nej 51. Artiklens titel: The effect of perceived organizational support on organizational commitment of diagnostic imaging radiographers. 1: nej 2: ja 3: ja 4:ja 52. Artiklens titel: Short communication: user friendly and 'useworthy' stress barometer. 1: nej 2: ja 3: ja 4:ja 9

53. Artiklens titel: Managing occupational stress for group care personnel. 1: nej 2: ja 3: nej 4: ja 54. Artiklens titel: We are family: congruity between organizational and family functioning constructs. 1: nej 2: ja 3: ja 4:nej 55. Artiklens titel: Working in noise with a hearing loss: perceptions from workers, supervisors, and hearing conservation program managers. 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4: nej 56. Artiklens titel: Work stress and performance among financial traders. 57. Artiklens titel: Ethical challenges in the care of older people and risk of being burned out among male nurses. 58. Artiklens titel: The relationship between coaching and workplace stress: a correlational study. 59. Artiklens titel: Work environmental factors and retention of nurses. 1: ja 2: nej 3: ja 4: ja 60. Artiklens titel: 10

Co-supervision of social work students: a model for meeting the future needs of the profession. 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4: nej 61. Artiklens titel Clinical supervision, burnout, and job satisfaction among mental health and psychiatric nurses in Finland. 1: ja 2: ja 3: ja 4:ja 62. Artiklens titel: Burnout as a developmental process among Japanese nurses: investigation of Leiter's model. 1: ja 2: ja 3: ja 4:ja 63. Artiklens titel: Work-related determinants of return to work of employees on long-term sickness absence. 1: nej 2: nej 3: ja 4: nej 64. Artiklens titel: Nurses' satisfaction with their work environment and the outcomes of clinical nursing supervision on nurses' experiences of well-being -- a Norwegian study. 1: ja 2: ja 3: ja 4:ja 65. Artiklens titel: Associations between stress at work and attitudes towards retirement in hospital physicians. 66. Artiklens titel: Factors affecting the job stress and job satisfaction of Australian nurses: implications for recruitment and retention. 11

67. Artiklens titel: The associations between work stress and mental health: a comparison of organizationally employed and self-employed workers. 68. Artiklens titel: The contribution of supervisor behaviour to employee psychological well-being. 69. Artiklens titel: Workplace bullying of physiotherapists in Ireland: what actions do victims take? 70. Artiklens titel: The relationships between work characteristics and mental health: examining normal, reversed and reciprocal relationships in a 4-wave study. 71. Artiklens titel: Violence towards psychiatric staff: a comparison of gender, job and environmental characteristics in England and Sweden. 72. Artiklens titel: The effect on ambulatory blood pressure of working under favourably and unfavourably perceived supervisors. 73. Artiklens titel 12

Clinical group supervision in an intensive care unit: a space for relief, and for sharing emotions and experiences of care. 1: ja 2: ja 3: ja 4: ja 74. Artiklens titel: Nurses satisfaction with nursing care and work in Swedish forensic psychiatric units. 1: ja 2: nej 3: ja 4: ja 75. Artiklens titel: Demand and control in human service work in relation to self-rated oral health. 76. Artiklens titel: Occupational stress as it relates to higher education, individuals and organizations. 77. Artiklens titel: Caring for the carers -- myth or reality? Social and personal resources amongst perioperative nurses following work related trauma. 78. Artiklens titel: Organizational fairness and psychological distress in hospital physicians. Oversigt over mulige artikler, der kunne være interessante at bruge i opgaven: 1. Does clinical supervision promote medical-surgical nurses' well-being at work? A quasi-experimental 4-year follow-up study. 13

2. Psychiatric hospital nursing staff's experiences of participating in group-based clinical supervision: an interview study. 3. Factors affecting frontline workers' satisfaction with supervision. 4. Working with sexually abused children. 5. The impact of stress and support on nursing assistant satisfaction with supervision. 6. Clinical supervision and burnout: the influence of clinical supervision for community mental health nurses. 7. Clinical supervision, burnout, and job satisfaction among mental health and psychiatric nurses in Finland. 8. Burnout as a developmental process among Japanese nurses: investigation of Leiter's model. 9. Nurses' satisfaction with their work environment and the outcomes of clinical nursing supervision on nurses' experiences of well-being -- a Norwegian study. 10. Clinical group supervision in an intensive care unit: a space for relief, and for sharing emotions and experiences of care. 14