Generalforsamling i IWA s nationalkomité 21. november 2013

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Generalforsamling i IWA s nationalkomité 21. november 2013 DAGSORDEN: 1. Godkendelse af dagsorden 2. Godkendelse af referat fra 13. generalforsamling den 22/11-2012 (bilag) 3. Nyt fra forretningsudvalget 4. Nyt fra IWA 5. IWA s verdenskongres i Lissabon 21.-26. september 2014 6. Valg af formand, næstformand og forretningsudvalg 7. Status for rejselegatet + reviderede kriterier (bilag) 8. Regnskab for 2012 til godkendelse (bilag) 9. Foreløbigt regnskab for 2013 10. Budget for 2014 til godkendelse 11. NORDIWA 12. Næste møde 13. Eventuelt

Godkendelse af referat fra generalforsamlingen 22/11-2012

Nyt fra forretningsudvalget Mogens Henze udtrådt Ny DTU Miljø repræsentant i Nationalkomiteen Peter Steen Mikkelsen indstilles til valg FU

Nyt fra IWA: Ger Bergkamp ny direktør

Governing Assembly i Istanbul 14. september 2013

Ny præsident fra 2014: Professor Helmut Kroiss, Østrig

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IWA Strategic Plan 2014 2018 1st Outline & Strategic Priority Areas presented at GA Istanbul September 2013 September 2014: GA vote on a new Strategic Plan 2014-2018

THE IWA VISION, MISSION AND VALUES Vision The IWA s vision is the global source of knowledge, experience and leadership for urban and basin-related water solutions. Mission Our mission is to service the IWA members, the community of water professionals, external organisations and opinion leaders through: Knowledge and expertise Best practice based on science and global experience Innovation and the application of emerging technologies Pioneering and leading new solutions Ambition We will achieve our ambition of changing the future of water management by putting inspiration into action as we connecting people, pioneering science, innovating technology and leading practice INSPIRING CHANGE 9

Strategic Priority Areas The IWA as Learning Organisation enabling professional development The IWA as Content Developer accelerating change agendas (IWA Thematic Programmes) The IWA as Reliable Source informing policies and opinions The IWA as Service Provider creating rewarding experiences

IWA Thematic Programmes Cities of the Future Water Supply Services Human Resources Capacity Thematic Programmes Urban Sanitation Initiative Basins of the Future Water, Climate & Energy INSPIRING CHANGE 11

Nyt fra Strategic Council

Fælles møde (workshop) Strategic Council + Governing Assembly

Workshop med 5 rundbords samtaler: Leading examples of Governing Member organisation and activity Developing Young Water Professionals Country Chapters Interactions between Governing Members and Specialist Groups Development of the IWA Brand and Communications Strategy The human right to safe drinking water and sanitation

Involvering Specialist groups: Advanced Oxidation Processes Anaerobic Digestion Assessment and Control of Hazardous Substances in Water Benchmarking and Performance Assessment Biofilms Chemical Industries Design, Operation and Costs of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants Design, Operation and Maintenance of Drinking Water Treatment Plants Diffuse Pollution Disinfection Efficient Urban Water Management Environmental Engineering Education Forest Industry Groundwater Restoration and Management Health-related Water Microbiology Hydroinformatics (Joint IWA/IAHR/IAHS SG) Institutional Governance and Regulation Instrumentation, Control and Automation Lake and Reservoir Management Marine Outfall Systems (Joint IWA/IAHR) Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water Membrane Technology Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Modelling and Integrated Assessment (previously: Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment) Nano and Water - Application of Nanoparticles, Nanoengineered Materials and Nanotechnology Nutrient Removal and Recovery Odours and Volatile Emissions Off-flavours in the Aquatic Environment Particle Separation Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewaters Public and Customer Communications (previously: Marketing and Communications) Rainwater Harvesting & Management Resources Oriented Sanitation (EcoSan) Sanitation and Water Management in Developing Countries Sludge Management Small Water and Wastewater Systems Statistics and Economics Strategic Asset Management Sustainability in the Water Sector Urban Drainage (Joint IWA/IAHR) Wastewater Pond Technology (previously: Waste Stabilisation Ponds) Water and Wastewater in Ancient Civilizations Water Loss Water Reuse Water Safety Planning Water Security and Safety Management Watershed and River Basin Management Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (previously: Use of Macrophytes in Water Pollution Control) Winery Wastes Management

Dedicated mechanisms to accelerate innovation on a number of specific areas together with members and partners from inside and outside the water sector IWA Clusters: Ressource recovery cluster Alternative water resources cluster Smart Network cluster Bio cluster

RESOURCE RECOVERY CLUSTER Objectives To promote resource recovery from water and wastewater To network on innovations through conferences, meetings, working groups, publications, etc. To promote links with complementary organizations to find proper ways to build value chains where waste is converted to resources in a well-managed and beneficial way Committee Chair: Willy Verstraete; Vice-Chair: Peter Cornel Core group members and representatives from SGs INSPIRING CHANGE 17

CLUSTERS AND THEIR STATUS: RESOURCE RECOVERY Activities Items Events and activities Time Location Format Workshop: IWA/KWR June, 2013 the hague, the Workshop and meeting 1 resource recovery Netherlands 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cluster core group August 2013 formation Draft mission statement August 2013 Emails communication to RR cluster core group Call for interests from September 2013 Email communications SGs Identification of external June to October 2013 Via personal connections partners Workshop proposal for Lisbon IWA WWC Workshop: Amsterdam Water Week Establishing working groups September to October 6 november 2013 Amsterdam, the Netherlands September 2013 to September 2014 Core group + relevant SGs workshops 8 Working groups call for interests and formation 9 Session: LET2014 26 to 29 of May, 2014 Abu Dhabi, UAE Session and meeting 10 Lisbon IWA WWC September of 2014 Lisbon Workshop/session and official launching 11 water research conference 2015 TBC Possible paralell session? INSPIRING CHANGE 18

Valg til Strategic Council er afviklet. Nyt Utility medlem fra UK

Strategic Council Elections Council renewed every two years, whereupon one third of the seats are put up for election Specialist Group Representatives Member Segment Representatives (utilities, regulators, individual researchers, consultants, technology suppliers, equipment manufacturers, research institutes, industrial water users) Developing Country Representatives Nominations Each Specialist Group (one group one nomination) is invited to nominate a representative of their group Each Governing Member is invited to nominate 1 candidate for each of the segments Each Low- and Middle- Income Governing Member is invited to nominate 1 candidate Voting Each Specialist Group (one group one vote) is invited to vote for their preferred candidates Each Governing Member is invited to vote for their preferred candidates for each of the segments Each Low- and Middle- Income Governing Member is invited to vote for their preferred candidates for each of the segments

14.-16. maj 2014 i Oslo

IWA Water, Energy and Climate

IWA World Water Congress 2016: Brisbane, Australien

Dansk IWA konference i Danmark 2016? Optakt til World Water Forum 2018 Tema: Water, Food & Energy

Workshop om grundvandskortlægning ansøgning indsendt Fællestur planlægges for danske deltagere

Valg af formand (ikke på valg), næstformand og forretningsudvalg

Forretningsudvalget: Helle Katrine Andersen, DANVA (formand) Anders Bækgaard, Vandcenter Syd Peter Steen Mikkelsen, DTU Miljø Jes Clauson-Kaas, HOFOR Erik Bundgaard, Krüger Vibeke Borregaard, Krüger (Spildevandsteknisk Forening) Pernille Weile, FVD

Status for rejselegatet

Rejselegat modtagere 2013: Karolina Tatari, DTU Miljø IWA 9th International Conference on Biofilm reactors, Paris. Anne Mikkelsen og Rikke Svenningsen, Ingeniørhøjskolen Tilskud til praktikophold hos Grontmij i Bangladesh Niels Malmmose Askjær, Vandcenter Syd WEFTECH konference i Chicago den 5.-9. oktober 2013 Arda Gülay, DTU Miljø IWA 5th International Conference (i USA) on Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Morten Boel Overgaard Andersen, Krüger IWA 11th Conference on Instrumentation Control and Automation, Narbonne, Frankrig

Kriterier for uddeling af rejselegatet: Rejselegatet uddeles kun til unge under 35 år (ingen mulighed for dispensation). Der gives støtte til deltagelse i faglige konferencer med relation til vandområdet, primært IWA konferencer. Hvis ansøgeren deltager med en præsentation eller en poster på konferencen øges chancen for at modtage legatet. Hvis ansøgeren er medlem af IWA s netværk for Young Water Professionals øges chancen for at modtage legatet. Der gives primært støtte til medarbejdere, der er ansat hos medlemmer af nationalkomiteen.

Forventet regnskab for 2013

Nordisk spildevandskonference i Malmø 8.-10. oktober 2013

320 deltagere (rekord) Danmark: 57 (heraf 6 forsyninger) Norge: 38 Finland: 37 Island: 0 Sverige: resten

Nordisk drikkevandskonference i Finland 2.-4. juni 2014

Møde mellem nordiske IWA Governing Members 9. oktober 2013 i Malmø Generationsskifte i Sverige: Nyt Governing Member: Magnus Arnell Ny sekretær: Frida Petterson

AGENDA 1. How do we work with the Governing Members in each country respectively? Organization Members Financing Activities 2. How are we active within IWA in our respective countries and do we have agenda? Are there points that we could collaborate on? 3. Are there national activities within Young Water Professionals (YWP) in our countries? Is there an interest for making some regional (Nordic) activities within YWP? 4. What are our plans for the 2014 World Water Congress in Lisbon?

Næste møde (generalforsamling 2014)